

A Complete Guide of SAP Variant Configuration


Variant configuration is for manufacturing complex products. The manufacturer can always have to offer new variants of its products. Usually, new variants are created by modifying existing product designs as you process the order. The important thing is to react instantly to customers’ requirements. The product configurator improves the information exchange between sales, engineering, and production. Variant configuration helps the customer to put together specifications for the product and ensure that the product can be produced from these specifications. It also ensures that production costs do not overstep the mark.


In this tutorial, you will learn 透過這篇文章,你能學習:

Introduction to SAP VC SAP VC 介紹

What is Configurable Material? 什麼是可配置物料?

Super BOM in VC VC中的超級BOM

Configuration Profile 配置引數檔案

Variant Tables 變式表

Material Variant and Planning Material 物料變式和計劃物料

Modeling Environment for Variant Configuration VC的建模環境

Introduction to SAP VC /SAP VC 介紹

Variant configuration is for used manufacturing complex products in which customer determines the features of the product. The objective of variant configuration is to react quickly to customers’ requirements. 變式 配置用於製造複雜產品,透過它客戶可以確定產品的特徵。變式配置的目標是快速響應客戶的需求。

Here it doesn’t need to create separate material for each variant of a product. When businesses introduce variant configuration this often goes beyond a business process re-engineering project. The variant configuration offers an opportunity to restructure product structures for which then processes are defined. This has a direct impact on core areas such as marketing and product data management.  在這裡,它不需要為產品的每個變式(可以理解為變體,變型)建立單獨的物料號。當業務引入變式配置時,這通常超出了業務流程重新設計專案的範圍。變式配置提供了重組產品結構的機會,然後定義了相應的流程。這對營銷和產品資料管理等核心領域有直接影響。

Advantages of VC VC的好處

  • It’s no need to Create separate material master for each variant combination. 不用為每一個變式建立單獨的物料主資料。
  • Super BOM and Super Routing are enough for representing all possible Variants and Operations. 使用超級BOM和超級工藝路線就足夠可以用來代表各種不同的變式以及工序。
  • Able to react more flexibly to customer demands. 能夠更靈活的響應客戶需求。
  • It increases the Information exchange between sales, engineering, and production. 提升了銷售,工程和生產之間的資訊交換。

What is Configurable Material? 什麼是可配置物料?

A material with different features or characteristics is known as configurable material. Example: PC, Car. Configurable materials are either created in a material type, allows the configuration (n the standard system, the material type KMAT) or they are given the indicator Configurable in the material master record.  具有不同特點或特徵的物料稱為可配置物料。例如:電腦、汽車。可配置物料可以在物料型別中建立並允許配置(在標準系統中為物料型別KMAT),也可以在物料主記錄中將’可配置的’識別符號勾選上。

Master Data used for VC VC需要使用到的主資料

The following Objects are used as Master data for Variant configuration. 如下是VC需要使用的主資料。

  • Super BOM 超級BOM
  • Super Routing 超級工藝路線
  • Characteristic 特性
  • Class 類
  • Object Dependencies 物件依賴
  • Configuration Profile 配置引數檔案
  • SD Condition records SD條件記錄

Super BOM in VC VC中的超級BOM

Super BOM Contains all the components for producing configurable products. It contains both variants as well as non-variant parts required for producing a configurable product.  超級BOM包含用於生產可配置產品的所有零件。它包含生產可配置產品所需的變式和非變式零件。

Super BOM with Class Item 帶Class行專案的超級BOM

Class items can be used to control the selection of variant parts in a BOM. Variant parts are classified in a class, and the class is entered in the BOM as a class item. When you configure the material then the class is replaced by a suitable variant part.


