pacemaker是高可用叢集中的CRM(Cluster Resource Manager)資源管理層,他是一個服務,可以作為一個單獨的服務啟動,不過在如果使用corosync1.4中,我們可以設定corosync來啟動pacemaker。pacemaker的配置介面可以在任意節點上安裝crmsh或者pcs還有一些GUI介面的軟體來完成。crmsh在Redhat6.4以後不是官方自帶的,官方預設使用的pcs,crm是OpenSUSE的開源專案,所以如果需要還是用crm的話還需要去OpenSUSE源中下載。
name=Stable High Availability/Clustering packages (CentOS_CentOS-7)
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監控叢集狀態的主要命了是crm_mon(這個和crm status是一樣的效果)。它可以執行在很多模式下並且有許多輸出選項。如果要檢視pacemaker相應的工具,可以通過–help或者man pages來檢視。這些輸出都是靠命令來生成的,所以他總是會在各個節點和工具之間同步。此外,pacemaker的版本和至此的stack可以通過–version選項看到。
[root@node-1 ~]# crm_mon --version
Pacemaker 1.1.15-11.el7_3.4
Written by Andrew Beekho
crm_mon --help
crm_mon - Provides a summary of cluster's current state.
Outputs varying levels of detail in a number of different formats.
Usage: crm_mon mode [options]
-?, --help This text
-$, --version Version information
-V, --verbose Increase debug output
-Q, --quiet Display only essential output
-h, --as-html=value Write cluster status to the named html file
-X, --as-xml Write cluster status as xml to stdout. This will enable one-shot mode.
-w, --web-cgi Web mode with output suitable for cgi
-s, --simple-status Display the cluster status once as a simple one line output (suitable for nagios)
Display Options:
-n, --group-by-node Group resources by node
-r, --inactive Display inactive resources
-f, --failcounts Display resource fail counts
-o, --operations Display resource operation history
-t, --timing-details Display resource operation history with timing details
-c, --tickets Display cluster tickets
-W, --watch-fencing Listen for fencing events. For use with --external-agent, --mail-to and/or --snmp-traps where supported
-L, --neg-locations[=value] Display negative location constraints [optionally filtered by id prefix]
-A, --show-node-attributes Display node attributes
-D, --hide-headers Hide all headers
-R, --show-detail Show more details (node IDs, individual clone instances)
-b, --brief Brief output
-j, --pending Display pending state if 'record-pending' is enabled
Additional Options:
-i, --interval=value Update frequency in seconds
-1, --one-shot Display the cluster status once on the console and exit
-N, --disable-ncurses Disable the use of ncurses
-d, --daemonize Run in the background as a daemon
-p, --pid-file=value (Advanced) Daemon pid file location
-E, --external-agent=value A program to run when resource operations take place.
-e, --external-recipient=value A recipient for your program (assuming you want the program to send something to someone).
Display the cluster status on the console with updates as they occur:
# crm_mon
Display the cluster status on the console just once then exit:
# crm_mon -1
Display your cluster status, group resources by node, and include inactive resources in the list:
# crm_mon --group-by-node --inactive
Start crm_mon as a background daemon and have it write the cluster status to an HTML file:
# crm_mon --daemonize --as-html /path/to/docroot/filename.html
Start crm_mon and export the current cluster status as xml to stdout, then exit.:
# crm_mon --as-xml
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[root@node-1 corosync]# crm
crm(live)# help
This is crm shell, a Pacemaker command line interface.
