Spring Framework的公司Interface21的公司理念-推薦
Mission Statement
We aim to make J2EE-based development processes, technologies and solutions agile. We believe that agile processes improve productivity and quality.
Our Commitments
We are driven by your requirements, rather than our technology, or anyone else's.
We provide independent advice, always putting the needs of the client first. While our experience has shown that Spring produces significant benefits for the vast majority of projects, we want to help you, not plug any particular product. If you wouldn't benefit from Spring, we'll tell you. If you should develop a particular project in C# or PHP, rather than Java, we'll tell you. If we feel that your project is doomed to failure, no matter what we do, we'll tell you.
Our people are true experts in Spring, J2EE and Java. We believe in small, skilled teams. We don't employ developers fresh out of college, and we don't put them in front of clients.
We pool our expertise. We hit the ground running, and don't bill you to reinvent the wheel on each project. All consultancies should work like this; few do.
We do what we do very very well. We don't believe you'll find better J2EE talent. But we don't lay claim to comparable expertise in every area. If we feel we're not qualified to answer a particular question, we'll tell you, and tell you where to look for answers. All consultancies should work like this; few do.
We are sincere about skills transfer, and our consultants have the communication skills to make it happen.
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