深入理解Spark 2.1 Core (四):運算結果處理和容錯的原理
def statusUpdate(tid: Long, state: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) { var failedExecutor: Option[String] = None var reason: Option[ExecutorLossReason] = None synchronized { try { taskIdToTaskSetManager.get(tid) match { case Some(taskSet) => //這隻針對Mesos排程模式 if (state == TaskState.LOST) { val execId = taskIdToExecutorId.getOrElse(tid, throw new IllegalStateException( "taskIdToTaskSetManager.contains(tid) <=> taskIdToExecutorId.contains(tid)")) if (executorIdToRunningTaskIds.contains(execId)) { reason = Some( SlaveLost(s"Task $tid was lost, so marking the executor as lost as well.")) removeExecutor(execId, reason.get) failedExecutor = Some(execId) } } //FINISHED KILLED LOST 都屬於 isFinished if (TaskState.isFinished(state)) { cleanupTaskState(tid) taskSet.removeRunningTask(tid) //若FINISHED呼叫taskResultGetter.enqueueSuccessfulTask, //否則呼叫taskResultGetter.enqueueFailedTask(taskSet, tid, state, serializedData) if (state == TaskState.FINISHED) { taskResultGetter.enqueueSuccessfulTask(taskSet, tid, serializedData) } else if (Set(TaskState.FAILED, TaskState.KILLED, TaskState.LOST).contains(state)) { taskResultGetter.enqueueFailedTask(taskSet, tid, state, serializedData) } } case None => logError( ("Ignoring update with state %s for TID %s because its task set is gone (this is " + "likely the result of receiving duplicate task finished status updates) or its " + "executor has been marked as failed.") .format(state, tid)) } } catch { case e: Exception => logError("Exception in statusUpdate", e) } } if (failedExecutor.isDefined) { assert(reason.isDefined) dagScheduler.executorLost(failedExecutor.get, reason.get) backend.reviveOffers() } }
def enqueueSuccessfulTask( taskSetManager: TaskSetManager, tid: Long, serializedData: ByteBuffer): Unit = { //透過執行緒池來獲取結果 getTaskResultExecutor.execute(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = Utils.logUncaughtExceptions { try { val (result, size) = serializer.get().deserialize[TaskResult[_]](serializedData) match { //可以直接獲取到的結果 case directResult: DirectTaskResult[_] => //判斷大小是否符合要求 if (!taskSetManager.canFetchMoreResults(serializedData.limit())) { return } directResult.value(taskResultSerializer.get()) (directResult, serializedData.limit()) //若不能直接獲取到結果 case IndirectTaskResult(blockId, size) => if (!taskSetManager.canFetchMoreResults(size)) { // 判斷大小是否符合要求, //若不符合則遠端的刪除計算結果 sparkEnv.blockManager.master.removeBlock(blockId) return } logDebug("Fetching indirect task result for TID %s".format(tid)) scheduler.handleTaskGettingResult(taskSetManager, tid) val serializedTaskResult = sparkEnv.blockManager.getRemoteBytes(blockId) //從遠端獲取計算結果 if (!serializedTaskResult.isDefined) { //若在任務執行結束後與我們去獲取結果之間機器出現故障了 //或者block manager 不得不重新整理結果了 //那麼我們將不能夠獲取到結果 scheduler.handleFailedTask( taskSetManager, tid, TaskState.FINISHED, TaskResultLost) return } val deserializedResult = serializer.get().deserialize[DirectTaskResult[_]]( serializedTaskResult.get.toByteBuffer) // 反序列化 deserializedResult.value(taskResultSerializer.get()) sparkEnv.blockManager.master.removeBlock(blockId) (deserializedResult, size) } result.accumUpdates = result.accumUpdates.map { a => if (a.name == Some(InternalAccumulator.RESULT_SIZE)) { val acc = a.asInstanceOf[LongAccumulator] assert(acc.sum == 0L, "task result size should not have been set on the executors") acc.setValue(size.toLong) acc } else { a } } //處理獲取到的計算結果 scheduler.handleSuccessfulTask(taskSetManager, tid, result) } catch { case cnf: ClassNotFoundException => val loader = Thread.currentThread.getContextClassLoader taskSetManager.abort("ClassNotFound with classloader: " + loader) case NonFatal(ex) => logError("Exception while getting task result", ex) taskSetManager.abort("Exception while getting task result: %s".format(ex)) } } }) }