Available commands:
cib manage shadow CIBs //cib沙盒
resource resources management //所有的資源都在這個子命令後定義
configure CRM cluster configuration //編輯叢集配置資訊
node nodes management //叢集節點管理子命令
options user preferences //使用者優先順序
history CRM cluster history //命令歷史記錄
site Geo-cluster support
ra resource agents information center //資源代理子命令(所有與資源代理相關的程都在此命令之下)
status show cluster status //顯示當前叢集的狀態資訊
help,? show help (help topics for list of topics)//檢視當前區域可能的命令
end,cd,up go back one level //返回第一級crm(live)
quit,bye,exit exit the program //退出crm(live)互動模式
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crm(live)resource# help
vailable commands:
status show status of resources //顯示資源狀態資訊
start start a resource //啟動一個資源
stop stop a resource //停止一個資源
restart restart a resource //重啟一個資源
promote promote a master-slave resource //提升一個主從資源
demote demote a master-slave resource //降級一個主從資源
manage put a resource into managed mode //將一個資源加入到管理模式下
unmanage put a resource into unmanaged mode //從管理模式下去除一個資源
migrate migrate a resource to another node //將資源遷移到另一個節點上
unmigrate unmigrate a resource to another node
param manage a parameter of a resource //管理資源的引數
secret manage sensitive parameters //管理敏感引數
meta manage a meta attribute //管理源屬性
utilization manage a utilization attribute
failcount manage failcounts //管理失效計數器
cleanup cleanup resource status //清理資源狀態
refresh refresh CIB from the LRM status //從LRM(LRM本地資源管理)更新CIB(叢集資訊庫),在
reprobe probe for resources not started by the CRM //探測在CRM中沒有啟動的資源
trace start RA tracing //啟用資源代理(RA)追蹤
untrace stop RA tracing //禁用資源代理(RA)追蹤
help show help (help topics for list of topics) //顯示幫助
end go back one level //返回一級(crm(live)#)
quit exit the program //退出互動式程式
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crm(live)configure# help
Available commands:
node define a cluster node //定義一個叢集節點
primitive define a resource //定義資源
monitor add monitor operation to a primitive //對一個資源新增監控選項(如超時時間,啟動失敗後的操作)
group define a group //定義一個組型別(將多個資源整合在一起)
clone define a clone //定義一個克隆型別(可以設定總的克隆數,每一個節點上可以執行幾個克隆)
ms define a master-slave resource //定義一個主從型別(叢集內的節點只能有一個執行主資源,其它從的做備用)
rsc_template define a resource template //定義一個資源模板
location a location preference //定義位置約束優先順序(預設執行於那一個節點(如果位置約束的值相同,預設傾向性那一個高,就在那一個節點上執行))
colocation colocate resources //排列約束資源(多個資源在一起的可能性)
order order resources //資源的啟動的先後順序
rsc_ticket resources ticket dependency
property set a cluster property //設定叢集屬性
rsc_defaults set resource defaults //設定資源預設屬性(粘性)
fencing_topology node fencing order //隔離節點順序
role define role access rights //定義角色的訪問許可權
user define user access rights //定義用使用者訪問許可權
op_defaults set resource operations defaults //設定資源預設選項
schema set or display current CIB RNG schema
show display CIB objects //顯示叢集資訊庫對
edit edit CIB objects //編輯叢集資訊庫物件(vim模式下編輯)
filter filter CIB objects //過濾CIB物件
delete delete CIB objects //刪除CIB物件
default-timeouts set timeouts for operations to minimums from the meta-data
rename rename a CIB object //重新命名CIB物件
modgroup modify group //改變資源組
refresh refresh from CIB //重新讀取CIB資訊
erase erase the CIB //清除CIB資訊
ptest show cluster actions if changes were committed
rsctest test resources as currently configured
cib CIB shadow management
cibstatus CIB status management and editing //cib狀態管理和編輯
template edit and import a configuration from a template //編輯或匯入配置模板
commit commit the changes to the CIB //將更改後的資訊提交寫入CIB
verify verify the CIB with crm_verify //CIB語法驗證
upgrade upgrade the CIB to version 1.0 //升級CIB到1.0
save save the CIB to a file //將當前CIB匯出到一個檔案中(匯出的檔案存於切換crm 之前的目錄)
load import the CIB from a file //從檔案內容載入CIB
graph generate a directed graph
xml raw xml
help show help (help topics for list of topics) //顯示幫助資訊
end go back one level //回到第一級(crm(live)#)
quit exit the program //退出crm互動模式
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crm(live)# node
crm(live)node# help
Node management and status commands.
