· Overview
To achieve online redefinition, incrementally maintainable local materialized views are used. These logs keep track of the changes to the master tables and are used by the materialized views during refresh synchronization.
為了實現線上重新定義,使用使用本地物化檢視。 這些日誌將跟蹤主表的更改,並在重新整理同步期間由物化檢視使用。
The DBMS_REDEFINITION package uses the constants shown in Table 110-1, "DBMS_REDEFINITION Constants":
Table 110-1 DBMS_REDEFINITION Constants
Constant |
Type |
Value |
Description |
3 |
Used to specify that dependent object type is a constraint |
2 |
Used to specify that dependent object type is a index |
10 |
Used to (un)register a materialized view log, as a dependent object of the table, through theREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedureand theUNREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedure. |
1 |
Used to specify that indexes should be cloned with their original storage parameters |
4 |
Used to specify that dependent object type is a trigger |
1 |
Used to indicate that the redefinition should be done using primary keys or pseudo-primary keys (unique keys with all component columns having not-NULL constraints) |
2 |
Used to indicate that the redefinition should be done using rowids |
Operational Notes
· CONS_USE_PK and CONS_USE_ROWID are constants used as input to the "options_flag" parameter in both the START_REDEF_TABLE Procedure andCAN_REDEF_TABLE Procedure. CONS_USE_ROWID is used to indicate that the redefinition should be done using rowids while CONS_USE_PK implies that the redefinition should be done using primary keys or pseudo-primary keys (which are unique keys with all component columns having NOT NULL constraints).
CONS_USE_PK和CONS_USE_ROWID是用作START_REDEF_TABLE過程和CAN_REDEF_TABLE過程中“options_flag”引數的輸入的常量。 CONS_USE_ROWID用於指示重新定義應使用rowid完成,而CONS_USE_PK意味著重新定義應該使用主鍵或偽主鍵(這是所有元件列具有NOT NULL約束的唯一鍵)來完成。
· CONS_INDEX, CONS_MVLOG,CONS_TRIGGER and CONS_CONSTRAINT are used to specify the type of the dependent object being (un)registered inREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedure and UNREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedure (parameter "dep_type").
CONS_INDEX ==> dependent object is of type INDEX
CONS_TRIGGER ==> dependent object is of type TRIGGER
CONS_CONSTRAINT==> dependent object type is of type CONSTRAINT
CONS_MVLOG ==> dependent object is of type MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG
· CONS_ORIG_PARAMS as used as input to the "copy_indexes" parameter in COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS Procedure. Using this parameter implies that the indexes on the original table be copied onto the interim table using the same storage parameters as that of the original index.
作為COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS過程中“copy_indexes”引數的輸入的CONS_ORIG_PARAMS。 使用此引數意味著使用與原始索引相同的儲存引數將原始表上的索引複製到臨時表上。
Rules and Limits
For information about various rules and limits that apply to implementation of this package, see the .
Summary of DBMS_REDEFINITION Subprograms
Table 110-2 DBMS_REDEFINITION Package Subprograms
Subprogram |
Description |
Cleans up errors that occur during the redefinition process and removes all temporary objects created by the reorganization process |
Determines if a given table can be redefined online |
Copies the dependent objects of the original table onto the interim table |
Completes the redefinition process. |
Registers a dependent object (index, trigger, constraint or materialized view log) on the table being redefined and the corresponding dependent object on the interim table |
Initiates the redefinition process |
Keeps the interim table synchronized with the original table |
Unregisters a dependent object (index, trigger, constraint or materialized view log) on the table being redefined and the corresponding dependent object on the interim table |
This procedure cleans up errors that occur during the redefinition process. This procedure can also be used to terminate the redefinition process any time after the START_REDEF_TABLE Procedure has been called and before the FINISH_REDEF_TABLE Procedure is called. This process will remove the temporary objects that are created by the redefinition process such as materialized view logs.
此過程可以清除在重新定義過程中發生的錯誤。 此過程也可以在START_REDEF_TABLE程式被呼叫之後和呼叫FINISH_REDEF_TABLE過程之前的任何時候用於終止重新定義過程。 此過程將刪除由重定義過程建立的臨時物件,例如物化檢視日誌。
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
part_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
Table 110-3 ABORT_REDEF_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the tables |
orig_table |
Name of the table to be redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
part_name |
Name of the partition being redefined. If redefining only a single partition of a table, specify the partition name in this parameter. NULL implies the entire table is being redefined. |
This procedure determines if a given table can be redefined online. This is the first step of the online redefinition process. If the table is not a candidate for online redefinition, an error message is raised.
