ASM重新命名包含OCR/vote file的磁碟組
Rename Diskgroup having OCR , Vote File , ASM SPILE [ID 1335975.1] 適用於11R2; 11R2提供renamedg,可在磁碟組dismount時將其重新命名;如果該磁碟組包含OCR/vote file,則dismount前需將其遷移至中間磁碟; 大致思路如下: 建立一個臨時磁碟組temp,將OCR/vote file遷移至此; 將spfile也遷移到temp,重啟CRS; 解除安裝並重新命名原磁碟組,並重新載入; 將ocr/vote file/spfile遷回,重啟CRS; 建立臨時磁碟組 create diskgroup TEMP normal redundancy disk 'ORCL:DISK4' ,'ORCL:DISK5' ,'ORCL:DATA4' ,'ORCL:DATA6' attribute 'compatible.rdbms'='', 'compatible.asm'='', 'au_size'='4M'; 遷移ocr/vote file $ORACLE_HOME/bin/bin/ocrconfig -add +TEMP $ORACLE_HOME/bin/bin/ocrconfig -delete +DATA $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl replace votedisk +TEMP 完成後呼叫ocrcheck檢查完整性 遷移spfile 重啟CRS crsctl stop crs crsctl start crs 重新命名磁碟組 alter diskgroup data dismount; renamedg phase=both dgname=DATA newdgname=CRS verbose=true 輸出如下 Parsing parameters.. Parameters in effect: Old DG name : DATA New DG name : CRS Phases : Phase 1 Phase 2 Discovery str : (null) Clean : TRUE Raw only : TRUE renamedg operation: phase=both dgname=DATA newdgname=CRS verbose=true Executing phase 1 Discovering the group Performing discovery with string: Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:0 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:1 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:2 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:5 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Checking for hearbeat... Re-discovering the group Performing discovery with string: Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:0 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:1 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:2 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Identified disk ASM:/opt/oracle/extapi/32/asm/orcl/1/ with disk number:5 and timestamp (32955539 -2120261632) Checking if the diskgroup is mounted or used by CSS Checking disk number:0 Checking disk number:1 Checking disk number:2 Checking disk number:5 Generating configuration file.. Completed phase 1 Executing phase 2 Looking for ORCL:DISK1 Modifying the header Looking for ORCL:DISK2 Modifying the header Looking for ORCL:DISK3 Modifying the header Looking for ORCL:DISK6 Modifying the header Completed phase 2 Terminating kgfd context 0xb7ee8050 重新載入磁碟組並遷回OCR alter diskgroup CRS mount $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -add +CRS $ORACLE_HOME/bin/ocrconfig -delete +TEMP $ORACLE_HOME/bin/crsctl replace votedisk +CRS 遷回spfile並重啟CRS 刪除temp磁碟組並將其資訊從叢集中移除 alter diskgroup TEMP dismount; drop diskgroup temp including contents; srvctl remove diskgroup -g data srvctl remove diskgroup -g TEMP
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