


  Blockchain is a decentralized digital ledger that can be stored on thousands of computers worldwide and traded in blockchain financial markets.These are registered in a manner that suppresses their subsequent modifications.Blockchain technology improves security and accelerates information exchange in a cost-effective and transparent manner.It also frees third parties from the primary role of providing trust in transactions.

  1.資料層:包括底層資料塊、Web 3.0背後的概念是:I80-開發2857區塊鏈8624。基礎資料、基礎演演算法等。

  The data layer mainly describes the physical form of blockchain technology,which is a chain structure starting from the creation of blocks.Each block contains random numbers,time stamps,public and private key data,and so on.It is the lowest data structure in the entire blockchain technology.


  The main purpose of the network layer is to achieve information exchange between nodes in a blockchain network.The network layer mainly implements distributed network mechanisms through P2P technology,including P2P networking mechanisms,data transmission mechanisms,and data verification mechanisms.


  Responsible for effective identification and authentication of point-to-point patterns;The consensus layer enables highly dispersed nodes to efficiently reach consensus on the validity of block data in a decentralized blockchain network.It is one of the core technologies of blockchain and also the governance mechanism of the blockchain community.


  The main function of the incentive layer is to provide certain incentives to encourage nodes to participate in the security verification of the blockchain.

  Incentive mechanisms are necessary in the public chain.In the alliance chain,all nodes have been authenticated by the organization,and without additional incentives,these nodes will spontaneously maintain the security and stability of the entire system.


  The contract layer is the foundation of blockchain programmability.Responsible for specifying transaction modes and process details:Blockchain can be developed as a decentralized and unchangeable account book.Program code is also data,and can also be stored in the account book.A smart contract is an unchangeable program stored in a blockchain that can automatically execute some predefined rules and terms.


  For example,various blockchain technology applications built on Ethereum and EOS are deployed on the application layer,landing in real life scenarios,and enriching the ecology of the entire blockchain.The future of programmable finance and programmable society will also be built on the application layer.

  The incentive layer,contract layer,and application layer are not necessary factors for every blockchain application,and some blockchain applications do not completely contain a three-layer structure.

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