def handleSuccessfulTask( taskSetManager: TaskSetManager, tid: Long, taskResult: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit = synchronized { taskSetManager.handleSuccessfulTask(tid, taskResult) }
def handleSuccessfulTask(tid: Long, result: DirectTaskResult[_]): Unit = { val info = taskInfos(tid) val index = info.index info.markFinished(TaskState.FINISHED) //從RunningTask中移除該task removeRunningTask(tid) //通知dagScheduler該task完成 sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), Success, result.value(), result.accumUpdates, info) //殺死所有其他與之相同的task的嘗試 for (attemptInfo <- taskAttempts(index) if attemptInfo.running) { logInfo(s"Killing attempt ${attemptInfo.attemptNumber} for task ${attemptInfo.id} " + s"in stage ${taskSet.id} (TID ${attemptInfo.taskId}) on ${attemptInfo.host} " + s"as the attempt ${info.attemptNumber} succeeded on ${info.host}") sched.backend.killTask(attemptInfo.taskId, attemptInfo.executorId, true) } if (!successful(index)) { //計數 tasksSuccessful += 1 logInfo(s"Finished task ${info.id} in stage ${taskSet.id} (TID ${info.taskId}) in" + s" ${info.duration} ms on ${info.host} (executor ${info.executorId})" + s" ($tasksSuccessful/$numTasks)") //若果有所task成功了, //那麼標記successful,並且停止 successful(index) = true if (tasksSuccessful == numTasks) { isZombie = true } } else { logInfo("Ignoring task-finished event for " + info.id + " in stage " + taskSet.id + " because task " + index + " has already completed successfully") } maybeFinishTaskSet() }
def taskEnded( task: Task[_], reason: TaskEndReason, result: Any, accumUpdates: Seq[AccumulatorV2[_, _]], taskInfo: TaskInfo): Unit = { //傳送CompletionEvent訊號 eventProcessLoop.post( CompletionEvent(task, reason, result, accumUpdates, taskInfo)) }
case completion: CompletionEvent => dagScheduler.handleTaskCompletion(completion)
*** //根據stageId 得到stage val stage = stageIdToStage(task.stageId) //這裡的event就是completion event.reason match { //這裡只看成功的流程 case Success => //將這個task 從stage等待處理分割槽中刪去 stage.pendingPartitions -= task.partitionId task match { //若是最後一個Stage的task case rt: ResultTask[_, _] => //將stage 轉為 ResultStage val resultStage = stage.asInstanceOf[ResultStage] resultStage.activeJob match { //獲取這Stage的job case Some(job) => if (!job.finished(rt.outputId)) { updateAccumulators(event) //標記狀態 job.finished(rt.outputId) = true //計數 job.numFinished += 1 // 若Job的所有partition都完成了, //移除這個Job if (job.numFinished == job.numPartitions) { markStageAsFinished(resultStage) cleanupStateForJobAndIndependentStages(job) listenerBus.post( SparkListenerJobEnd(job.jobId, clock.getTimeMillis(), JobSucceeded)) } //通知 JobWaiter 有任務成功 //但 taskSucceeded 會執行使用者自定義的程式碼 //因此可能丟擲異常 try { job.listener.taskSucceeded(rt.outputId, event.result) } catch { case e: Exception => // 標記為失敗 job.listener.jobFailed(new SparkDriverExecutionException(e)) } } case None => logInfo("Ignoring result from " + rt + " because its job has finished") } //若不是最後一個Stage的Task case smt: ShuffleMapTask => val shuffleStage = stage.asInstanceOf[ShuffleMapStage] updateAccumulators(event) val