Available commands:
status show nodes status as XML //以xml格式顯示節點狀態資訊
show show node //命令列格式顯示節點狀態資訊
standby put node into standby //模擬指定節點離線(standby在後面必須的FQDN)
online set node online // 節點重新上線
maintenance put node into maintenance mode //將一個節點狀態改為maintenance
ready put node into ready mode //將一個節點狀態改為ready
fence fence node //隔離節點
clearstate Clear node state //清理節點狀態資訊
delete delete node //刪除 一個節點
attribute manage attributes
utilization manage utilization attributes
status-attr manage status attributes
help show help (help topics for list of topics)
end go back one level //回到上一次
quit exit the program //退出
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crm(live)# ra
crm(live)ra# help
Available commands:
classes list classes and providers //為資源代理分類
list list RA for a class (and provider)//顯示一個類別中的提供的資源
meta show meta data for a RA //顯示一個資源代理序的可用引數(如meta ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2)
providers show providers for a RA and a class
help show help (help topics for list of topics)
end go back one level
quit exit the program
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crm(live)ra# classes //系統所使用的資源代理
ocf / heartbeat pacemaker
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crm(live)ra# list ocf //列表預設系統資源
CTDB ClusterMon Delay Dummy Filesystem HealthCPU
IPaddr IPaddr2 IPsrcaddr HealthCPU HealthSMART HealthSMART
LVM MailTo Route SendArp Squid
Stateful SysInfo SystemHealth VirtualDomain Xinetd
apache conntrackd controld db2 dhcpd
ethmonitor exportfs iSCSILogicalUnit mysql named
nfsnotify nfsserver pgsql ping pingd
postfix remote rsyncd symlink tomcat
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crm(live)ra# list lsb //列表外加的系統資源
NetworkManager abrt-ccpp abrt-oops abrtd acpid
atd auditd autofs blk-availability certmonger
corosync corosync-notifyd cpuspeed crond cups
dnsmasq firstboot haldaemon halt hsqldb
ip6tables iptables irqbalance jexec kdump
killall lvm2-lvmetad lvm2-monitor mdmonitor messagebus
mysqld netconsole netfs network nfs
nfslock nginx nmb ntpd ntpdate
oddjobd openfire pacemaker php-fpm portreserve
postfix psacct quota_nld rdisc redis
restorecond rngd rpcbind rpcgssd rpcidmapd
rpcsvcgssd rsyslog sandbox saslauthd single
slapd smartd smb snmpd snmptrapd
spice-vdagentd sshd sssd sysstat udev-post
vsftpd wdaemon winbind wpa_supplicant ypbind
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crm(live)ra# meta ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr //檢視系統資源IPaddr的引數
Manages virtual IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (Linux specific version) (ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr)
This Linux-specific resource manages IP alias IP addresses.
It can add an IP alias, or remove one.
In addition, it can implement Cluster Alias IP functionality
if invoked as a clone resource.
If used as a clone, you should explicitly set clone-node-max >= 2,
and/or clone-max < number of nodes. In case of node failure,
clone instances need to be re-allocated on surviving nodes.
This would not be possible if there is already an instance on those nodes,
and clone-node-max=1 (which is the default).
Parameters (*: required, []: default):
ip* (string): IPv4 or IPv6 address
The IPv4 (dotted quad notation) or IPv6 address (colon hexadecimal notation)
example IPv4 “”.
example IPv6 “2001:db8:DC28:0:0:FC57:D4C8:1FFF”.
crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=false //禁用stonith-enable
crm(live)configure# property no-quorum-policy=ignore //忽略投票規則
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* primitive:定義一資源所使用的命令
* webip:為資源起一個名字
* ocf:heartbeat;IPaddr:所使用資源代理的類別,由誰提供的那一個代理程式
* op monitor 對webip做監控
* interval:間隔時間
* timeout:超時時間
* on-fail:失敗自起
crm(live)configure# primitive webip ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr params ip= op monitor interval=30s timeout=20s on-fail=restart
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crm(live)configure# primitive nginx_res lsb:nginx //那些在/etc/init.d/*的指令碼就是屬於lsb的
* 定義排列約束
* colocation:排列約束命令
* nginx_web : 約束名
* inf:#(可能性,inf表示永久在一起,也可以是數值)
* webip nginx_res:#資源名稱
crm(live)configure# colocation nginx_web inf: nginx_res webip
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* 定義資源啟動順序
* order : 順序約束的命令
* nginx_after_ip : 約束ID
* mandatory: #指定級別(此處有三種級別:mandatory:強制, Optional:可選,Serialize:序列化)
* webip nginx_res:#資源名稱,這裡書寫的先後順序相當重要
crm(live)configure# order nginx_after_ip mandatory: webip nginx_res
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* 定義節點權重
* location:節點權重命令
* webip_and_webnfs_and_webserver:約束名稱
* webip 500: node1:webip這個資源的node1節點的權重是500
crm(live)configure# location webip_and_webnfs_and_webserver webip 500: node1
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* 定義預設資源屬性
* rsc_defaults:預設資源
* 這樣定義代表叢集中每一個資源的預設權重,只有當資源服務不在當前節點時,權重才會生效,比如,這裡我定義了三個資源webip、webnfs、webserver,對每一個資源的權重為100,那麼加在一起就變成了300,之前己經定義node1的位置約束的值為500,當node1當機後,重新上線,這樣就切換到node1上了。
crm(live)configure# rsc_defaults resource-stickiness=100
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crm(live)configure# delete nginx_res //刪除一個資源,約束,排序,組等
crm(live)node# delete node1 //刪除一個節
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crm(live)configure# verify //稽核
crm(live)configure# commit //提交
crm(live)configure# show //顯示
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crm(live)node# standby node1 //節點掛起
crm(live)node# online node1 //節點上線
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