[Vue] Reactive note

		count: {{ count }}
		doubled: {{ doubledCount }}
	<button @click="increase">increase</button>

<script setup>
  import {computed, ref, watch, watchEffect} from "vue"
	const props = defineProps({
		count: Number
	const emit = defineEmits(['update:count'])
	function increase() {
		emit('update:count', props.count + 1)

	// 1: No
	// Reactive: Function bind to a value
	// Function: vue2: watcher, vue3: effect, render, computed
	// Value: 1. must be reactive data, 2. must be used inside the Function
	// Not value bind to a value, this is not possible in javascript
	// therefore props.count change will not trigger the doulbedCount to change
	// const doulbedCount = ref(props.count * 2)
	// 2: Yes
	// Function: watchEffect
	// value: props.count, doubledCount
	// props.count is used inside the watchEffect function, so it's correct
	// props.count change will trigger the watchEffect to re-run
	// doubledCount is also reactive, so it will trigger the render
	//const doubledCount = ref(0)
	//watchEffect(() => {
	//	doubledCount.value = props.count * 2
	// 3. No
	// value must be a reactive value, but when use pass the a primitive value to the function
	// then it's not reactive, so the function will not be triggered
	// useDouble(props.count) // props.count is a primitive value
	//function useDouble(count) {
	//	const doubledCount = ref(count * 2)
	//	watchEffect(() => {
	//		doubledCount.value = count * 2
	//	})
	//	return doubledCount
	//const doulbedCount = useDouble(props.count)
	// 4. Yes
	// const doubledCount = computed(() => props.count * 2)
	// 5. Yes
	function useDouble(props, propName) {
		const doubledCount = computed(() => props[propName] * 2)
		return doubledCount
	const doulbedCount = useDouble(props, 'count')