status = event.result.asInstanceOf[MapStatus] val execId = status.location.executorId logDebug("ShuffleMapTask finished on " + execId) if (failedEpoch.contains(execId) && smt.epoch <= failedEpoch(execId)) { logInfo(s"Ignoring possibly bogus $smt completion from executor $execId") } else { //將Task的partitionId和status //追加到OutputLoc shuffleStage.addOutputLoc(smt.partitionId, status) } if (runningStages.contains(shuffleStage) && shuffleStage.pendingPartitions.isEmpty) { markStageAsFinished(shuffleStage) logInfo("looking for newly runnable stages") logInfo("running: " + runningStages) logInfo("waiting: " + waitingStages) logInfo("failed: " + failedStages) //將outputLoc資訊註冊到mapOutputTracker //上篇博文中有提到: //首先ShuffleMapTask的計算結果(其實是計算結果資料所在的位置、大小等後設資料資訊)都會傳給Driver的mapOutputTracker。 // 所以 DAGScheduler.newOrUsedShuffleStage需要先判斷Stage是否已經被計算過 ///若計算過,DAGScheduler.newOrUsedShuffleStage則把結果複製到新建立的stage //如果沒計算過,DAGScheduler.newOrUsedShuffleStage就向註冊mapOutputTracker Stage,為儲存後設資料佔位 mapOutputTracker.registerMapOutputs( shuffleStage.shuffleDep.shuffleId, shuffleStage.outputLocInMapOutputTrackerFormat(), changeEpoch = true) clearCacheLocs() if (!shuffleStage.isAvailable) { //若Stage不可用(一些任務失敗),則從新提交Stage logInfo("Resubmitting " + shuffleStage + " (" + shuffleStage.name + ") because some of its tasks had failed: " + shuffleStage.findMissingPartitions().mkString(", ")) submitStage(shuffleStage) } else { // 若該Stage的所有分割槽都完成了 if (shuffleStage.mapStageJobs.nonEmpty) { val stats = mapOutputTracker.getStatistics(shuffleStage.shuffleDep) //將各個Task的標記為Finished for (job <- shuffleStage.mapStageJobs) { markMapStageJobAsFinished(job, stats) } } //提交該Stage的正在等在的Child Stages submitWaitingChildStages(shuffleStage) } } } ***
def enqueueFailedTask(taskSetManager: TaskSetManager, tid: Long, taskState: TaskState, serializedData: ByteBuffer) { var reason : TaskFailedReason = UnknownReason try { //透過執行緒池來處理結果 getTaskResultExecutor.execute(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = Utils.logUncaughtExceptions { val loader = Utils.getContextOrSparkClassLoader try { //若序列化資料,即TaskFailedReason,存在且長度大於0 //則反序列化獲取它 if (serializedData != null && serializedData.limit() > 0) { reason = serializer.get().deserialize[TaskFailedReason]( serializedData, loader) } } catch { //若是ClassNotFoundException, //列印log case cnd: ClassNotFoundException => logError( "Could not deserialize TaskEndReason: ClassNotFound with classloader " + loader) //若其他異常, //不進行操作 case ex: Exception => } //處理失敗的任務 scheduler.handleFailedTask(taskSetManager, tid, taskState, reason) } }) } catch { case e: RejectedExecutionException if sparkEnv.isStopped => } }
def handleFailedTask( taskSetManager: TaskSetManager, tid: Long, taskState: TaskState, reason: TaskFailedReason): Unit = synchronized { //處理失敗任務 taskSetManager.handleFailedTask(tid, taskState, reason) if (!taskSetManager.isZombie && taskState != TaskState.KILLED) { //handleFailedTask會將失敗任務放入待執行的佇列等待下一次排程 //所以這裡開始新的一輪排程 backend.reviveOffers() } }
