Could not decode a text frame as UTF-8 的解決
Could not decode a text frame as UTF-8 的解決
def send_img(msg,data_length): send_msg = b"" # 使用bytes格式,避免後面拼接的時候出現異常 send_msg += b"\x82" back_str = [] back_str.append('\x81') data_length = len(msg) # 可能有中文內容傳入,因此計算長度的時候需要轉為bytes資訊 # if PRINT_FLAG: print("INFO: send message len is %d" % (data_length)) # 資料長度的三種情況 if data_length <= 125: # 當訊息內容長度小於等於125時,資料幀的第二個位元組0xxxxxxx 低7位直接標示訊息內容的長度 send_msg += str.encode(chr(data_length)) elif data_length <= 65535: # 當訊息內容長度需要兩個位元組來表示時,此位元組低7位取值為126,由後兩個位元組標示資訊內容的長度 send_msg += struct.pack('b', 126) send_msg += struct.pack('>h', data_length) elif data_length <= (2 ^ 64 - 1): # 當訊息內容長度需要把個位元組來表示時,此位元組低7位取值為127,由後8個位元組標示資訊內容的長度 send_msg += struct.pack('b', 127) send_msg += struct.pack('>q', data_length) else: print(u'太長了') send_message = send_msg+msg global conn_dict_face if conn_dict_face: print('has conn********************') for connection in conn_dict_face.values(): if send_message != None: try: print("send") #if not connection._closed: timestr ='%H:%M:%S:%f') log_info(timestr, 'send_message_test') connection.send(send_message) except Exception as e: log_info('send error', e) connection.close() else: log_info("msg_test is none")
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