EM Cloud Control 12c OMS 及 OMA 都需要部署Plug-in的原因 - 2
The plug-in for a specific target type is automatically deployed to the Management Agent that will monitor targets of that type. For example, if you discover a database target, the discovery plug-in component of the database plug-in is automatically deployed to the Management Agent installed on the database host.
However, this is true only for initial deployment. All subsequent updates to the Management Agent plug-in must be explicitly deployed. For example, if you want to deploy a new version of the database plug-in on the Management Agent, you must initiate the deployment using the instructions outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
Similarly, any patches to be applied on the Management Agent (framework or plug-in) must be explicitly applied using the instructions outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
Step 6: Discovering Targets
Figure 16-3 illustrates how the discovery plug-in components are deployed to the Management Agent while discovering new targets.
Figure 16-3 Discovering Targets
Step 7: Adding Targets for Monitoring
Once the targets are discovered, they are added to the infrastructure, so that they can be monitored in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. While adding targets, the monitoring components of plug-ins are deployed to the Management Agent home.
Figure 16-4 illustrates how the monitoring plug-in components are deployed to the Management Agent while adding targets.
Figure 16-4 Adding Targets
The plug-in for a specific target type is automatically deployed to the Management Agent that will monitor targets of that type. For example, if you discover a database target, the discovery plug-in component of the database plug-in is automatically deployed to the Management Agent installed on the database host.
However, this is true only for initial deployment. All subsequent updates to the Management Agent plug-in must be explicitly deployed. For example, if you want to deploy a new version of the database plug-in on the Management Agent, you must initiate the deployment using the instructions outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Basic Installation Guide.
Similarly, any patches to be applied on the Management Agent (framework or plug-in) must be explicitly applied using the instructions outlined in Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Administrator's Guide.
Step 6: Discovering Targets
Figure 16-3 illustrates how the discovery plug-in components are deployed to the Management Agent while discovering new targets.
Figure 16-3 Discovering Targets
Step 7: Adding Targets for Monitoring
Once the targets are discovered, they are added to the infrastructure, so that they can be monitored in Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. While adding targets, the monitoring components of plug-ins are deployed to the Management Agent home.
Figure 16-4 illustrates how the monitoring plug-in components are deployed to the Management Agent while adding targets.
Figure 16-4 Adding Targets
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