*** //呼叫dagScheduler處理失敗任務 sched.dagScheduler.taskEnded(tasks(index), reason, null, accumUpdates, info) if (successful(index)) { logInfo( s"Task ${info.id} in stage ${taskSet.id} (TID $tid) failed, " + "but another instance of the task has already succeeded, " + "so not re-queuing the task to be re-executed.") } else { //將這個任務重新加入到等待佇列中 addPendingTask(index) } if (!isZombie && reason.countTowardsTaskFailures) { taskSetBlacklistHelperOpt.foreach(_.updateBlacklistForFailedTask( info.host, info.executorId, index)) assert (null != failureReason) //計數 這個任務的重試次數 numFailures(index) += 1 //若大於等於最大重試次數,預設為4, //則取消這個任務 if (numFailures(index) >= maxTaskFailures) { logError("Task %d in stage %s failed %d times; aborting job".format( index, taskSet.id, maxTaskFailures)) abort("Task %d in stage %s failed %d times, most recent failure: %snDriver stacktrace:" .format(index, taskSet.id, maxTaskFailures, failureReason), failureException) return } } maybeFinishTaskSet() }
我們來看下DAGScheduler.handleTaskCompletion 處理失敗任務部分的核心程式碼:
//重新提交任務 case Resubmitted => logInfo("Resubmitted " + task + ", so marking it as still running") //把任務加入的等待佇列 stage.pendingPartitions += task.partitionId //獲取結果失敗 case FetchFailed(bmAddress, shuffleId, mapId, reduceId, failureMessage) => val failedStage = stageIdToStage(task.stageId) val mapStage = shuffleIdToMapStage(shuffleId) //若失敗的嘗試ID 不是 stage嘗試ID, //則忽略這個失敗 if (failedStage.latestInfo.attemptId != task.stageAttemptId) { logInfo(s"Ignoring fetch failure from $task as it's from $failedStage attempt" + s" ${task.stageAttemptId} and there is a more recent attempt for that stage " + s"(attempt ID ${failedStage.latestInfo.attemptId}) running") } else { //若失敗的Stage還在執行佇列, //標記這個Stage完成 if (runningStages.contains(failedStage)) { logInfo(s"Marking $failedStage (${failedStage.name}) as failed " + s"due to a fetch failure from $mapStage (${mapStage.name})") markStageAsFinished(failedStage, Some(failureMessage)) } else { logDebug(s"Received fetch failure from $task, but its from $failedStage which is no " + s"longer running") } //若不允許重試, //則停止這個Stage if (disallowStageRetryForTest) { abortStage(failedStage, "Fetch failure will not retry stage due to testing config", None) } //若達到最大重試次數, //則停止這個Stage else if (failedStage.failedOnFetchAndShouldAbort(task.stageAttemptId)) { abortStage(failedStage, s"$failedStage (${failedStage.name}) " + s"has failed the maximum allowable number of " + s"times: ${Stage.MAX_CONSECUTIVE_FETCH_FAILURES}. " + s"Most recent failure reason: ${failureMessage}", None) } else { if (failedStages.isEmpty) { //若失敗的Stage中,沒有個task完成了, //則重新提交Stage。 //若果有完成的task的話,我們不能重新提交Stage, //因為有些task已經被排程過了。 //task級別的重新提交是在TaskSetManager.handleFailedTask進行的 logInfo(s"Resubmitting $mapStage (${mapStage.name}) and " + s"$failedStage (${failedStage.name}) due to fetch failure") messageScheduler.schedule(new Runnable { override def run(): Unit = eventProcessLoop.post(ResubmitFailedStages) }, DAGScheduler.RESUBMIT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } failedStages += failedStage failedStages += mapStage } // 移除OutputLoc中的資料 // 取消註冊mapOutputTracker if (mapId != -1) { mapStage.removeOutputLoc(mapId, bmAddress) mapOutputTracker.unregisterMapOutput(shuffleId, mapId, bmAddress) } //當有executor上發生多次獲取結果失敗, //則標記這個executor丟失 if (bmAddress != null) { handleExecutorLost(bmAddress.executorId, filesLost = true, Some(task.epoch)) } } //拒絕處理 case commitDenied: TaskCommitDenied => // 不做任何事, //讓 TaskScheduler 來決定如何處理 //異常 case exceptionFailure: ExceptionFailure => // 更新accumulator updateAccumulators(event) //task結果丟失 case TaskResultLost => // 不做任何事, // 讓 TaskScheduler 處理這些錯誤和重新提交任務 // executor 丟失 // 任務被殺死 // 未知錯誤 case _: ExecutorLostFailure | TaskKilled | UnknownReason => // 不做任何事, // 若這task不斷的錯誤, // TaskScheduler 會停止 job
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