計算機視覺 | Matlab實現單目視覺里程計基於SURF特徵(程式碼類)
%% Name:Michael Beechan
%% School:Chongqing University of Technology
%% Time:2018.12.12
%% Function:Monocular Visual Odometry
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Estimating the pose of the second view relative to the first view
%% Bootstrapping estimating camera trajectory using global bundle adjustment
%% Estimating remaining camera trajectory using windowed bundle adjustment
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% [1] "Towards a Simulation Driven Stereo Vision System". Proceedings of ICPR, pp.1038-1042, 2012.
%% [2] "Realistic CG Stereo Image Dataset with Ground Truth Disparity Maps", Proceedings of ICPR workshop TrakMark2012, pp.40-42, 2012.
%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%% Read Input Image Sequence and Ground Truth
images = imageDatastore(fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', 'NewTsukuba'));
%% Create the camera parameters object using camera intrinsics from the NewTsukuba dataset
K = [615 0 320; 0 615 240; 0 0 1]';
cameraParams = cameraParameters('IntrinsicMatrix', K);
%% Load ground truth camera poses
load(fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'), 'visiondata', 'visualOdometryGroundTruth.mat'));
%% Create a View Set Containing the First View of the Sequence
%% Create an empty viewSet object to manage the data associated with each view
vSet = viewSet;
%% Read and display the first image
Irgb = readimage(images, 1);
player = vision.VideoPlayer('Position', [20, 400, 650, 510]);
step(player, Irgb);
%% Convert to gray scale and undistort
prevI = undistortImage(rgb2gray(Irgb), cameraParams);
%% detect Features
prevPoints = detectSURFFeatures(prevI, 'MetricThreshold', 500);
%% Select a subset of features, uniformly distributed throughout the image
numPoints = 150;
prevPoints = selectUniform(prevPoints, numPoints, size(prevI));
%% Extract features. Using 'Upright' features improves matching quality
%% if the camera motion involves little or no in-plane rotation
prevFeatures = extractFeatures(prevI, prevPoints, 'Upright', true);
%% Add the first view. Place the camera associated with the first view at the origin,
%% oriented along the Z-axis
viewId = 1;
vSet = addView(vSet, viewId, 'Points', prevPoints, 'Orientation', eye(3), 'Location', [0 0 0]);
%% Plot Initial Camera Pose
%% Setup axis
axis([-220, 50, -140, 20, -50, 300]);
%% Set Y-axis to be vertical pointing down
view(gca, 3);
set(gca, 'CameraUpVector', [0, -1, 0]);
camorbit(gca, -120, 0, 'data', [0, 1, 0]);
grid on
xlabel('X (cm)');
ylabel('Y (cm)');
zlabel('Z (cm)');
hold on
%% Plot estimated camera pose
cameraSize = 7;
camEstimated = plotCamera('Size', cameraSize, ...
'Location', vSet.Views.Location{1}, ...
'Orientation', vSet.Views.Orientation{1}, ...
'Color', 'g', 'Opacity', 0);
%% Plot actual camera pose
camActual = plotCamera('Size', cameraSize, ...
'Location', groundTruthPoses.Location{1}, ...
'Orientation', groundTruthPoses.Orientation{1}, ...
'Color', 'b', 'Opacity', 0);
%% Initialize camera trajectories
trajectoryEstimated = plot3(0, 0, 0, 'g-');
trajectoryActual = plot3(0, 0, 0, 'b-');
legend('Estimated Trajectory', 'Actual Trajectory');
title('Camera Trajectory');
%% Estimate the Pose of the Second View:using helperDetectAndMatchFeatures and helperEstimateRelativePose
%% Read and diaplay the image
viewId = 2;
Irgb = readimage(images, viewId);
step(player, Irgb);
%% Convert to gray scale and undistort
I = undistortImage(rgb2gray(Irgb), cameraParams);
%% Match features between the previous and the current image
[currPoints, currFeatures, indexPairs] = helperDetectAndMatchFeatures(...
prevFeatures, I);
%% Estimate the pose of the current view relative to the previous view
[orient, loc, inlierIdx] = helperEstimateRelativePose(...
prevPoints(indexPairs(:,1)), currPoints(indexPairs(:,2)), cameraParams);
%% Exclude epipolar outliers
indexPairs = indexPairs(inlierIdx, :);
%% Add the current view to the view set
vSet = addView(vSet, viewId, 'Points', currPoints, 'Orientation', orient, ...
'Location', loc);
%% Store the point matches between the previous and the current views
vSet = addConnection(vSet, viewId-1, viewId, 'Matches', indexPairs);
%% Compute scale factor from the ground truth using helperNormalizaeViewSet
vSet = helperNormalizeViewSet(vSet, groundTruthPoses);
%% Update camera trajectory plot using helperUpdateCameraPlots and helperUpdateCameraTrajectories
helperUpdateCameraPlots(viewId, camEstimated, camActual, poses(vSet), ...
helperUpdateCameraTrajectories(viewId, trajectoryEstimated, trajectoryActual,...
poses(vSet), groundTruthPoses);
prevI = I;
prevFeatures = currFeatures;
prevPoints = currPoints;
%% Bootstrap Estimating Camera Trajectory Using Global Bundle Adjustment
%% Use helperFindEpipolarInliers to find the matches that satisfy the epipolar constraint
%% use helperFind3Dto2DCorrespondences to triangulate 3-D points from the previous two views and find the corresponding 2-D points in the current view
for viewId = 3:15
% Read and display the next image
Irgb = readimage(images, viewId);
step(player, Irgb);
% Convert to gray scale and undistort.
