

單例可能是 iOS 開發者最熟悉設計模式之一了。 我們的專案裡頭也使用了很多單例?。 最近為了解決專案中單例的 bug 而花費了兩天多的時間,發現用 ObjC 寫好一個單例真的不容易!


可能有很多人不服氣,單例麼, 有什麼難的, 一個簡單的 dispatch_once 不就解決了麼! 比如下邊的程式碼:

@implementation SingletonClass
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
    static SingletonClass *instance = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        instance = [[self alloc] init];
    return instance;

可能大部分人的單例都是這麼實現的, 貌似也沒啥問題,通過[SingletonClass sharedInstance] 獲取到的的確都是同一個例項。但是有沒有例外情況呢?

  1. 比如SingletonClass這個類需要託管到其他框架, 那麼其他框架生成例項的時候, 為了通用, 一般都會通過[[SingletonClass alloc] init]來初始化;
  2. 專案中的單例類又沒有明顯標識, 長的和其他類差不多, 那麼會不會有某些同事"誤用" [[SingletonClass alloc] init]來初始化呢? 畢竟你又沒有規定不讓用。

那麼問題來了, 執行下邊程式碼:

NSLog(@"1: %p", [SingletonClass sharedInstance]);
NSLog(@"2: %p", [SingletonClass sharedInstance]);
NSLog(@"3: %p", [[SingletonClass alloc] init]);
NSLog(@"4: %p", [[SingletonClass alloc] init]);


2019-04-12 18:44:51.147445+0800 TestProj[92371:7344641] 1: 0x600002a0c360
2019-04-12 18:44:51.147553+0800 TestProj[92371:7344641] 2: 0x600002a0c360
2019-04-12 18:44:51.147630+0800 TestProj[92371:7344641] 3: 0x600002a1e700
2019-04-12 18:44:51.147737+0800 TestProj[92371:7344641] 4: 0x600002a11060

可以看出, 1和2是一樣的, 但是和3, 4都不一樣, 所以這種方案不完善。

弊端:沒有保證無論用何種初始化方法, 都應該只有一個例項。


在很久很久以前, iOS的蠻荒時代, 那時候還沒有 swift, 蘋果還把 Objective-C 叫“小甜甜”。 在蘋果網站上, 曾經有一份OC實現單例的 sample code(現在沒有了,連結失效了, 現在只有 swift 的, 畢竟現在的小甜甜是 swift)。 費了老大的勁, 終於從一些別人的歷史文章裡邊找到了和當年蘋果差不多的實現:

static SingletonClass *sharedInstance = nil;

@implementation SingletonClass
#pragma mark Singleton Methods
+ (id)sharedInstance {
  @synchronized(self) {
      if(sharedInstance == nil)
          sharedInstance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
  return sharedInstance;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
  return [[self sharedInstance] retain];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
  return self;
- (id)retain {
  return self;
- (unsigned)retainCount {
  return UINT_MAX; //denotes an object that cannot be released
- (oneway void)release {
  // never release
- (id)autorelease {
  return self;
- (void)dealloc {
  // Should never be called, but just here for clarity really.
  [someProperty release];
  [super dealloc];

這個還是 MRC 的, 那時候也還沒有 dispatch_once。 改寫成 ARC 之後測試看看:

2019-04-12 21:59:16.844126+0800 TestProj[6248:7514391] 1: 0x600002afc430
2019-04-12 21:59:16.844285+0800 TestProj[6248:7514391] 2: 0x600002afc430
2019-04-12 21:59:16.844402+0800 TestProj[6248:7514391] 3: 0x600002afc430
2019-04-12 21:59:16.844499+0800 TestProj[6248:7514391] 4: 0x600002afc430

OK! 完美!

且慢~~ 在用到專案中的時候, 還是有問題。 原來專案中有單例繼承的情況?(關於單例是否可以繼承, 以及什麼場景下用單例繼承, 這是另外一個爭論話題~)。 那就寫個子類繼承單例, 測試一下吧:

@interface SingletonClassSon : SingletonClass
@implementation SingletonClassSon

/// test case:
NSLog(@"01: %@", [SingletonClass sharedInstance]);
NSLog(@"02: %@", [[SingletonClass alloc] init]);
NSLog(@"11: %@", [SingletonClassSon sharedInstance]);
NSLog(@"12: %@", [[SingletonClassSon alloc] init]);


2019-04-12 22:10:47.305874+0800 TestProj[6737:7524929] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x60000166ca20>
2019-04-12 22:10:47.306011+0800 TestProj[6737:7524929] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x60000166ca20>
2019-04-12 22:10:47.306110+0800 TestProj[6737:7524929] 11: <SingletonClass: 0x60000166ca20>
2019-04-12 22:10:47.306191+0800 TestProj[6737:7524929] 12: <SingletonClass: 0x60000166ca20>

WTF?爹還是爹, 兒子不見了? 原因是子類呼叫的是父類的sharedInstance方法, 直接返回父類的例項了, 子類根本沒有被 alloc!

