Update this BIOS to cool down your A340TDH.
1.Put the WFFLASH.EXE and The BIOS binary file(A340TDH.rom) you downloaded in the same directory.
2.Reboot into DOS.
3.Change to the above directory and type the following command:
4.A dialog box will appear on the screen, asking if you want to update the BIOS. Type Y to update the BIOS.
5.The screen will disappear for 5-10 seconds during the updating process. Do not take any action before the updating is finished.
6.After the updating is completed, you must reboot your computer.
1.Put the WFFLASH.EXE and The BIOS binary file(A340TDH.rom) you downloaded in the same directory.
2.Reboot into DOS.
3.Change to the above directory and type the following command:
4.A dialog box will appear on the screen, asking if you want to update the BIOS. Type Y to update the BIOS.
5.The screen will disappear for 5-10 seconds during the updating process. Do not take any action before the updating is finished.
6.After the updating is completed, you must reboot your computer.
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