Destiny 2: Beyond Light Unveils New Stasis Subclasses


Your characters will be in a similar position. Levels, abilities and some other character development will not move over to New Genesis. Rather, everyone will start over at level 1, and not all weapons and components will be accessible due to using different skins. We haven't heard anything regarding courses or if there will be major gameplay changes, but we will likely hear more as  the release date gets closer. Skill Rings are the only equipment that will not transfer because they will not be in New Genesis whatsoever. Likewise crafting is becoming a much-needed overhaul, so those things won't be available .

Mags will take over, but they won't have the impact you are utilized to in PSO2. They'll be more of a furry friend in New Genesis that does not effect your stats. This is another fantastic design choice because new players often fall in the pit of an unoptimized character. Feeding them any thing without realizing exactly what it does contributes to getting random stats and contributes to issues like being unable to equip weapons and trouble in greater levels. Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis is a brand new breed of sport, and it will be interesting to see how well it performs together with Sega's present MMO.

New Genesis can enhance on other facets of PSO2, too. Following a big update that trimmed down the boring objectives of story quests, what's left is a string of incoherent cutscenes with the strange boss struggle scattered in between. New Genesis, however, has its own campaign set in the future, so I am hoping Sega takes some of these lessons and builds a new story that's actually worth playing and won't need to be trimmed down in a few years.

It's weird half-measures such as that make PSO2 an MMO with a great deal of baggage. For fans like me, it's easy to reconcile these annoyances because the thrill of combating elaborate supervisors and grinding for that next big update are all really enjoyable. But I have a hard time recommending a game that needs players to watch hours of videos simply to understand some of its fundamentals. New Genesis, though, feels just like a clean slate. Taking what currently works about PSO2 and modernizing it feels like an easy win. Hopefully that's what Sega is really planning rather than the usual surface-level upgrade with fancy graphics. Big new surroundings and higher-detailed personalities are fine and all, but it is going to  mean nothing if New Genesis does not fix the core issues keeping PSO2 from being good.

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