修改一下, 給兒子把方法補全:

@interface SingletonClassSon : SingletonClass
@implementation SingletonClassSon
#pragma mark Singleton Methods
+ (id)sharedInstance {
    static SingletonClassSon *sharedInstance = nil;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        sharedInstance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
    return sharedInstance;
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    return [self sharedInstance];
- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    return self;

繼續執行原來的 test case, 崩了:

V2.0 崩潰
呼叫棧如下, 很明顯子類的 sharedInstance 方法發生了遞迴呼叫, 導致dispatch_once死鎖了:
v2 堆疊



仔細觀察上個版本的崩潰堆疊, 發現問題所在就是 allocWithZone:的實現! 把兩個類的allocWithZone: 修改如下:

/// 父類
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    if (self == SingletonClass.class) {
        return [self sharedInstance];
    return [super allocWithZone:zone];

/// 子類
+ (id)allocWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
    if (self == SingletonClassSon.class) {
        return [self sharedInstance];
    return [super allocWithZone:zone];


2019-04-12 22:46:44.697281+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x6000014b7830>
2019-04-12 22:46:44.697575+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x6000014b7830>
2019-04-12 22:46:44.698047+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 11: <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840>
2019-04-12 22:46:44.698309+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 12: <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840>

??? 大功告成~~~

放到專案中跑起來, 貌似隱約感覺不對~~~ 有些單例中的狀態怎麼被reset 了? 新增一些生命週期方法, 加上日誌測試。。。 原來問題在-init上!

分別給父類和子類新增如下 -init方法:

- (instancetype)init {
    self = [super init];
    NSLog(@"%@ call %s", self, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
    return self;

繼續執行測試用例, 輸出如下:

2019-04-12 22:46:44.697151+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] <SingletonClass: 0x6000014b7830> call -[SingletonClass init]
2019-04-12 22:46:44.697281+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x6000014b7830>
2019-04-12 22:46:44.697398+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] <SingletonClass: 0x6000014b7830> call -[SingletonClass init]
2019-04-12 22:46:44.697575+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x6000014b7830>
2019-04-12 22:46:44.697881+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840> call -[SingletonClass init]
2019-04-12 22:46:44.697959+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840> call -[SingletonClassSon init]
2019-04-12 22:46:44.698047+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 11: <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840>
2019-04-12 22:46:44.698138+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840> call -[SingletonClass init]
2019-04-12 22:46:44.698213+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840> call -[SingletonClassSon init]
2019-04-12 22:46:44.698309+0800 TestProj[8125:7555154] 12: <SingletonClassSon: 0x6000014b7840>

一眼就能看到, 只要用 alloc + init 的方式獲取單例例項, -init方法都會被執行一次, 單例中的狀態也就會丟失了~。



我們在專案中, 為了減少重複程式碼, 把單例的實現寫成一個模板, 只需要把這個巨集新增到類實現中, 就能把這個類變成單例。詳情可以參考我很久很久以前的文章

如何保證初始化方法不可重入呢? 這個問題我想了好久, 貌似除了在-init方法中新增初始化標記, 沒有其他辦法了。 但是如何在 -init中新增標記呢? 我能想到的辦法有倆:

  1. 通過 method swizzle 替換單例的-init方法。 我們可以給每個單例增加一個 category, 然後在 category 中實現+load方法(不用擔心會覆蓋主類中的+load, 每個 category 都可以新增自己的+load方法, 而且這些+load方法都會被執行), 在這裡替換掉-init
  2. 模板中實現 -init, 就可以增加這個標記了, 然後定義一個新的初始化方法 -singletonInit, 在 -init 中呼叫就可以了。外部單例類只需要實現這個 -singletonInit就可以了。

經過仔細考慮, 我最後選擇了方案二, 主要是 method swizzle 風險不太可控, 方案二雖然保守, 但是比較可靠。

修改一下單例 -init方法實現:

