華中杯 數學建模 A題簡單覆盤(附Python原始碼)
import random
import pandas as pd
import time
# 這裡定義一個全域性變數,用來表示最大的貨架數——即批次種類限制
N = 200
# 然後是寫一個函式,實現只儲存同一訂單對應的貨品種類
def big_and_small(choose0, order):
該函式用於在未保留的訂單中劃分大訂單和小訂單,大訂單佔 1/3
:param choose0:
:param order:
big1 = []
small0 = []
choose0 = dict(choose0)
# 選取的訂單字典,鍵是訂單號,值是種類數
choose_order = {}
for i1 in choose0:
if choose0[i1] == 0:
choose_order[i1] = len(order[i1])
# 將未被選的訂單字典排序
choose_order = sorted(choose_order.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])
new_len = len(choose_order)
# 計算大小分界的索引
mid_index = new_len * 2 // 3
index0 = 0
for i1 in choose_order:
if index0 < mid_index:
index0 += 1
return big1, small0
# 寫一個函式判斷是否在當前批次
def is_in(batch, order):
:param batch: 當前批訂單 , 內容是包含的貨品
:param order: 當前訂單,也是貨品
:return: 新增貨品種類數
# 將批次和訂單都列表化
batch = list(batch)
order = list(order)
ans = 0
# 迴圈累加不在當前批次的貨品種類數
for o0 in order:
if o0 not in batch:
ans += 1
return ans
# 寫一個選取函式
def choose_batch(orders1, batch01, batch02, keys0):
:param orders1: 訂單
:param batch01: 批次列表 1 ,儲存批次對應的訂單
:param batch02: 批次列表 2 ,儲存批次對應的貨品種類
:param keys0: 選取訂單的列表 , 內容是訂單號
:return: 返回選取加入後的批次 1 和 2
# 寫一個洗牌演算法
# 先獲取選取訂單的長度
# keys_len = len(keys0)
# # 逆序遍歷選取列表
# # 透過交換隨機下標來實現將選取的訂單的順序洗牌
# for k in range(keys_len - 1, -1, -1):
# # 獲取隨機下標
# rindex = random.randint(0, k)
# # 交換位置
# temp = keys0[rindex]
# keys0[rindex] = keys0[k]
# keys0[k] = temp
batch1 = dict(batch01)
batch2 = dict(batch02)
# 獲取到當前最大批次數對應的下標
i0 = len(batch1) - 1
# 如果此時沒有,這需要置為 0
if i0 < 0:
i0 = 0
for key0 in keys0:
# 初始時需要建立批次
if i0 not in batch1:
batch1[i0] = []
batch2[i0] = []
add_type = -1
index0 = -1
flag = False
for j in range(i0 + 1):
if key0 in batch1[j]:
flag = True
at = is_in(batch2[j], orders[key0])
# 完全重合直接退出迴圈
if at == 0:
index0 = j
if (add_type < 0 or add_type >= at) and len(batch2[j]) + at <= N:
add_type = at
index0 = j
if flag:
if index0 >= 0:
for good in orders1[key0]:
if good not in batch2[index0]:
i0 += 1
batch1[i0] = []
batch2[i0] = orders1[key0]
return batch1, batch2
# 然後接下來寫一個從小訂單中選取
def choose_small(orders1, batch1, batch2, small1):
orders1 = dict(orders1)
keys = list(small1)
batch1 = dict(batch1)
batch2 = dict(batch2)
batch1, batch2 = choose_batch(orders1, batch1, batch2, keys)
return batch1, batch2
# 這個是在大的陣列中重新選取
def choose_big(big1, orders1, batch, batch2):
orders1 = dict(orders1)
keys = list(big1)
# 批次陣列有兩種,一種是儲存訂單,一種是儲存貨品
batch1 = dict(batch)
batch2 = dict(batch2)
batch1, batch2 = choose_batch(orders1, batch1, batch2, keys)
return batch1, batch2
# 然後寫一個迭代函式
def gen_ite(order, btch_1, btch_2):
參考遺傳演算法的精英基因保留的思想,我們在迭代的過程中將批次中訂單數較多的保留,這裡每次選取 10% 的批次
:param order: 訂單字典,訂單號對應相應的貨品種類
:param btch_1:
:param btch_2:
:return: 最終多次迭代後的結果
btch_1 = dict(btch_1)
btch_2 = dict(btch_2)
for i0 in range(1):
# 先對批次的訂單數排序 —— 降序排序
btch = sorted(btch_1.items(), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True)
btch_len = len(btch)
index0 = btch_len // 5
# 生成兩個新的字典,和 btch1 , 2 類似
bt1 = {}
bt2 = {}
# 先將精英保留
# 選擇字典
choose_0 = {}
for j in order.keys():
choose_0[j] = 0
for k in range(index0):
for o0 in btch_1[k][1]:
choose_0[o0] = 1
bt1[k] = btch_1[btch[k][0]]
bt2[k] = btch_2[btch[k][0]]
keys = []
for m in order.keys():
if choose[m] == 0:
# # 接下來劃分大小訂單
# big1, small1 = big_and_small(choose, orders)
# print('big: %d small: %d' % (len(big1), len(small1)))
# # 之後根據劃分的大小訂單在得到新的分批
# bt1, bt2 = choose_big(big1, orders, bt1, bt2)
# print(len(bt1), len(bt2))
# # bt1, bt2 = choose_small(orders, bt1, bt2, small1)
# # print(len(bt1), len(bt2))
bt1, bt2 = choose_batch(order, bt1, bt2, keys)
