Android App應用啟動流程(一)
本篇原始碼分析基於Android8.0 API 26
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//public class AllAppsRecyclerView extends BaseRecyclerView//public abstract class BaseRecyclerView extends RecyclerView//AllAppsRecyclerView最終繼承自RecyclerView
/** * Default launcher application. */public class Launcher extends BaseActivity implements LauncherExterns, View.OnClickListener, OnLongClickListener, LauncherModel.Callbacks, View.OnTouchListener, LauncherProviderChangeListener, AccessibilityManager.AccessibilityStateChangeListener, WallpaperColorInfo.OnThemeChangeListener {
mAdapter = new AllAppsGridAdapter(mLauncher, mApps, mLauncher, this);
/** * The grid view adapter of all the apps. */ public class AllAppsGridAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter{ ... //AllAppsGridAdapter建構函式傳入iconClickListener public AllAppsGridAdapter(Launcher launcher, AlphabeticalAppsList apps, View.OnClickListener iconClickListener, View.OnLongClickListener iconLongClickListener) { Resources res = launcher.getResources(); mLauncher = launcher; mApps = apps; mEmptySearchMessage = res.getString(R.string.all_apps_loading_message); mGridSizer = new GridSpanSizer(); mGridLayoutMgr = new AppsGridLayoutManager(launcher); mGridLayoutMgr.setSpanSizeLookup(mGridSizer); mLayoutInflater = LayoutInflater.from(launcher); mIconClickListener = iconClickListener; mIconLongClickListener = iconLongClickListener; if (FeatureFlags.LAUNCHER3_PHYSICS) { mSpringAnimationHandler = new SpringAnimationHandler( SpringAnimationHandler.Y_DIRECTION, new AllAppsSpringAnimationFactory()); } } ... @Override public ViewHolder onCreateViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) { switch (viewType) { case VIEW_TYPE_ICON: case VIEW_TYPE_PREDICTION_ICON: //icon點選事件 BubbleTextView icon = (BubbleTextView) mLayoutInflater.inflate( R.layout.all_apps_icon, parent, false); icon.setOnClickListener(mIconClickListener); icon.setOnLongClickListener(mIconLongClickListener); icon.setLongPressTimeout(ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout()); icon.setOnFocusChangeListener(mIconFocusListener); // Ensure the all apps icon height matches the workspace icons in portrait mode. icon.getLayoutParams().height = mLauncher.getDeviceProfile().allAppsCellHeightPx; return new ViewHolder(icon); ... } } ...}
/** * Launches the intent referred by the clicked shortcut. * * @param v The view representing the clicked shortcut. */public void onClick(View v) { ... Object tag = v.getTag(); if (tag instanceof ShortcutInfo) { onClickAppShortcut(v); } else if (tag instanceof FolderInfo) { if (v instanceof FolderIcon) { onClickFolderIcon(v); } } else if ((v instanceof PageIndicator) || (v == mAllAppsButton && mAllAppsButton != null)) { onClickAllAppsButton(v); } else if (tag instanceof AppInfo) { //執行這裡 startAppShortcutOrInfoActivity(v); } else if (tag instanceof LauncherAppWidgetInfo) { if (v instanceof PendingAppWidgetHostView) { onClickPendingWidget((PendingAppWidgetHostView) v); } } }//拿到應用資訊,執行startActivitySafely(v, intent, item)private void startAppShortcutOrInfoActivity(View v) { ItemInfo item = (ItemInfo) v.getTag(); Intent intent; if (item instanceof PromiseAppInfo) { PromiseAppInfo promiseAppInfo = (PromiseAppInfo) item; intent = promiseAppInfo.getMarketIntent(); } else { intent = item.getIntent(); } if (intent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input must have a valid intent"); } boolean success = startActivitySafely(v, intent, item); getUserEventDispatcher().logAppLaunch(v, intent); // TODO for discovered apps b/35802115 if (success && v instanceof BubbleTextView) { mWaitingForResume = (BubbleTextView) v; mWaitingForResume.setStayPressed(true); } }public boolean startActivitySafely(View v, Intent intent, ItemInfo item) { ... // Only launch using the new animation if the shortcut has not opted out (this is a // private contract between launcher and may be ignored in the future). boolean useLaunchAnimation = (v != null) && !intent.hasExtra(INTENT_EXTRA_IGNORE_LAUNCH_ANIMATION); Bundle optsBundle = useLaunchAnimation ? getActivityLaunchOptions(v) : null; UserHandle user = item == null ? null : item.user; // Prepare intent intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); if (v != null) { intent.setSourceBounds(getViewBounds(v)); } try { if (Utilities.ATLEAST_MARSHMALLOW && (item instanceof ShortcutInfo) && (item.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_SHORTCUT || item.itemType == Favorites.ITEM_TYPE_DEEP_SHORTCUT) && !((ShortcutInfo) item).isPromise()) { // Shortcuts need some special checks due to legacy reasons. startShortcutIntentSafely(intent, optsBundle, item); } else if (user == null || user.equals(Process.myUserHandle())) { // Could be launching some bookkeeping activity startActivity(intent, optsBundle); } else { LauncherAppsCompat.getInstance(this).startActivityForProfile( intent.getComponent(), user, intent.getSourceBounds(), optsBundle); } return true; } catch (ActivityNotFoundException|SecurityException e) { Toast.makeText(this, R.string.activity_not_found, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Log.e(TAG, "Unable to launch. tag=" + item + " intent=" + intent, e); } return false; }
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