此過程確定給定的表是否可以線上重新定義。 這是線上重新定義過程的第一步。 如果表不是線上重新定義的候選者,則會出現錯誤訊息。
uname IN VARCHAR2,
tname IN VARCHAR2,
options_flag IN PLS_INTEGER := 1,
part_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
Table 110-4 CAN_REDEF_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the table |
tname |
Name of the table to be re-organized |
options_flag |
Indicates the type of redefinition method to use. · If dbms_redefinition.cons_use_pk, the redefinition is done using primary keys or pseudo-primary keys (unique keys with all component columns having NOT NULL constraints). The default method of redefinition is using primary keys. · If dbms_redefinition.cons_use_rowid, the redefinition is done using rowids. |
part_name |
Name of the partition being redefined. If redefining only a single partition of a table, specify the partition name in this parameter. NULL implies the entire table is being redefined. |
If the table is not a candidate for online redefinition, an error message is raised.
This procedure clones the dependent objects of the table being redefined onto the interim table and registers the dependent objects. This procedure does not clone the already registered dependent objects.
This subprogram is used to clone the dependent objects like grants, triggers, constraints and privileges from the table being redefined to the interim table (which represents the post-redefinition table).
此過程克隆表重新定義到臨時表上的依賴物件,並註冊依賴物件。 此過程不會克隆已註冊的從屬物件。
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
copy_indexes IN PLS_INTEGER := 1,
copy_triggers IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
copy_constraints IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
copy_privileges IN BOOLEAN := TRUE,
ignore_errors IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
num_errors OUT PLS_INTEGER,
copy_statistics IN BOOLEAN := FALSE,
copy_mvlog IN BOOLEAN := FALSE);
Table 110-5 COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS Procedure Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the tables |
orig_table |
Name of the table being redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
copy_indexes |
Flag indicating whether to copy the indexes · 0 - do not copy any index · dbms_redefinition.cons_orig_params – copy the indexes using the physical parameters of the source indexes |
copy_triggers |
TRUE = clone triggers, FALSE = do nothing |
copy_constraints |
TRUE = clone constraints, FALSE = do nothing. If compatibility setting is 10.2 or higher, then clone CHECK andNOT NULL constraints |
copy_privileges |
TRUE = clone privileges, FALSE = do nothing |
ignore_errors |
TRUE = if an error occurs while cloning a particular dependent object, then skip that object and continue cloning other dependent objects. FALSE = that the cloning process should stop upon encountering an error. |
num_errors |
Number of errors that occurred while cloning dependent objects |
copy_statistics |
TRUE = copy statistics, FALSE = do nothing |
copy_mvlog |
TRUE = copy materialized view log, FALSE = do nothing |
Usage Notes
· The user must check the column num_errors before proceeding to ensure that no errors occurred during the cloning of the objects.
· In case of an error, the user should fix the cause of the error and call the COPY_TABLE_DEPENDENTS Procedure again to clone the dependent object. Alternatively the user can manually clone the dependent object and then register the manually cloned dependent object using theREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedure.
· All cloned referential constraints involving the interim tables will be created disabled (they will be automatically enabled after the redefinition) and all triggers on interim tables will not fire till the redefinition is completed. After the redefinition is complete, the cloned objects will be renamed to the corresponding pre-redefinition names of the objects (from which they were cloned from).
· It is the user's responsibility that the cloned dependent objects are unaffected by the redefinition. All the triggers will be cloned and it is the user's responsibility that the cloned triggers are unaffected by the redefinition.
This procedure completes the redefinition process. Before this step, you can create new indexes, triggers, grants, and constraints on the interim table. The referential constraints involving the interim table must be disabled. After completing this step, the original table is redefined with the attributes and data of the interim table. The original table is locked briefly during this procedure.