# 然後比較新舊分批的批數來更新批次
if len(bt1) < len(btch_1):
btch_1 = bt1
btch_2 = bt2
print(' 第 %d 次 , 批次數為 %d' % (i0 + 1, len(btch_1)))
le = 0
for bi in btch_1:
le += len(btch_1[bi])
return btch_1, btch_2
# 寫一個計算距離的函式
def compute_dis(order, batch10, goods):
:param order: 其實就是訂單集合,透過訂單可以知道需要的貨品
:param batch10: 批次下的訂單列表
:param goods: 當前批次下的貨物關於貨物列表的索引
:return: 返回距離和
order = dict(order)
batch10 = list(batch10)
goods = dict(goods)
dis = 0
for bat in batch10:
index_max = -1
index_min = -1
for good in order[bat]:
if index_min == -1 and index_max == -1:
index_max = index_min = goods[good]
index_max = max(index_max, goods[good])
index_min = min(index_min, goods[good])
dis += index_max - index_min
return dis
# 寫一個第二問的解決函式
def solution2(order, batch2, batch1):
batch1 = dict(batch1)
batch2 = dict(batch2)
order = dict(order)
pre_total = 0
ans = []
p = 0
total = 0
start0 = time.time()
for batch in batch2.items():
# 現在是對每一個批次
# 先建立貨物種類到下標對映 , 和下標到貨物的對映
good_to_index = {}
index_to_good = batch[1]
for index1 in range(len(index_to_good)):
good = index_to_good[index1]
good_to_index[good] = index1
dis = compute_dis(order, batch1[batch[0]], good_to_index)
print(' 當前第 %d 批原始距離為 %d' % (p + 1, dis))
pre_total += dis
for i0 in range(200000):
j = random.randint(0, len(index_to_good) - 1)
k = random.randint(0, len(index_to_good) - 1)
if j == k:
# 獲取貨物資訊
good1, good2 = index_to_good[j], index_to_good[k]
# 先交換
temp = good_to_index[good1]
good_to_index[good1] = good_to_index[good2]
good_to_index[good2] = temp
if dis > compute_dis(order, batch1[batch[0]], good_to_index):
index_to_good[j], index_to_good[k] = good2, good1
dis = compute_dis(order, batch1[batch[0]], good_to_index)
good_to_index[good1], good_to_index[good2] = good_to_index[good2], good_to_index[good1]
print(' 迭代後 第 %d 批原始距離為 %d' % (p + 1, dis))
total += dis
p += 1
print(' 原始距離 ', pre_total)
print(' 最終距離 ', total)
end0 = time.time()
print(' 時間消耗 ', end0 - start0)
return ans
# 找到訂單的起始點
def find_min_and_max_index(order_good, good_index):
order_good = list(order_good)
good_index = dict(good_index)
min_index = max_index = -1
for good_name in order_good:
if min_index == -1 and max_index == -1:
min_index = max_index = good_index[good_name]
min_index = min(min_index, good_index[good_name])
max_index = max(max_index, good_index[good_name])
return min_index, min_index
def right_find(order, batch1, good_index, pos):
order = dict(order)
batch1 = list(batch1)
good_index = dict(good_index)
ans = ''
j = int(pos)
tar = j
for name in batch1:
i1, i2 = find_min_and_max_index(order[name], good_index)
if i1 >= pos and (j > i1 or j == pos):
j = i1
ans = name
tar = i2
return ans, tar
def left_find(order, batch1, good_index, pos):
order = dict(order)
batch1 = list(batch1)
good_index = dict(good_index)
ans = ''
j = pos
tar = j
for name in batch1:
i1, i2 = find_min_and_max_index(order[name], good_index)
if i1 <= pos and (j < i1 or j == pos):
j = i2
ans = name
tar = i1
return ans, tar
def find_people(distance):
:param distance: 距離陣列
:return: 返回工人的下標
# 答案初始化為下標 0
ans = 0
distance = list(distance)
for i1 in range(1, len(distance)):
if distance[i1] < distance[ans]:
ans = i1
return ans
def solution3(order, batch1, batch2, n):
:param order: 訂單對應的貨品,字典物件
:param batch1: 分批好的訂單,批號對應的訂單
:param batch2: 分批好的訂單對應的貨品種類,批號對應的種類
:param n: 工人的數量
:return: 返回第三問需要的結果
