


Welcome Unit and Unit 1

編號 短語 釋義
\(1\) in exchange for 作為交換
\(2\) be designed to 意在幫助
\(3.1\) be anxious about sth 對...焦慮
\(3.2\) be anxious for / to do sth 渴望
\(4.1\) frighten sb into doing sth 嚇得某人做某事
\(4.2\) be frightened to death 嚇死了
\(5.1\) senior to sb by ... 比...年長...歲
\(5.2\) hold a senior position 有更高的地位
\(6.1\) be impressive by/with 被...打動,對...有深刻印象
\(6.2\) impress sb with 使意識到;使明白
\(6.3\) impress ... on/upon sb 使意識到;使明白
\(7.1\) leave out 遺漏;刪去
\(7.2\) be left behind 被領先
\(7.3\) leave for… 動身去
\(8\) improve upon 比...做得好
\(9\) out of curiosity 出於好奇心
\(10\) concentrate (mind) on 將 (注意力) 放在...上
\(11.1\) in the company of sb / in sb’s company 在...的陪伴下
\(11.2\) keep sb company 陪伴某人
\(11.3\) have ... for company 有...作伴
\(12\) under (debate) 在(辯論)中
\(13.1\) prefer A to B 比 B 更喜歡 A
\(13.2\) have a preference for 對...有一種喜愛
\(14\) be suitable for 合適
\(15.1\) be content with 對...滿足
\(15.2\) content oneself with (the present) 讓某人對(現狀)滿足
\(15.3\) to one's hearts' content 心滿意足地;盡情地
