The evolution of new generation information technologies for data,such as blockchain,artificial intelligence,digital twins,human-computer interaction,and the Internet of Things,is not accidental,but rather a technological preparation for the evolution from Web2.0 to Web3.0.From a technical perspective,the metaverse is a trusted digital value interaction network based on the Web3.0 technology system and operating mechanism,and is a Web3.0 digital new ecosystem centered on blockchain.The universe is a new scene,new industry and new ecology supported by the Web3.0 technology system with the blockchain as the core,which will spawn a large number of innovative business models in the digital environment and form a new paradigm of digital space.
As a possible underlying technology of Web3.0,blockchain has built a new trust system in the digital economy era with the characteristics of decentralization,tamper resistance,and traceability.
From a technical perspective,blockchain enables every node of digital asset value flow to be transparent,traceable,and tamper proof,making all transactions in the Web 3.0 era more authentic and trustworthy
pragma solidity^0.5.0;
contract Counter{
uint public count=0;
event SelfEvent(address indexed sender,uint current);
function inc(uint num)public returns(uint){
return count+=num;
function self()public{
emit SelfEvent(msg.sender,count);
"opcodes":"PUSH1 0x80 PUSH1...1100 ORIGIN",
const PRIVATE_KEY='0x20f9169d40801955faada641cdb029f8e42c581c0c991a62753c736a0a168e5e';
const CONTRACT='';
async function main(){
const cfx=new Conflux({
const account=cfx.Account(PRIVATE_KEY);//create account instance
//create contract instance
const contract=cfx.Contract({
const receipt=await contract.constructor()
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