// 父類, 子類也類似
static SingletonClass *instance_SingletonClass = nil;
- (instancetype)init {
    static dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore;
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
    SingletonClass *strongRef = instance_SingletonClass;
    dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
    if (strongRef.class != self.class) {
        self = [super init];
        if (self.class == SingletonClass.class) {
            SEL sel = NSSelectorFromString(@"singletonInit");
            if ([self respondsToSelector:sel]) {
                [self performSelector:sel];
            instance_SingletonClass = self;
    return self;

- (void)singletonInit {
    NSLog(@"caller: %@; SingletonClass customic init", self);

繼續執行測試用例, 結果如下:

2019-04-13 13:04:35.396087+0800 TestProj[11692:7647465] caller: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c681d0>; SingletonClass customic init
2019-04-13 13:04:35.396231+0800 TestProj[11692:7647465] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c681d0>
2019-04-13 13:04:35.396312+0800 TestProj[11692:7647465] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c681d0>
2019-04-13 13:04:35.396402+0800 TestProj[11692:7647465] caller: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002c63280>; SingletonClassSon customic init
2019-04-13 13:04:35.396473+0800 TestProj[11692:7647465] 11: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002c63280>
2019-04-13 13:04:35.396561+0800 TestProj[11692:7647465] 12: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002c63280>

這次好像沒問題了, 不會重複執行-init方法了。 可是子類的初始化貌似不太對?因為我們現在修改了-init方法, 真正的類的初始化是在-init裡的-singletonInit裡邊進行的, 因此子類的初始化也必須呼叫父類的方法, 這樣才能保證完全初始化。 所以我們必須在-singletonInit中呼叫 super 方法。 可是問題來了, -singletonInit是需要開發者自己實現的, 怎麼保證開發者不會忘記新增[super singletonInit]呢? 大家可能會想起, 在 xcode 中寫 viewController 的時候,-viewWillAppear:等方法, 如果不寫 supper 呼叫, 就會出編譯警告, 提示你必須呼叫 super 方法。 這就是利用了 llvm 的編譯屬性, 蘋果已經把它封裝成一個巨集:NS_REQUIRES_SUPER。 所以我們繼續新增如下程式碼:

/// .h
@interface NSObject (SingletonInit)
- (void)singletonInit NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;

/// .m
@implementation NSObject (SingletonInit)
- (void)singletonInit {}

然後在每個單例的 -singletonInit 中新增[super singletonInit];, 執行測試用例, 輸出如下:

2019-04-13 13:40:57.294312+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] caller: <SingletonClass: 0x6000028874f0>; SingletonClass customic init
2019-04-13 13:40:57.294442+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x6000028874f0>
2019-04-13 13:40:57.294569+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x6000028874f0>
2019-04-13 13:40:57.294653+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] caller: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002898240>; SingletonClass customic init
2019-04-13 13:40:57.294724+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] caller: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002898240>; SingletonClassSon customic init
2019-04-13 13:40:57.294810+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] 11: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002898240>
2019-04-13 13:40:57.294879+0800 TestProj[12932:7675173] 12: <SingletonClassSon: 0x600002898240>

事情貌似都解決了, 嗯~~ 好像又看到了一個新概念weak singleton。 修改成 wean 單例模式:

// static SingletonClass *instance_SingletonClass = nil;
static __weak SingletonClass *instance_SingletonClass = nil;


    id obj = [SingletonClass sharedInstance];
    NSLog(@"01: %@", obj);
    NSLog(@"02: %@", [[SingletonClass alloc] init]);

    obj = [SingletonClass sharedInstance];
    NSLog(@"11: %@", obj);
    NSLog(@"12: %@", [[SingletonClass alloc] init]);

    obj = nil;
    obj = [SingletonClass sharedInstance];
    NSLog(@"21: %@", obj);
    NSLog(@"22: %@", [[SingletonClass alloc] init]);


2019-04-14 13:24:21.327596+0800 TestProj[36068:8203530] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c8b2b0>
2019-04-14 13:24:21.327725+0800 TestProj[36068:8203530] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c8b2b0>
2019-04-14 13:24:21.327950+0800 TestProj[36068:8203530] 11: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c8b2b0>
2019-04-14 13:24:21.328037+0800 TestProj[36068:8203530] 12: <SingletonClass: 0x600002c8b2b0>
2019-04-14 13:24:21.328366+0800 TestProj[36068:8203530] 21: (null)
2019-04-14 13:24:21.328617+0800 TestProj[36068:8203530] 22: (null)