# 先將這些字典物件示例化,實現可變引數在函式內和外的分離
batch1 = dict(batch1)
order = dict(order)
batch2 = dict(batch2)
# 答案,用列表儲存,每一個其實也是列表,分別對應答案需要的答案
ans = []
peo_dis1 = [] # 用來計算每一批員工的總路程
total_dis0 = [] # 總距離
for i1 in range(n):
# 我們遍歷批次
for i1 in batch1.keys():
# 例項化批次對應的訂單和貨品種類,這裡其實還是將其變為陣列的形式
bat_or = list(batch1[i1])
bat_go = list(batch2[i1])
# 貨品在該批次中對應的位置, 即貨架的位置
good_index = {}
# 遍歷一遍訂單和貨品種類,這裡的順序其實就是第二問求解的擺放順序
for ind in range(len(bat_go)):
# 先獲取當前的貨物
good = bat_go[ind]
# 利用字典的對映關係,設定貨物對應的擺放位置的關係
good_index[good] = ind
people = [] # 工人列表,用來儲存工人的位置
task = [] # 任務列表,用來儲存工人當前批乾的第幾個訂單
peo_dis0 = [] # 當前批的距離
# 先將這兩個列表都初始化為 0
for p in range(n):
# 當批次中的訂單還有的時候,需要進行分配
while len(bat_or) > 0:
# 我們可以先進行正向的尋找 , 先找當前最小的下標,同級優先按工人編號尋找
p = find_people(peo_dis0)
# 獲取當前工人的位置
pos = people[p]
# 然後在以當前工人位置為起點,向右尋找最近的訂單,並返回訂單號和訂單完成時工人的位置
name, next_pos = right_find(order, bat_or, good_index, pos)
# 如果找不到訂單,說明右邊沒有訂單了,需要逆向尋找
if name == '':
# 向當前位置最左邊找離最近的訂單
name, next_pos = left_find(order, bat_or, good_index, pos)
task[p] += 1 外匯跟單gendan5.com # 當前工人的任務數 + 1
temp = [name, i1 + 1, p + 1, task[p]] # 當前行的答案
ans.append(temp) # 將這一行的答案新增到最終答案中
bat_or.remove(name) # 將這個訂單從列表中移除
# 計算移動距離
dis = abs(pos - next_pos)
# 加和
peo_dis0[p] += dis
people[p] = next_pos
for ik in range(n):
total_dis0[ik] += peo_dis0[ik]
# 返回答案
return ans, peo_dis1, total_dis0
if __name__ == "__main__":
start = time.time()
# 先寫一個檔案路徑
filepath = ' 附件 1 :訂單資訊 .csv'
# 先讀取檔案
# 使用 pandas 內建的讀取方式
df = pd.read_csv(filepath) # 將檔案讀取為一個 dataframe 格式
con = pd.DataFrame(df, columns=['OrderNo', 'ItemNo'])
orders = {}
for line in con.index:
if not con.iloc[line]['OrderNo'] in orders:
orders[con.iloc[line]['OrderNo']] = []
s = set(orders.keys())
# 選取字典,表示對應訂單是否被選取
choose = {}
# 初始化為未被選取
for key in orders.keys():
choose[key] = 0
big, small = big_and_small(choose, orders)
print(len(big), len(small))
b1, b2 = choose_big(big, orders, {}, {})
b1, b2 = choose_small(orders, b1, b2, small)
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
print(len(b1), len(b2))
btch1, btch2 = dict(b1), dict(b2)
file = open('result1.csv', 'w+')
result1 = 'OrderNo,GroupNo\n'
for b in btch1.keys():
for o in btch1[b]:
result1 += o + ',' + str(b + 1) + '\n'
print(result1, file=file)
ans2 = solution2(orders, batch1=btch1, batch2=btch2)
result2 = 'ItemNo,GroupNo,ShelfNo\n'
for index in btch2.keys():
btch2[index] = ans2[index]
for _i in range(len(ans2[index])):
result2 += ans2[index][_i] + ',' + str(index + 1) + ',' + str(_i + 1) + '\n'
file = open('result2.csv', 'w+')
print(result2, file=file)
ans3, peo_dis, total_dis = solution3(orders, batch2=btch2, batch1=btch1, n=5)
result3 = 'OrderNo,GroupNo,WorkerNo,TaskNo\n'
for a in ans3:
for index in range(len(a)):
result3 += str(a[index])
if index + 1 < len(a):
result3 += ','
result3 += '\n'
file = open('result3.csv', 'w+')
print(result3, file=file)
result4 = ''
for b in peo_dis:
for index in range(len(b)):
result4 += str(b[index])
if index + 1 < len(b):
result4 += ','
result4 += '\n'
file = open(' 員工路程,單批 .csv', 'w+')
print(result4, file=file)
file = open(' 員工路徑總和 .csv', 'w+')
result4 = ''
for i in range(len(total_dis)):
result4 += str(total_dis[i])
if i + 1 < len(total_dis):
result4 += ','
result4 += '\n'
print(result4, file=file)
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/69946337/viewspace-2909701/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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