

 簡單來說這個佛薩奇FORGE原力專案基於幣安鏈開發的智慧合約dapp,公開透明, 百分之100公開開源,玩家進出都是BUSD,專案方也無法篡改,合約永續執行。什麼是佛薩奇原力FORGE?佛薩奇原力FORCE是在幣安鏈上部署的一個智慧合約BSC幣安智慧鏈是基於全球第一交易所幣安網的加密貨幣數字錢包幣安智慧鏈公鏈開發的一個獨立公鏈。

Blockchain technology can thus empower enterprises in many ways:providing reliable shared data and building trust between parties;Eliminate data silos,which integrate data into a system through centralized ledgers that are shared in a network and support licensee access;Give data a high degree of security


 關於區塊鏈專案技術開發威 :MrsFu123,代幣發行、 dapp智慧合約開發、鏈遊開發、 單雙幣質押、 多鏈錢包開發 NFT盲盒遊戲、公鏈、鏈上游戲開發


  Uniswap博餅、  交易所開發、量化合約開發、 合約對沖、 互助遊戲開發、 Nft數字藏品開發、眾籌互助開發、元宇宙開發、 swap開發、 DAO智慧合約、


  夾子合約、  鏈上合約開發、 ido開發、商城開發等,開發過各種各樣的系統模式,更有多種模式、制度、案例、後臺等,成熟技術團隊,歡迎實體參考。

  AES的基本原理是:AES的加密公式為c=e(k,p),關於metaForce佛薩奇2.0版本系統開發案例及原始碼對接唯:MrsFu123,其中k是金鑰,p是明文,c是密文。AES加密明文的過程是將明文分組,每組128位長,然後逐個加密明文,直到所有明文都被加密。金鑰的長度可以是128、192或256位。在加密函式e中,執行一個round函式,除了最後一個函式外,前一個函式是相同的。以AES-128為例,建議加密輪數為10,即前9輪執行相同的操作,第10輪執行不同的操作。不同金鑰長度推薦的加密輪數不同,如下表所示。#加密時,明文按128個單位分組,每組16個位元組,按從上到下、從左到右的順序排列成4 4的矩陣,稱為明文矩陣。AES的加密過程是在一個44大小的矩陣中進行的,稱為狀態矩陣。狀態矩陣的初始值是明文矩陣的值。在每一輪加密之後,狀態矩陣的值會更改一次。執行圓函式後,狀態矩陣的值就是密文的值。從狀態矩陣中得到密文矩陣,然後將密文矩陣依次提取到128位。

S6matrix。 This is the second model in Metaforce, called the second model in, the S6 matrix. What about the S6 matrix, which is the following? It has six main points. Where are the two points in the first row? In other words, every time the funds come in, you don't take them, but they are on the second tier. 

  迴圈位的作用是清空和重置你的矩陣,因為只有在倉位清空後,你才能享受到入境資金的利潤。 S在6矩陣中,迴圈位是第二行的第二位或第四位,所以這取決於哪個位置先來,然後迴圈位會幫助你重新投資,然後位置會改變。簡單地說,在S在6矩陣中,以下六點可能來自你的上級,你的上級或上級的下屬,或你的左朋友,或你的右朋友,或你的下屬朋友,360度。

  The first row of the S6 matrix has two positions, which means it will be given to your superior. Then, count down three of the four positions, and you get 百分之100. One of them is to help you reset the circular position of the matrix. So what many partners don't know here is that the two positions in the first row must be given to your superiors. The answer is, this is your superior's second row. Maybe it was for your superiors and they took 百分之100 directly. Maybe it's a circle, then reset the entire point. S-matrix can enjoy global public transportation


  *Use this file to configure your truffle project.It's seeded with some

  *common settings for different networks and features like migrations,

  *compilation and testing.Uncomment the ones you need or modify

  *them to suit your project as necessary.


  *More information about configuration can be found at:




  *To deploy via Infura you'll need a wallet provider(like truffle/hdwallet-provider)

  *to sign your transactions before they're sent to a remote public node.Infura accounts

  *are available for free

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