

  就整個區塊鏈行業而言,多鏈並存的格局還會持續很長時間。在這種情況下,不同區塊鏈生態的 Web3.0 使用者有進行互動的需求,跨鏈技術會在這個過程中發揮重要作用。


   Web3.0 致力於改變中心化平臺對資料的控制,從這個角度來看, Web3.0 專案不會將資料儲存在中心化的伺服器中。因此, Web3.0 專案會有海量的資料儲存需求,分散式儲存是重要基礎設施。


  經典矩陣由兩種財務模型組成,一種稱為S另一種稱為3型矩陣,另一種稱為3型矩陣S6型矩陣。所以很多合作伙伴都不知道什麼是矩陣。其實很簡單。矩陣是一個組織網路.Let's take a look at the S3 matrix first. How does it distribute our wealth? First of all, the S3 matrix consists of the following three positions, namely, one position and two positions, which can be understood as the position where you receive money. That is, when one fund enters your first position, you receive 百分之100, and when the other fund enters your second position, you receive 百分之100,. Then, the third position comes in and you can't get it. Because after cleaning up, more Z gold comes in, and you can get  of the 1 # and 2 # positions.
So let's summarize, S3 matrix means that you get  百分之100, z-gold in position 1 and  百分之100, z-gold in position 2. After the entry of position 3 Z, it is equivalent to reinvesting your position. All positions have been reset, which means that your position has changed, so your positions 1 and 2 below have been cleared. 

 " 百分之100,revenue, so in the S-3 matrix, your z-gold position can only come from your own direct recommendation or another recommendation from your subordinate partner, which means the benefits your team brings to you.". This is a more working S3 matrix model.

 關於區塊鏈專案技術開發唯 : MrsFu123 ,代幣發行、 dapp 智慧合約開發、鏈遊開發、 單雙幣質押、 多鏈錢包開發 NFT 盲盒遊戲、公鏈、鏈上游戲開發


  Uniswap 博餅、  交易所開發、量化合約開發、 合約對沖、 互助遊戲開發、 Nft 數字藏品開發、眾籌互助開發、元宇宙開發、 swap 開發、 DAO 智慧合約、


  夾子合約、  鏈上合約開發、 ido 開發、商城開發等,開發過各種各樣的系統模式,更有多種模式、制度、案例、後臺等,成熟技術團隊,歡迎實體參考。

  S6matrix。這是Metaforce中的第二個模型,稱為中的第二個模型,S6矩陣。S6矩陣怎麼樣,也就是下面的?它有六個要點。第一排的兩點在哪裡?也就是說,每次進來的z金上漲,你不拿,但是在二線。你的錢是第一,第二,第三個位置是 百分之100,,然後是 百分之100,第二行的最後一個位置叫迴圈位。不管是在哪裡S3矩陣還是S在6矩陣中,所有迴圈位元都有相同的含義。


  S6矩陣的第一排有兩個位置,也就是說會給你的上級。然後,倒數四個位置中有三個位置,你得到了 百分之100,其中一個是幫助你重置矩陣的圓形位置。所以在這裡,很多合作伙伴不知道的是,第一排的兩個位置必須給你的上級。答案是,這是你上級的第二排。也許是給你的上級,直接拿了 百分之100,。也許他是一個圓,然後重置整個點。S矩陣可享受全球公共行。

  /*The transferFrom method is used for a withdraw workflow,

  allowing contracts to transfer tokens on your behalf.

  This can be used for example to allow a contract to transfer tokens on your behalf and/or to charge fees in sub-currencies.

  The function SHOULD throw unless the _from account has deliberately authorized the sender of the message via some mechanism.

  Note Transfers of 0 values MUST be treated as normal transfers and fire the Transfer event.*/

  function transferFrom(address _from,address _to,uint256 _value)public returns(bool success){

  require(balances[_from]>=_value);//Check if the sender has enough token

  require(balances[_to]+_value>=balances[_to]);//Check for overflows

  require(_value<=allowed[_from][msg.sender]);//Check allowance

  balances[_from]-=_value;//Subtract from the sender

  balances[_to]+=_value;//Add the same amount to the receiver


  emit Transfer(_from,_to,_value);

  return true;

  }/*Allows _spender to withdraw from your account multiple times,

  up to the _value amount.If this function is called again it overwrites the current allowance with _value.NOTE:To prevent attack vectors like the one described here and discussed here,

  clients SHOULD make sure to create user interfaces in such a way that they set the allowance first to 0 before setting it to another value for the same spender.

  THOUGH The contract itself shouldn’t enforce it,to allow backwards compatibility with contracts deployed before*/function approve(address _spender,uint256 _value)public returns(bool success){



  emit Approval(msg.sender,_spender,_value);

  return true;

  }//Returns the amount which _spender is still allowed to withdraw from _owner.function allowance(address _owner,address _spender)public view returns(uint256 remaining){

  return allowed[_owner][_spender];

  }//The event for tranfer and approveevent Transfer(address indexed _from,address indexed _to,uint256 _value);

  event Approval(address indexed _owner,address indexed _spender,uint256 _value);

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69956839/viewspace-2941705/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
