java -classpath "C:/Program Files/IBM/SDP/FunctionalTester/bin/rational_ft.jar" com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore "D:/RFT/RFT_Project/Calc_FunctionLib" -playback TestControl
Most actions that can be performed from the Functional Tester graphical user interface can also be performed from the command line.
These actions include:
- Record a script 錄製指令碼
- Compile a script 編譯指令碼
- Play back a script, passing command-line arguments to the script 回放指令碼
- View and edit verification point and object map files 檢視和編輯驗證點、物件對映檔案
- Invoke the Java/HTML enabler 呼叫Java/HTML啟用器
- Invoke the Application Configuration Tool 呼叫應用程式配置工具
The core command line formats follow:
java <standard java options> -classpath rational_ft.jar com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft <Functional Tester options> or
java <standard java options> -jar rational_ft.jar <Functional Tester options>
The standard java options refer to the Java™ command line options such as -classpath <classpath> to set the classpath appropriately.
If you use the first command-line format, you must explicitly include the rational_ft.jar in the classpath. It can be found in the Functional Tester install directory. If you use the second command-line format, specify the full path of the rational_ft.jar file after the -jar option. You do not need to specify a classpath or the class to run (com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft ). If you are using Functional Tester with PurifyPlus™, use the first command-line format.
See the Functional Tester API Reference (com/rational/test/ft/rational_ft) for a full list of the command-line options.
If you have dependencies on a projects, then you must add the project path using the -projectpath option.
The following is the list of more commonly used options:
-datastore <datastore directory>
Use this option whenever a script is specified, for example use it with -record or -playback.
-record <script name>
Use this option to record a new script (or in conjunction with -insertafter <line number> to insert recording into an existing script). The script name is not a file name. It is a fully qualified class name using the dot (.) character to separate package/namespace and script class name. You can use -record <script name>to record Java or VB.NET scripts, depending on the project type.
-playback <script name>
Use this option to play back a Java script. You must specify the playback option at the end of the command. Rational Functional Tester ignores any arguments specified after the playback option.
-edit <file> or -display <file>
Use this option to edit or view a Functional Tester verification point or object map. The <file> can be a complete file name (with directory path). Use double-quotes if the name or path includes space characters.
Use this option to open the Enable Environments dialog box to enable a specific environment.
Use this option to open the Application Configuration Tool dialog box.
Use this option to open the Test Object Inspector Tool dialog box.
In these examples, -classpath must point to the rational_ft.jar files.
Note: The <script-name> values use standard Java package or .NET namespace naming conventions such as package.MyScript or Namespace.MyScript.
Record a new script:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> [ -map <sharedmap>] [options] -record <script-name>
Record a simplified script:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -simplescript true -datastore <directory> [-map<sharedmapname>] [options] -record <script-name>
Record into an existing script, inserting before or after a given line:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> [ -insertbefore <line>] [ -insertafter <line>] [options] -map <sharedmap>] [options] -record <script-name>
Compile a script:
Note: You must enable the Java environment before compiling a script with this command. You must also install Java SDK and add the bin directory to the path.
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> [options] -compile <script-name>
Play back a script, passing command-line arguments <values> to the script:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -log <logname> [options] -playback <script-name> [ -args <values>]
Play back a script that uses classes from other functional test projects:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -projectpath <reference-project-path> -playback <script-name>
Play back a script that uses other classes for the functional test projects:
java -projectpath <projectpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -projectpath <reference-project-path> -playback <script-name>
Play back a script that has an associated datapool:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -iterationCount <iteration value> -playback <script-name>
Record, compile, and play back a script:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> [options] -record <script-name> -compile -playback [ -args <values>]
Note: To playback your scripts with dynamic VPs, add -rt.interative true before -playback in the command line.
Construct an empty script:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -map <sharedmapname> [options] -create <script-name>
Regenerate the helper file for a script:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -helper <script-name>
Regenerate all helper files for a datastore:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -regenHelpers <script-name>
Display an object-map file:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -display <object-map filename>
Display a verification-point file:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -display <verification point filename>
Edit an object-map file:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -edit <object-map filename>
Edit a verification-point file:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -edit <verification point filename>
Create and edit a shared-object map:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -fromMap <object-map filename1> -createMap <object-map filename2>
Merge a later version of an object map into a current (modified) version of the same map:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -from <object-map filename1> -to <object-map filename2> -original <object-map filename1> -mergeMap
Compare an actual verification point result to an expected verification point result:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore <directory> -baseline <baseline verification point filename> -compare <expected verification point filename> <actual verification point filename>
Enable a configured browser, Java environment, or Eclipse platform:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -enableName <browser/Java environment/Eclipse>
Disable all configured browsers, Java environments and Eclipse platforms:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -disableall
Run the Application Configuration Tool:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -appConfig <application name>
Run the Test Object Inspector:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -inspector
Run the Object Properties Configuration Tool:
java -classpath <classpath> com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -objectlibraryou
If you have TestManager installed and you want to run Functional Tester unattended in batch mode with a TestManager log, you must include the following options on the rational_ft command line:
-user username
The TestManager user name for login.
-password password
Optional. The TestManager password for login. Do not use this if no password has been set.
-project fullpath and full projectname
The name of the TestManager project, which is preceded by its full path. This is case-sensitive.
-build build
The name of an existing TestManager build. See Note below.
-logfolder foldername
The name of an existing TestManager log folder (see Note below) or the file specification for an HTML or a text log. If you use the HTML or text log folder name, you do not need to specify the build.
Note: If you want to create a TestManager log, make sure you create the TestManager build and the TestManager log folders first. If these two folders do not exist, execution will fail when you run Functional Tester unattended in batch mode.
-log logname
The name of the TestManager, HTML or text log. If you use the HTML or text log name, you do not need to specify the build.
Execute a script on Windows®
java -classpath "C:/IBM/RFT/FunctionalTester/bin/rational_ft.jar" com.rational.test.ft.rational_ft -datastore //My_project/AUser/RobotJProjects -user admin -project //My_project/AUser/TestManagerProjects/Test.rsp -build "Build 1" -logfolder "Default" -log "Al_SimpleClassicsA#1" -rt.log_format "TestManager" -rt.bring_up_logviewer true -playback basetests.SimpleClassicsA_01
If you do not want TestManager to display the log after playing the script, you must also include the following option on the rational_ft command line:
-rt.bring_up_logviewer false
The command line format is: /opt/IBM/RFT/jre/bin/java /opt/IBM/RFT/FunctionalTester/bin/rational_ft.jar<Functional Tester options>
If you use the above command-line format, you must explicitly set the functional tester environment variables. Alternatively, you can use the Functional Tester scriptft_cmdline.
Enable all environments in Linux®
/opt/IBM/SDP7.0/ft_cmdline -enable ALL
Execute a script with command line arguments on Linux
/opt/IBM/SDp7.0/ft_cmdline -datastore
/opt/IBM/RFT/workspace/Project1 -log testscript -playback Script2 -args arg1 arg2
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