物件被釋放之後, 再也不能繼續建立單例了, 得到的都是nil。 原因就是, dispatch_once, 得換個方法。

弊端:不支援 weak 單例



+ (id)sharedInstance {
    __block SingletonClass *strongRef = instance_SingletonClass;
    if (strongRef == nil) {
        static dispatch_semaphore_t lock;
        static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
            lock = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
        dispatch_semaphore_wait(lock, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
        if (instance_SingletonClass == nil) {
            strongRef = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
            instance_SingletonClass = strongRef;
        } else {
            strongRef = instance_SingletonClass;
    return strongRef;


2019-04-14 13:29:20.280302+0800 TestProj[36272:8208680] 01: <SingletonClass: 0x600003824970>
2019-04-14 13:29:20.280400+0800 TestProj[36272:8208680] 02: <SingletonClass: 0x600003824970>
2019-04-14 13:29:20.280486+0800 TestProj[36272:8208680] 11: <SingletonClass: 0x600003824970>
2019-04-14 13:29:20.280594+0800 TestProj[36272:8208680] 12: <SingletonClass: 0x600003824970>
2019-04-14 13:29:20.280871+0800 TestProj[36272:8208680] 21: <SingletonClass: 0x600003824970>
2019-04-14 13:29:20.281358+0800 TestProj[36272:8208680] 22: <SingletonClass: 0x600003824970>

至此, 我們得到了一個基本完整ObjC單例實現, 我們用巨集把它變成一個模板:

