收到呂凱教授寄來的 MMIX T 恤
- The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 1, Fascicle 1: MMIX - A RISC Computer for the New Millennium, by Donald E. Knuth(高德納).
- The MMIX Supplement: Supplement to The Art of Computer Programming Volumes 1, 2, 3 by Donald E. Knuth, by Martin Ruckert(馬丁·呂凱).
Thanks to Donald Knuth, I have several boxes of nice MMIX T-shirts (sizes L and XL) sitting on the shelf in my office, and I will gladly send one to each first finder of a bug---technical, typographical, orthographical, grammatical, or otherwise---as long as supplies last (T-shirts, not bugs). Known bugs will be listed on the MMIX home page, so check there first before sending me an email.
我們在翻譯過程中,分別給高德納教授和呂凱教授提了一些勘誤。呂凱教授在 2019-01-21 17:30 給我寫了一封電子郵件:
Dear Huang Zhibin,
thank you again for the corrections you send me.
I fix this one as well.
The T-Shirt is on its way. Tell me if you like it.
(In the meantime, I should send you a whole box of T-Shirts ...;-)By the way: I assume you know Jiang Zhiqiang. I recently
get errata by you and by Jiang Zhiqiang on the supplement,
and you both seem to live in the same area.
I guess this is not a coincidence. Is that correct?Best regards
Martin Ruckert
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