Oracle Respones-Time Analysis Reports
Oracle響應時間分析報告分為系統級與會話級,報告相比awr報告更加直觀清楚有助於快速分析定位效能問題,這裡使用OSM工具來生成這兩種型別的報告,該工具是由Craig Shallahamer所寫。
[oracle@db1 ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Wed Feb 27 15:43:54 2019 Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> create user osm identified by "osm" default tablespace sx temporary tablespace temp; User created. SQL> grant connect,resource,dba to osm; Grant succeeded. SQL> conn osm/osm Connected. SQL> exec sys.dbms_lock.sleep(5); PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. SQL> @osmprep.sql OraPub System Monitor - Interactive (OSM-I) installation script. (c)1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008 by OraPub, Inc. (c)2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015 by OraPub, Inc. There is absolutely no guarantee with this software. You may use this software at your own risk, not OraPub's risk. No value is implied or stated. You may need to run $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/catblock.sql Connect as the user who will be using the OSM. Press ENTER to continue. ..... To categorize wait events for OSM reports, run: For pre-10g systems, run event_type_nc.sql For 10g and beyond, run event_type.sql Once you cateogrize the wait events, the installation is complete. Menu is osm.sql ENJOY!! SQL> @event_type.sql file: event_type.sql for Oracle 10g and beyond... About to categorize wait events for OSM reports. Press ENTER to re-create the o$event_type table. ..... OraPub Categorization Summary ----------------------------------------------- TYPE COUNT(*) -------------------- ---------- bogus 126 ior 20 iow 59 other 1162 COUNT(*) ---------- 1367 Oracle Categorization Summary ----------------------------------------------- WAIT_CLASS COUNT(*) -------------------- ---------- Administrative 55 Application 17 Cluster 50 Commit 2 Concurrency 33 Configuration 24 Idle 96 Network 35 Other 958 Queueing 9 Scheduler 8 WAIT_CLASS COUNT(*) -------------------- ---------- System I/O 32 User I/O 48 13 rows selected. COUNT(*) ---------- 1367
.對於Oracle 10g及以上版本,第五部分是關於作業系統CPU利用率
SQL> @rtsysx.sql 120 10 OraPub's Response Time Analysis (RTA) interactive system level delta report Initializing response time delta objects... Sleeping and probing active SQL for next 120 seconds... Done sleeping...gathering and storing current values... *** Response Time Ratio and Workload Metrics RT Ratio Ora Trx/s Block Changes/s User Calls/s Execs/s -------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------ 0.325 0.54 90.63 27.41 100.00 *** Response Time System Summary (delta - interactive - system level) Tot CPU CPU SP CPU BG CPU Parse CPU Recur Tot Wait IO Wait Other Wait Time Time Time Time Time Ora CPU Time Time Time % % (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) Util % (sec) (sec) (sec) IO Wait Other Wait ---------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ------- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ---------- 34 26 8 2 15 0.4 17 15 1 92 8 *** I/O Wait Time Summary w/Event Details (delta - interactive - system level) IO Wait IO WRITE IO READ Time Wait Time Wait Time % IO % IO (sec) (sec) (sec) Write Read -------- --------- ---------- ----- ---- 15 10 5 66 34 Tot Call Avg Call Wait Time Wait Time IO Wait Event R,W % (sec) (ms) Tot Waits ------------------------------------------------------------ --- ----- ----------- ----------- --------- LGWR real time apply sync W 57 8.69 65.83 132 db file sequential read R 31 4.67 4.97 940 LGWR-LNS wait on channel W 5 0.71 1.74 408 *** Other Wait Time (non-I/O) Event Detail (delta - interactive - system level) Tot Call Avg Call Wait Time Wait Time Non IO (other) Wait Event % (sec) (ms) Tot Waits ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ----------- ----------- --------- gc current block 2-way 26 0.35 0.62 569 gc cr grant 2-way 17 0.23 0.48 484 reliable message 10 0.14 1.21 116 os thread startup 10 0.14 23.33 6 enq: US - contention 6 0.08 0.49 163 library cache pin 6 0.08 0.56 144 library cache lock 4 0.06 0.61 98 gc current grant 2-way 4 0.05 0.45 111 *** SQL Activity Details During Probe Phys Rds Log Rds Tot Time CPU Time Rows Stmt SQL ID Sec/EXE (k) (k) (sec) (sec) Sec/PIO Sec/LIO Runs (k) Sorts Type ---------------- --------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------ ----- gz5bfrcjq060u 0.01 0 0 0.3 0.3 ####### 0.001 24 0 23 INSER c77k33u5u7zgc 0.06 0 17 0.1 0.1 ####### 0.000 2 0 2 SELEC 8fb44rrg8a5rh 0.13 0 15 0.1 0.1 ####### 0.000 1 0 2 SELEC 98564h3vavfcm -25.78 -0 -0 -51.6 -0.6 51.552 0.276 2 0 0 inser *** SQL Similar Statements During Delta SQL Statement (shown if first 10 chars) Count ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SELECT NVL 2 *** OS CPU Breakdown During Delta Category Percent ----------------------------------- -------- Idle 96.51 IO Wait 0.44 Nice 0.00 System 0.38 User 2.47 Delta is 123.53 seconds Number of CPU cores is 80