I = undistortImage(rgb2gray(Irgb), cameraParams);
% Match points between the previous and the current image.
[currPoints, currFeatures, indexPairs] = helperDetectAndMatchFeatures(...
prevFeatures, I);
% Eliminate outliers from feature matches.
inlierIdx = helperFindEpipolarInliers(prevPoints(indexPairs(:,1)),...
currPoints(indexPairs(:, 2)), cameraParams);
indexPairs = indexPairs(inlierIdx, :);
% Triangulate points from the previous two views, and find the
% corresponding points in the current view.
[worldPoints, imagePoints] = helperFind3Dto2DCorrespondences(vSet,...
cameraParams, indexPairs, currPoints);
% Since RANSAC involves a stochastic process, it may sometimes not
% reach the desired confidence level and exceed maximum number of
% trials. Disable the warning when that happens since the outcomes are
% still valid.
warningstate = warning('off','vision:ransac:maxTrialsReached');
% Estimate the world camera pose for the current view.
[orient, loc] = estimateWorldCameraPose(imagePoints, worldPoints, ...
cameraParams, 'Confidence', 99.99, 'MaxReprojectionError', 0.8);
% Restore the original warning state
% Add the current view to the view set.
vSet = addView(vSet, viewId, 'Points', currPoints, 'Orientation', orient, ...
'Location', loc);
% Store the point matches between the previous and the current views.
vSet = addConnection(vSet, viewId-1, viewId, 'Matches', indexPairs);
tracks = findTracks(vSet); % Find point tracks spanning multiple views.
camPoses = poses(vSet); % Get camera poses for all views.
% Triangulate initial locations for the 3-D world points.
xyzPoints = triangulateMultiview(tracks, camPoses, cameraParams);
% Refine camera poses using bundle adjustment.
[~, camPoses] = bundleAdjustment(xyzPoints, tracks, camPoses, ...
cameraParams, 'PointsUndistorted', true, 'AbsoluteTolerance', 1e-9,...
'RelativeTolerance', 1e-9, 'MaxIterations', 300);
vSet = updateView(vSet, camPoses); % Update view set.
% Bundle adjustment can move the entire set of cameras. Normalize the
% view set to place the first camera at the origin looking along the
% Z-axes and adjust the scale to match that of the ground truth.
vSet = helperNormalizeViewSet(vSet, groundTruthPoses);
% Update camera trajectory plot.
helperUpdateCameraPlots(viewId, camEstimated, camActual, poses(vSet), ...
helperUpdateCameraTrajectories(viewId, trajectoryEstimated, ...
trajectoryActual, poses(vSet), groundTruthPoses);
prevI = I;
prevFeatures = currFeatures;
prevPoints = currPoints;
%% Estimate Remaining Camera Trajectory Using Windowed Bundle Adjustment
for viewId = 16:numel(images.Files)
% Read and display the next image
Irgb = readimage(images, viewId);
step(player, Irgb);
% Convert to gray scale and undistort.
I = undistortImage(rgb2gray(Irgb), cameraParams);
% Match points between the previous and the current image.
[currPoints, currFeatures, indexPairs] = helperDetectAndMatchFeatures(...
prevFeatures, I);
% Triangulate points from the previous two views, and find the
% corresponding points in the current view.
[worldPoints, imagePoints] = helperFind3Dto2DCorrespondences(vSet, ...
cameraParams, indexPairs, currPoints);
% Since RANSAC involves a stochastic process, it may sometimes not
% reach the desired confidence level and exceed maximum number of
% trials. Disable the warning when that happens since the outcomes are
% still valid.
warningstate = warning('off','vision:ransac:maxTrialsReached');
% Estimate the world camera pose for the current view.
[orient, loc] = estimateWorldCameraPose(imagePoints, worldPoints, ...
cameraParams, 'MaxNumTrials', 5000, 'Confidence', 99.99, ...
'MaxReprojectionError', 0.8);
% Restore the original warning state
% Add the current view and connection to the view set.
vSet = addView(vSet, viewId, 'Points', currPoints, 'Orientation', orient, ...
'Location', loc);
vSet = addConnection(vSet, viewId-1, viewId, 'Matches', indexPairs);
% Refine estimated camera poses using windowed bundle adjustment. Run
% the optimization every 7th view.
if mod(viewId, 7) == 0
% Find point tracks in the last 15 views and triangulate.
windowSize = 15;
startFrame = max(1, viewId - windowSize);
tracks = findTracks(vSet, startFrame:viewId);
camPoses = poses(vSet, startFrame:viewId);
[xyzPoints, reprojErrors] = triangulateMultiview(tracks, camPoses, ...
% Hold the first two poses fixed, to keep the same scale.
fixedIds = [startFrame, startFrame+1];
% Exclude points and tracks with high reprojection errors.
idx = reprojErrors < 2;
[~, camPoses] = bundleAdjustment(xyzPoints(idx, :), tracks(idx), ...
camPoses, cameraParams, 'FixedViewIDs', fixedIds, ...
'PointsUndistorted', true, 'AbsoluteTolerance', 1e-9,...
'RelativeTolerance', 1e-9, 'MaxIterations', 300);
vSet = updateView(vSet, camPoses); % Update view set.
% Update camera trajectory plot.
helperUpdateCameraPlots(viewId, camEstimated, camActual, poses(vSet), ...
helperUpdateCameraTrajectories(viewId, trajectoryEstimated, ...
trajectoryActual, poses(vSet), groundTruthPoses);
prevI = I;
prevFeatures = currFeatures;
prevPoints = currPoints;
hold off
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