一、相容MySQL的insert ignore語法
功能: 忽略違背唯一約束的新元組。
postgres -> create table t1(a int primary key, b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE # 違背唯一約束,不進行插入 postgres -> insert ignore into t1(a,b) values (4,4); INSERT 0 1postgres -> insert ignore into t1(a,b) values (4,4); INSERT 0 0
- 只忽略唯一性約束,如果違背其他約束(例如分割槽約束、非null約束),則報錯。
postgres -> insert ignore into t1(a,b) values (4,NULL); ERROR: null value in column "b" violates not-null constraint DETAIL: Failing row contains (4, null)
postgres -> create table t1 (a int primary key, b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE postgres -> insert into t1 values(3,3), (4,4); INSERT 0 2# 插入的資料和已有的兩個元組都衝突,但只更新了其中一個元組(3,3) postgres -> insert into t1 values(3,4) on duplicate key update b=2; INSERT 0 2postgres -> select * from t1; a | b ---+--- 3 | 2 4 | 4
- 暫不支援在ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE子句中使用VALUES()函式來引用新值,可以使用excluded虛擬表來代替。
postgres -> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3,0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b = excluded.b; INSERT 0 2postgres -> select * from t1; a | b ---+--- 3 | 0 4 | 4(2rows) postgres -> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(3,0) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b=VALUES(b); ERROR: syntax error at or near "VALUES"
- 往臨時表批量寫入多個新元組時,如果新元組之間存在唯一性衝突,則會報錯(根本原因是臨時表存在於計算節點,使用的不是innodb引擎)。
postgres -> create temp table t1(a int primary key, b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE postgres -> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5,5), (5,6) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b = excluded.b; ERROR: ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE command cannot affect row a secondtime HINT: Ensure that norows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values. postgres ->
- 臨時表返回的影響行數的差異。即使更新前後的值相同,臨時表返回的影響行數仍然大於0。
postgres -> create temp table t1(a int primary key, b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE postgres -> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5,5) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b=excluded.b; INSERT 0 1postgres -> INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(5,5) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE b=excluded.b; INSERT 0 1
三、相容mysql的replace into語法
postgres -> create table t1(a int primary key, b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE postgres -> insert into t1 values(3,3),(4,4); INSERT 0 2postgres -> replace into t1 values(3,4); INSERT 0 3postgres -> select * from t1; a | b ---+--- 3 | 4(1row)
- 往臨時表批量寫入多個新元組時,如果新元組之間存在唯一性衝突,則會報錯(根本原因是臨時表存在於計算節點,使用的不是innodb引擎)。
postgres -> create table t1(a int primary key, b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE postgres -> replace into t1 values(1,1),(1,2); INSERT 0 3postgres -> create temp table t2(a int primary key,b int not null unique); CREATE TABLE postgres -> replace into t2 values(1,1),(1,2); ERROR: REPLACEINTO command cannot affect row a secondtime HINT: Ensure that norows proposed for insertion within the same command have duplicate constrained values.
四、相容MySQL的update/delete...order by...limit.. 語法
postgres -> create table t1 (a int primary key, b int); CREATE TABLE postgres -> insert into t1 select generate_series(1,100),generate_series(1,100); INSERT 0 100# 對非分割槽表的有序更新 postgres -> update t1 set b=b+1 order by a desc limit 4 returning*; a | b -----+----- 100 | 101 99 | 100 98 | 99 97 | 98(4rows) UPDATE 4postgres -> drop table t1; DROP TABLE postgres -> CREATE TABLE t1 (A INT PRIMARY KEY,B INT) PARTITION BY RANGE(a); CREATE TABLE postgres -> CREATE TABLE t1p1 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100); CREATE TABLE postgres -> CREATE TABLE t1p2 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUES FROM (100) TO (200); CREATE TABLE postgres -> insert into t1 select generate_series(0,199); INSERT 0 200# 指定分割槽表刪除的總量 postgres -> delete from t1 limit 4 returning *; a | b ---+--- 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | (4rows) DELETE 4
- 暫不支援指定分割槽表的更新/刪除的順序(注意:臨時表的分割槽表已經支援)。 當然,實際使用中需要嚴格規定更新/刪除順序的場景是極少的,這一限制並不會對KunlunDB的使用者造成困擾。
postgres -> CREATE TABLE t1 (A INT PRIMARY KEY, B INT) PARTITION BY RANGE(a); CREATE TABLE postgres -> CREATE TABLE t1p1 PARTITION OF t1 FOR VALUESFROM (0) TO (100); CREATE TABLE postgres -> CREATE TABLE t1p2 PARTITION OF t1 FORVALUESFROM (100) TO (200); CREATE TABLE # 不能指定分割槽表刪除順序 postgres -> delete from t1 order by a limit 4 returning *; ERROR: Kunlun-db: Cannot push down plan postgres ->
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/70011764/viewspace-2888309/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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