準備 MMIX 環境
安裝 MMIX 軟體
Knuth: MMIX News 頁面提到:
People have been accumulating several years of experience with a straightforward MMIX assembler and simulator, and I know that both programs work reasonably well on three platforms. The pipeline meta-simulator is also up and running, but with a user interface that is not for beginners. (This is one of the most difficult programs I've ever written, and surely one of the most interesting, for people who have time to explore low-level details.)
In general these programs are now entirely stable: I won't be changing them any more, because they've proved their value in extensive use. Further developments, including versions that I myself do not maintain, are however ongoing. All the really current news about MMIX is, in fact, now to be found in the MMIX home pages.
因此,使用以下命令下載並安裝 MMIXware:
$ mkdir MMIX; cd MMIX
$ wget https://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/programs/mmix.tar.gz
$ tar xf mmix.tar.gz
$ make doc
$ make all
$ make clean
$ sudo mv abstime mmix mmixal mmotype mmmix /usr/local/bin
$ cat hello.mms
argv IS $1
LOC #100
Main LDOU $255,argv,0
TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut
GETA $255,String
TRAP 0,Fputs,StdOut
TRAP 0,Halt,0
String BYTE ", world",#a,0
$ mmixal hello.mms
$ mmix hello
hello, world
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