  • ALSingletonTemplate.h
    #ifndef ALSingletonTemplate_H
    #define ALSingletonTemplate_H
     * A template code for define a singleton class.
     * Example:
        // .h file
        @interface SingletionTest : NSObject
        // .m file
        @implementation SingletionTest
        // IMPORTANT: DO NOT add `-init` in you singleton class!!! you should use `-singletonInit` instead!!!
        // and DONT FORGET to add `[super singletonInit]` in you singletonInit method.
        - (void)singletonInit {
            [super singletonInit];
            // your init code here ...
        // your code here ...
        // usage:
        SingletionTest *singleton = [SingletionTest sharedInstance];
        // or: SingletionTest *singleton = [[SingletionTest alloc] init];
        // or: SingletionTest *singleton = [SingletionTest new];
    /// singleton
    #undef AL_AS_SINGLETON
    #if __has_feature(objc_arc)
        #define AL_AS_SINGLETON             \
            + (instancetype)sharedInstance; \
            + (void)al_destroySingleton;    \
            - (void)al_destroySingleton;
        #define AL_AS_SINGLETON             \
            + (instancetype)sharedInstance;
    /// weak singleton; only supports ARC
    #if __has_feature(objc_arc)
        #undef AL_AS_WEAK_SINGLETON
    #if __has_feature(objc_arc)
        #define AL_SYNTHESIZE_WEAK_SINGLETON(CLS)                               \
            static __weak CLS *__AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(CLS) = nil;    \
        #define AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON(CLS)                                    \
            static CLS *__AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(CLS) = nil;           \
        #define AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON(CLS)                           \
            static CLS *__AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(CLS) = nil;  \
    #define __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_FOR_CLASS(cls)   __AL_SINGLETON_MACRO_CONCAT(__al_singleton_semaphore_, cls)
    #define __AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_COMMON(cls)                                                                        \
        +(dispatch_semaphore_t) __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_FOR_CLASS(cls) {                                                \
            static dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore;                                                                       \
            static dispatch_once_t onceToken;                                                                            \
            dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{                                                                                 \
                semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);                                                                \
            });                                                                                                          \
            return semaphore;                                                                                            \
        }                                                                                                                \
        +(instancetype) sharedInstance {                                                                                 \
            if (self != cls.class) {                                                                                     \
                printf(                                                                                                  \
                    "‼️ [SINGLETON] class `%s` invokes `%s` will return the instance of `%s`, which is not the one " \
                    "you expected.\n\n",                                                                                     \
                    NSStringFromClass(self).UTF8String, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, #cls);                                      \
            }                                                                                                            \
            __block cls *strongRef = __AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls);                                             \
            if (strongRef == nil) {                                                                                      \
                dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore = [cls __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_FOR_CLASS(cls)];                          \
                __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_WITH_TIMEOUT(semaphore,                                                         \
                                                      if (__AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls) == nil) {               \
                                                          strongRef = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];                 \
                                                          __AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls) = strongRef;            \
                                                      } else { strongRef = __AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls); });   \
            }                                                                                                            \
            return strongRef;                                                                                            \
        }                                                                                                                \
            + (id) allocWithZone : (NSZone *) zone {                                                                     \
            if (self == cls.class) {                                                                                     \
                return [self sharedInstance];                                                                            \
            }                                                                                                            \
            return [super allocWithZone:zone];                                                                           \
        }                                                                                                                \
        -(instancetype) init {                                                                                           \
            static dispatch_semaphore_t semaphore;                                                                       \
            static dispatch_once_t onceToken;                                                                            \
            dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{                                                                                 \
                semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);                                                                \
            });                                                                                                          \
            cls *strongRef = __AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls);                                                     \
            __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_WITH_TIMEOUT(semaphore, if (strongRef.class != self.class) {                        \
                self = [super init];                                                                                     \
                if (self.class == cls.class) {                                                                           \
                    [self singletonInit];                                                                                \
                }                                                                                                        \
            });                                                                                                          \
            return self;                                                                                                 \
        }                                                                                                                \
        -(id) copyWithZone : (nullable NSZone *) zone {                                                                  \
            return self;                                                                                                 \
        }                                                                                                                \
        -(id) mutableCopyWithZone : (nullable NSZone *) zone {                                                           \
            return self;                                                                                                 \
    #define __AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_ARC(cls)                                                        \
        __AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_COMMON(cls);                                                        \
        + (void)al_destroySingleton {                                                                 \
            printf("‼️ [SINGLETON] The singleton instance `%s` will be deallocated.\n",           \
                   [self description].UTF8String);                                                    \
            dispatch_semaphore_t lock = [cls __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_FOR_CLASS(cls)];                \
            __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_WITH_TIMEOUT(lock,                                               \
                __AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls) = nil;                                         \
            );                                                                                        \
        }                                                                                             \
        -(void) al_destroySingleton {                                                                 \
            [self.class al_destroySingleton];                                                         \
    #define __AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_MRC(cls)              \
        __AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON_COMMON(cls);              \
        - (instancetype)retain { return self; }             \
        - (oneway void)release{}                            \
        - (instancetype)autorelease {  return self; }       \
        - (NSUInteger)retainCount { return NSUIntegerMax; }
    #define __AL_SINGLETON_MACRO_CONCAT_(a, b) a##b
    #define __AL_SINGLETON_INSTANCE_FOR_CLASS(cls) __AL_SINGLETON_MACRO_CONCAT(__al_singleton_instance_, cls)
    /// execute the code statements `jobStmt` in dispatch_semaphore.
    /// Try to get the semaphore in 10 secods, if failed, that may means a deadlock is occured. and you should check you code.
    /// @note DO NOT return in `jobStmt`, otherwise the samaphore will not be processed correctly.
    #define __AL_SINGLETON_SEMAPHORE_WITH_TIMEOUT(sema, jobStmt)                                                        \
        if (dispatch_semaphore_wait((sema), dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(10.f * NSEC_PER_SEC))) == 0) {   \
            jobStmt;                                                                                                    \
            dispatch_semaphore_signal((sema));                                                                          \
        } else {                                                                                                        \
            NSAssert(NO, @"[SINGLETON] %s: timeout while waiting to acquire the lock. Deadlock may occured!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); \
    #endif // ALSingletonTemplate_H
  • NSObject+ALSingletonInit.h
    @interface NSObject (ALSingletonInit)
    - (void)singletonInit NS_REQUIRES_SUPER;
  • NSObject+ALSingletonInit.m
    #import "NSObject+ALSingletonInit.h"
    @implementation NSObject (ALSingletonInit)
    - (void)singletonInit {};

把這幾個檔案新增到工程中, 如果某個類需要時單例, 只需在檔案中簡單的新增兩行就可以:

// .h
@interface MyClass : NSObject
AL_AS_SINGLETON; // <- 標頭檔案中加入這個巨集

/// your code here ...

// .m
@implementation MyClass
AL_SYNTHESIZE_SINGLETON(MyClass); // <- .m檔案中加入這個巨集

/// 需要注意的是, 初始化不能直接用 init 方法, 需要用 singletonInit
/// - (void)singletonInit {
///    /// 初始化程式碼寫這裡, 比如
///     _myIvar = xxx;
/// }

/// your code here ...


要用 ObjC 實現一個完整的單例, 需要注意以下幾點:

  • 不管用何種初始化方式, 都只能有一個例項。
  • alloc init必須保證“原子性”,否則在多執行緒情況下就會出現 ThreadA 執行完 alloc, 然後另外一個執行緒就有可能獲取到的是這個剛 alloc 出來還沒執行 init 的例項,導致意外情況。
  • int 必須保證只能執行一次。
  • 【可選】繼承,weak 單例模式還需要另外考慮。