此過程完成重新定義過程。 在此步驟之前,您可以在臨時表上建立新的索引,觸發器,授予和約束。 必須禁用涉及臨時表的參照約束。 完成此步驟後,原始表格將重新定義為臨時表格的屬性和資料。 在此過程中,原始表被短暫鎖定。
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
part_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
Table 110-6 FINISH_REDEF_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameters |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the tables |
orig_table |
Name of the table to be redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
part_name |
Name of the partition being redefined. If redefining only a single partition of a table, specify the partition name in this parameter. NULL implies the entire table is being redefined. |
This procedure registers a dependent object (index, trigger, constraint or materialized view log) on the table being redefined and the corresponding dependent object on the interim table.
This can be used to have the same object on each table but with different attributes. For example: for an index, the storage and tablespace attributes could be different but the columns indexed remain the same
這可以用於在每個表上具有相同的物件,但具有不同的屬性。 例如:對於索引,儲存和表空間屬性可能不同,但索引的列保持不變
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
dep_type IN PLS_INTEGER,
dep_owner IN VARCHAR2,
dep_orig_name IN VARCHAR2,
dep_int_name IN VARCHAR2);
Table 110-7 REGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedure Parameters
Parameters |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the tables |
orig_table |
Name of the table to be redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
dep_type |
Type of the dependent object (see Constants and Operational Notes) |
dep_owner |
Owner of the dependent object |
dep_orig_name |
Name of the original dependent object |
dep_int_name |
Name of the interim dependent object |
Usage Notes
· Attempting to register an already registered object will raise an error.
· Registering a dependent object will automatically remove that object from DBA_REDEFINITION_ERRORS if an entry exists for that object.
Prior to calling this procedure, you must manually create an empty interim table (in the same schema as the table to be redefined) with the desired attributes of the post-redefinition table, and then call this procedure to initiate the redefinition.
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
col_mapping IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
options_flag IN BINARY_INTEGER := 1,
orderby_cols IN VARCHAR2 := NULL,
part_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
Table 110-8 START_REDEF_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the tables |
orig_table |
Name of the table to be redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
col_mapping |
Mapping information from the columns in the original table to the columns in the interim table. (This is similar to the column list on the SELECT clause of a query.) If NULL, all the columns in the original table are selected and have the same name after redefinition. |
options_flag |
Indicates the type of redefinition method to use: · If dbms_redefinition.cons_use_pk, the redefinition is done using primary keys or pseudo-primary keys (unique keys with all component columns having NOT NULL constraints). The default method of redefinition is using primary keys. · If dbms_redefinition.cons_use_rowid, the redefinition is done using rowids. |
orderby_cols |
This optional parameter accepts the list of columns (along with the optional keyword(s) ascending/descending) with which to order by the rows during the initial instantiation of the interim table (the order by is only done for the initial instantiation and not for subsequent synchronizations) |
part_name |
Name of the partition being redefined. If redefining only a single partition of a table, specify the partition name in this parameter. NULL implies the entire table is being redefined. |
This procedure keeps the interim table synchronized with the original table.
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
part_name IN VARCHAR2 := NULL);
Table 110-9 SYNC_INTERIM_TABLE Procedure Parameters
Parameter |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the table |
orig_table |
Name of the table to be redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
part_name |
Name of the partition being redefined. If redefining only a single partition of a table, specify the partition name in this parameter. NULL implies the entire table is being redefined. |
Usage Notes
· This step is useful in minimizing the amount of synchronization needed to be done by the FINISH_REDEF_TABLE Procedure before completing the online redefinition.
· This procedure can be called between long running operations (such as CREATE INDEX) on the interim table to sync it up with the data in the original table and speed up subsequent operations.
?可以在臨時表上的長時間執行操作(如CREATE INDEX)之間呼叫此過程,以將其與原始表中的資料進行同步,並加快後續操作。
This procedure unregisters a dependent object (index, trigger, constraint or materialized view log) on the table being redefined and the corresponding dependent object on the interim table.
uname IN VARCHAR2,
orig_table IN VARCHAR2,
int_table IN VARCHAR2,
dep_type IN PLS_INTEGER,
dep_owner IN VARCHAR2,
dep_orig_name IN VARCHAR2,
dep_int_name IN VARCHAR2);
Table 110-10 UNREGISTER_DEPENDENT_OBJECT Procedure Parameters
Parameters |
Description |
uname |
Schema name of the tables |
orig_table |
Name of the table to be redefined |
int_table |
Name of the interim table |
dep_type |
Type of the dependent object |
dep_owner |
Owner of the dependent object |
dep_orig_name |
Name of the original dependent object |
dep_int_name |
Name of the interim dependent object |
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