PostgreSQL DBA(18) - pg_waldump工具簡介
注:pg_waldump for PG 10.x+,如果是PG 9.x或以下版本,則使用pg_xlogdump.
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$ pg_waldump --help
pg_waldump decodes and displays PostgreSQL write-ahead logs for debugging.
pg_waldump [OPTION]... [STARTSEG [ENDSEG]]
-b, --bkp-details output detailed information about backup blocks
-e, --end=RECPTR stop reading at WAL location RECPTR
-f, --follow keep retrying after reaching end of WAL
-n, --limit=N number of records to display
-p, --path=PATH directory in which to find log segment files or a
directory with a ./pg_wal that contains such files
(default: current directory, ./pg_wal, $PGDATA/pg_wal)
-r, --rmgr=RMGR only show records generated by resource manager RMGR;
use --rmgr=list to list valid resource manager names
-s, --start=RECPTR start reading at WAL location RECPTR
-t, --timeline=TLI timeline from which to read log records
(default: 1 or the value used in STARTSEG)
-V, --version output version information, then exit
-x, --xid=XID only show records with transaction ID XID
-z, --stats[=record] show statistics instead of records
(optionally, show per-record statistics)
-?, --help show this help, then exit
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$
-b, --bkp-details output detailed information about backup blocks
輸出backup blocks即full-write-page的詳細資訊.
-e, --end=RECPTR stop reading at WAL location RECPTR
-f, --follow keep retrying after reaching end of WAL
-n, --limit=N number of records to display
XLOG Record的輸出個數
-p, --path=PATH directory in which to find log segment files or a
directory with a ./pg_wal that contains such files
(default: current directory, ./pg_wal, $PGDATA/pg_wal)
在哪個目錄下尋找WAL segment files
-r, --rmgr=RMGR only show records generated by resource manager RMGR;
use --rmgr=list to list valid resource manager names
只顯示指定的RMGR的XLOG Record
-s, --start=RECPTR start reading at WAL location RECPTR
-t, --timeline=TLI timeline from which to read log records
(default: 1 or the value used in STARTSEG)
-V, --version output version information, then exit
-x, --xid=XID only show records with transaction ID XID
只輸出指定的事務ID的XLOG Record
-z, --stats[=record] show statistics instead of records
(optionally, show per-record statistics)
-?, --help show this help, then exit
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$ ll
total 98332
-rw-------. 1 xdb xdb 16777216 Dec 20 12:02 000000010000000100000048
-rw-------. 1 xdb xdb 16777216 Dec 19 16:47 000000010000000100000049
-rw-------. 1 xdb xdb 16777216 Dec 19 16:47 00000001000000010000004A
-rw-------. 1 xdb xdb 16777216 Dec 19 16:47 00000001000000010000004B
-rw-------. 1 xdb xdb 16777216 Dec 19 16:47 00000001000000010000004C
-rw-------. 1 xdb xdb 16777216 Dec 19 16:47 00000001000000010000004D
drwx------. 2 xdb xdb 6 Nov 16 15:48 archive_status
輸出檔案000000010000000100000048最開始的4個XLOG Record
命令:pg_waldump -p ./ -s 1/48000000 -n 4
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$ pg_waldump -p ./ -s 1/48000000 -n 4
rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 77/ 77, tx: 1964, lsn: 1/48000070, prev 1/47FFFFF8, desc: INSERT off 117, blkref #0: rel 1663/16402/17028 blk 1110
rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 77/ 77, tx: 1964, lsn: 1/480000C0, prev 1/48000070, desc: INSERT off 7, blkref #0: rel 1663/16402/17031 blk 1111
rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 77/ 77, tx: 1964, lsn: 1/48000110, prev 1/480000C0, desc: INSERT off 8, blkref #0: rel 1663/16402/17031 blk 1111
rmgr: Heap len (rec/tot): 77/ 77, tx: 1964, lsn: 1/48000160, prev 1/48000110, desc: INSERT off 9, blkref #0: rel 1663/16402/17031 blk 1111
注意第一條記錄,上一個LSN為1/47FFFFF8(prev 1/47FFFFF8),提示上一page最後一個XLOG Record儲存在本頁的XLogLongPageHeaderData中,儲存的空間大小可以從該XLOG Record的LSN(1/48000070)和XLogLongPageHeaderData的大小(40B)推算獲得,有興趣的同學可以自行計算.
注:LSN的計算請參照PostgreSQL DBA(15) - WAL檔案結構
檢視Redo point後的XLOG Record
首先使用pg_controldata命令檢視Redo point --> 1/484336A0
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$ pg_controldata
pg_control version number: 1100
Catalog version number: 201809051
Database system identifier: 6624362124887945794
Database cluster state: in production
pg_control last modified: Thu 20 Dec 2018 12:17:39 PM CST
Latest checkpoint location: 1/484336D8
Latest checkpoint's REDO location: 1/484336A0
Latest checkpoint's REDO WAL file: 000000010000000100000048
Latest checkpoint's TimeLineID: 1
命令:pg_waldump -p ./ -s 1/484336A0
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$ pg_waldump -p ./ -s 1/484336A0
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 50/ 50, tx: 0, lsn: 1/484336A0, prev 1/48433668, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 1971 latestCompletedXid 1970 oldestRunningXid 1971
rmgr: XLOG len (rec/tot): 106/ 106, tx: 0, lsn: 1/484336D8, prev 1/484336A0, desc: CHECKPOINT_ONLINE redo 1/484336A0; tli 1; prev tli 1; fpw true; xid 0:1971; oid 17046; multi 1; offset 0; oldest xid 561 in DB 16402; oldest multi 1 in DB 16402; oldest/newest commit timestamp xid: 0/0; oldest running xid 1971; online
rmgr: Standby len (rec/tot): 50/ 50, tx: 0, lsn: 1/48433748, prev 1/484336D8, desc: RUNNING_XACTS nextXid 1971 latestCompletedXid 1970 oldestRunningXid 1971
pg_waldump: FATAL: error in WAL record at 1/48433748: invalid record length at 1/48433780: wanted 24, got 0
[xdb@localhost pg_wal]$
PG 11 Document:pg_waldump
PostgreSQL 原始碼解讀(109)- WAL#5(相關資料結構)
PostgreSQL DBA(15) - WAL檔案結構
PostgreSQL DBA(16) - WAL segment file內部結構
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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