報告的第一部分:Response Time Ratio and Workload Metrics
報告的第一部分提供了與Statspack與AWR中Load Profile部分相同的Workload Metrics。這部分資訊在比較響應時間快照之間的差異時非常有用。如果工作負載減少那麼可以預期響應時間減少。
*** Response Time Ratio and Workload Metrics RT Ratio Ora Trx/s Block Changes/s User Calls/s Execs/s -------- ---------- --------------- ------------ ------------ 0.325 0.54 90.63 27.41 100.00
報告的第二部分:Response Time System Summary
*** Response Time System Summary (delta - interactive - system level) Tot CPU CPU SP CPU BG CPU Parse CPU Recur Tot Wait IO Wait Other Wait Time Time Time Time Time Ora CPU Time Time Time % % (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) (sec) Util % (sec) (sec) (sec) IO Wait Other Wait ---------- -------- -------- --------- --------- ------- -------- -------- ---------- ------- ---------- 34 26 8 2 15 0.4 17 15 1 92 8
報告的第三部分:I/O Wait Time Summary w/Event Details
如果IO有問題,那麼你肯定想知道是讀還是寫有問題,管理員可以從瞭解IO負載型別來給出相關的解決方案。比如一個IO讀問題可以透過將常被訪問的資料塊儲存在Oracle Cache中來使用IO讀的影響降低到最小,如果一個IO寫問題可以透過配置,比如聯機重做日誌檔案的數量與大小來使IO寫的影響降低到最小。從報告中可以看到IO總等待時間為15秒,其中IO寫為10秒,IO讀為5秒。其中LGWR real time apply sync事件平均等待一次的時間是65.83毫秒,這是因為配置了ADG,對於同城異地容災來說這個等待時間也還是正常的,db file sequential read事件平均等待一次的時間為4.97毫秒也是正常的。
*** I/O Wait Time Summary w/Event Details (delta - interactive - system level) IO Wait IO WRITE IO READ Time Wait Time Wait Time % IO % IO (sec) (sec) (sec) Write Read -------- --------- ---------- ----- ---- 15 10 5 66 34 Tot Call Avg Call Wait Time Wait Time IO Wait Event R,W % (sec) (ms) Tot Waits ------------------------------------------------------------ --- ----- ----------- ----------- --------- LGWR real time apply sync W 57 8.69 65.83 132 db file sequential read R 31 4.67 4.97 940 LGWR-LNS wait on channel W 5 0.71 1.74 408
報告的第四部分:Other Wait Time (non-I/O) Event Detail
*** Other Wait Time (non-I/O) Event Detail (delta - interactive - system level) Tot Call Avg Call Wait Time Wait Time Non IO (other) Wait Event % (sec) (ms) Tot Waits ------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ----------- ----------- --------- gc current block 2-way 26 0.35 0.62 569 gc cr grant 2-way 17 0.23 0.48 484 reliable message 10 0.14 1.21 116 os thread startup 10 0.14 23.33 6 enq: US - contention 6 0.08 0.49 163 library cache pin 6 0.08 0.56 144 library cache lock 4 0.06 0.61 98 gc current grant 2-way 4 0.05 0.45 111
報告的第五部分:SQL Activity Details During Probe
*** SQL Activity Details During Probe Phys Rds Log Rds Tot Time CPU Time Rows Stmt SQL ID Sec/EXE (k) (k) (sec) (sec) Sec/PIO Sec/LIO Runs (k) Sorts Type ---------------- --------- -------- -------- --------- ---------- ------- ------- -------- ------- ------ ----- gz5bfrcjq060u 0.01 0 0 0.3 0.3 ####### 0.001 24 0 23 INSER c77k33u5u7zgc 0.06 0 17 0.1 0.1 ####### 0.000 2 0 2 SELEC 8fb44rrg8a5rh 0.13 0 15 0.1 0.1 ####### 0.000 1 0 2 SELEC 98564h3vavfcm -25.78 -0 -0 -51.6 -0.6 51.552 0.276 2 0 0 inser
報告的第六部分:SQL Similar Statements During Delta
*** SQL Similar Statements During Delta SQL Statement (shown if first 10 chars) Count ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- SELECT NVL 2
報告的第七部分:Operating System CPU Utilization
這部分顯示了作業系統使用的詳細情況。從Oracle 10g開始,Oracle捕獲作業系統CPU的使用的詳細資訊並且這些資訊可以透過v$osstat檢視來檢視。
*** OS CPU Breakdown During Delta Category Percent ----------------------------------- -------- Idle 96.51 IO Wait 0.44 Nice 0.00 System 0.38 User 2.47 Delta is 123.53 seconds Number of CPU cores is 80
SQL> @rtsess9 1110 =================================================================== Session Level Response Time Profile Oracle session 1110 CPU statistics number is 12 ...... Session level response time details for SID 1110 *** Response Time Summary Response Service Queue Unaccount % CPU % Queue % UAT Time(sec) Time(sec) Time(sec) Time(sec) RT RT RT [rt=st+qt+uat] [st] [qt] [uat] [st/rt] [qt/rt] [uat/rt] -------------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ------- -------- 699.29 0.00 608.20 91.09 0.00 86.97 13.03 *** Queue Time Summary QT QT QT Queue Time(sec) I/O(sec) Net+Client(sec) Other(sec) [qio+qnc+qot] [qio] [qnc] [qot] --------------- -------- --------------- ---------- 608.20 0.03 607.73 0.44 *** Queue Time IO Timing Detail QT QT QT I/O(sec) Write I/O(sec) Read I/O(sec) % Writes Time % Read Time [tio=wio+rio] [wio] [rio] [wio/tio] [rio/tio] ------------- -------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- 0.03 0.03 0.00 99.97 0.00 *** Queue Time IO Event Timing Detail Wait Time Wait Event Name (sec) ---------------------------------------- --------- direct path write 0.01 log file sync 0.02 *** Queue Time Other Event Timing Detail Wait Time Wait Event Name (sec) ---------------------------------------- --------- gc cr block 2-way 0.08 library cache pin 0.01 gc current block congested 0.01 gc current block 2-way 0.31 row cache lock 0.01 events in waitclass Other 0.01 library cache lock 0.01 *** Wait Event Time Not Categorized (for QA) ......
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