Lubuntu Setup for Programming
Lubuntu Setup for Programming
Memo to setup a light weight linux env for programming usage.
- Oracle Virtual Box
- lubuntu-i386 12.10
Basic Setup Steps
enable su mode and set the sudo profile
su passwd root
sudo visudo
add a defaults line: Defaults env_reset , timestamp_timeout=-1
install make and gcc
apt-get update
apt-get install make gcc git git-web
install VB guest addition
install editors
apt-get install vim7 emacs24
customize ~/.bashrc
- configure ssh session key for git
- setup git
- sudo apt-get install python-dev (resolve the python.h issue)
install virtualenv find a place to save
curl -0 >
use virtualenv created *env*s to install other libraries
Clojure 1.4 (apt-get will install openjdk 7)
sudo apt-get install clojure1.4
Get the, launch a nrepl nrepl
make sure to install the nrepl, clojure-mode, parent-edit, ac-nrepl, auto-complete-mode with emacs24's package-install
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