1. 安裝
1.1 下載原始碼
1.2 編譯安裝
1) ./configure
2) ./make
3) ./make install
注:如果用apt-get install sqlite3進行安裝,只會安裝bin檔案,不會安裝庫、標頭檔案等。
1.3 檢視是否安裝成功: sqlite3 --version
2. 測試
gcc -o sqlite-test sqlite-test.c -lsqlite3
3. 程式碼
// by baoli
// 2017.05.15
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sqlite3.h>
#define _DEBUG_
int main( void )
sqlite3 *db = NULL;
char *zErrMsg = 0;
int rc;
rc = sqlite3_open("test.db", &db); //開啟指定的資料庫檔案,如果不存在將建立一個同名的資料庫檔案
if( rc )
fprintf(stderr, "Can't open database: %s\n", sqlite3_errmsg(db));
printf("\nYou have opened a sqlite3 database named test.db successfully!\n\n");
//建立一個表,如果該表存在,則不建立,並給出提示資訊,儲存在 zErrMsg 中
char *sql = "CREATE TABLE SensorData(ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, SensorID INTEGER, SiteNum INTEGER, Time VARCHAR(12), SensorParameter REAL );" ;
sqlite3_exec( db , sql , 0 , 0 , &zErrMsg );
#ifdef _DEBUG_
if(zErrMsg != NULL) printf("zErrMsg = %s \n", zErrMsg);
sql = "INSERT INTO \"SensorData\" VALUES(NULL , 11 , 1 , '201705011206', 18.9 );" ;
sqlite3_exec( db , sql , 0 , 0 , &zErrMsg );
sql = "INSERT INTO \"SensorData\" VALUES(NULL , 23 , 45 , '201705011306', 16.4 );" ;
sqlite3_exec( db , sql , 0 , 0 , &zErrMsg );
sql = "INSERT INTO \"SensorData\" VALUES(NULL , 34 , 45 , '201705011306', 15.4 );" ;
sqlite3_exec( db , sql , 0 , 0 , &zErrMsg );
int nrow = 0, ncolumn = 0;
char **azResult; //二維陣列存放結果
int sqlite3_get_table(sqlite3*, const char *sql,char***result , int *nrow , int *ncolumn ,char **errmsg );
nrow ,ncolumn分別為查詢語句返回的結果集的行數,列數,沒有查到結果時返回0
sql = "SELECT * FROM SensorData ";
sqlite3_get_table( db , sql , &azResult , &nrow , &ncolumn , &zErrMsg );
#ifdef _DEBUG_
if(zErrMsg != NULL) printf("zErrMsg = %s \n", zErrMsg);
int i = 0 ,j = 0, k = 0 ;
printf( "row=%d column=%d \n" , nrow , ncolumn );
printf( "The result of query is : \n" );
// for( i=0 ; i<( nrow + 1 ) * ncolumn ; i++ )
// printf( "azResult[%d] = %s\n", i , azResult[i] );
for(i = 0; i < nrow + 1; i++)
for(j = 0; j < ncolumn; j ++)
printf("%-15s ", azResult[k++]);
k = 0;
sql = "DELETE FROM SensorData WHERE SensorID = 11 ;" ;
sqlite3_exec( db , sql , 0 , 0 , &zErrMsg );
#ifdef _DEBUG_
if(zErrMsg != NULL) printf("zErrMsg = %s \n", zErrMsg);
sql = "SELECT * FROM SensorData ";
sqlite3_get_table( db , sql , &azResult , &nrow , &ncolumn , &zErrMsg );
printf( "\n\nrow=%d column=%d " , nrow , ncolumn );
printf( "\nAfter deleting , the result of querying is :\n" );
for(i = 0; i < nrow + 1; i++)
for(j = 0; j < ncolumn; j ++)
printf("%-15s ", azResult[k++]);
k = 0;
//釋放掉 azResult 的記憶體空間
sqlite3_free_table( azResult );
#ifdef _DEBUG_
if(zErrMsg != NULL) printf("zErrMsg = %s \n", zErrMsg);
sqlite3_close(db); //關閉資料庫
return 0;
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