VMware vSphere:Design Workshop V5.x培訓
Module 1 : Course Introduction
Identify the course goals
Identify the course objectives
View the course module outline
Module 2 : Design Process Overview
Clarify key terminology
Identify and discuss design guidelines, design approaches,design sessions, and design decisions and implications, andcreate a design framework
Define and describe a framework methodology
Identify design tools, including the architecture quality matrix, Information Technology Infrastructure Library v3, and the vSphere technology stack
Module 3 : VMware vSphere Storage Design
Identify useful information for making design decisions about virtual and physical storage
Recognize and analyze best-practice recommendations
Analyze alternative storage design choices
Communicate choices and their benefits and risks to the customer
Develop a storage design
Module 4 : VMware vSphere Network Design
Identify useful information for making design decisions about virtual and physical networks
Recognize and analyze best-practice recommendations
Analyze alternative network design choices
Communicate choices and their benefits and risks to the customer
Develop a network design
Module 5 : Compute Resources Design
Identify useful information for making design decisions about host CPU and memory
Recognize and analyze best-practice recommendations
Analyze alternative host design choices
Communicate choices and their benefits and risks to the customer
Develop a host design
Module 6 : Virtual Machine Design
Identify useful information for making design decisions about virtual machines
Recognize and analyze best-practice recommendations
Analyze alternative virtual machine design choices
Communicate choices and their benefits and risks to the customer
Develop a virtual machine design
Module 7 : VMware vSphere Virtual Datacenter Design
Identify useful information for making design decisions about virtual datacenters regarding management server and cluster configuration
Recognize and analyze best-practice recommendations
Analyze alternative virtual datacenter design choices
Communicate choices and their benefits and risks to the customer
Develop a virtual datacenter design
Module 8 : Management and Monitoring Design
Identify useful information for making design decisions about management and monitoring
Recognize and analyze best-practice recommendations
Analyze alternative management and monitoring design choices
Communicate choices and their benefits and risks to the customer
Develop a management and monitoring design
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