These are the following steps involved in super BOM with Class: 如下步驟用於定義帶CLASS的超級BOM

  • Determine all Characteristics and its Values assign it to Class with type 200. 定義相關的特性和值,然後指派給一個型別為200的Class。
  • Assign a characteristic Values to materials by using Classification material 透過物料的Classification將特性值分派給物料。
  • Assign class 200 with the material instead of assigning all BOM items.將200型別的Class 分配給物料,而不是將其分配給所有的BOM行專案。
  • Create and Assign class 300 (with same characteristics) with configurable products using configuration profile. 使用配置引數檔案建立並分配300型別的Class(具有相同特徵)給可配置產品。

Super BOM with Material Components

This BOM (bill of material) of a configurable material contains all the components that are required to manufacture the material. The BOM contains components that are only used in specific variants (variant parts), as well as components that are used in all variants (non-variable parts).  可配置物料的BOM(物料清單)包含製造該物料所需的所有元件(零件)。BOM包含僅在特定變式(變型/變種)中使用的零部件,以及在所有變型(非變型零件)中使用的零部件。

These are the following steps involved in super BOM with Material Components:  以下是包含物料元件的超級BOM相關的步驟:

  • Describe all Characteristics and its values assign it to Class with type 300.  描述所有特徵及其值,並將其分配給一個300型別的Class。
  • Assign Class with configurable material in the Configuration profile.  在配置引數檔案中將Class指派給可配置物料。
  • Bill of Material is created with all variant and non-variant items.  建立包含所有變式和非變式行專案的BOM。
  • Describe interdependency between objects (Characteristic, BOM item, Routing Operation, etc?) by using Object Dependencies.  使用物件依賴來描述物件之間的相互依賴關係(特徵、BOM行專案、工藝路線工序等)。
  • Assign class 300 with configurable products using the configuration profiles.  使用配置引數檔案為將300型別的class分配給可配置物料。

Configuration Profile 配置引數檔案

Configuration profile for a material controls the configuration process in the sales order. The configurable profile also used to define central settings for configuring the object. Using this profile it is possible to hide some of the characteristic value defined during character creation. We can assign any number of profiles for a configurable material in which the selection is based on either priority or manual selection during configuration.  物料的配置引數檔案控制銷售訂單中的配置過程。可配置引數檔案還用於定義配置物件的重要設定。使用此引數檔案,可以隱藏特性建立時候定義的某些特徵值。我們可以為可配置物料分配任意數量的引數檔案,當我們處理配置的時候可以基於引數檔案的優先順序或手動方式選擇引數檔案。

By defining a filter in the configuration profile, possible to describe the scope of the BOM items to improve system performance when exploding the BOM. The filter is active in high-level configuration, result-oriented BOMs, and SET processing.  透過在配置引數檔案中定義過濾器,可以描述BOM行專案的範圍,這樣可以在展開BOM時提高系統效能。過濾器可以在高層級配置、面向結果的BOM和SET處理等場合下啟用。

Following objects can be used as a filter: 如下的物件可以用於作為過濾器:

Object type:  Class, material, document, text 物件型別:Class, 物料,文件,文字

  • In the standard system, all object types are selected and therefore collapsed in the configuration. Remove the selection for the object types, which you do not want to be displayed.  在標準系統中,所有物件型別都被選中,因此在配置中被摺疊。對於那些不希望顯示的物件型別,使用者可以刪除被選中的狀態。

Item category:  Example stock or non-stock item  行專案類別比如stock或者non-stock 行專案

  • All item categories in the configuration are collapsed in the standard system. Deselect for the item categories you do not want to be displayed.  配置中的所有行專案類別在標準系統中是被摺疊的。對於不希望顯示的行專案類別,使用者可以取消選擇。

Item status: 行專案狀態

  • You can maintain the status of a BOM item in maintain BOM dependent on its usage. 可以在維護BOM的時候設定BOM行專案的狀態,具體取決於其用途。
  • All the items are visible regardless of their item status in the standard system. However, only the items with this status are displayed when you select specific item statuses. Items are not visible that does not have the selected status. 標準系統中 所有行專案均可見,無論的行專案狀態是什麼。但是,當業務人員選擇某個行專案狀態時,系統僅顯示具有此狀態的行專案,不具有該狀態的行專案則不可見。

Sort string: 排序字串

  • You can use to assign sort strings for BOM items in maintaining BOM and you can restrict the display of the BOM items by using these sort strings.  在維護BOM的時候,你可以為BOM行專案指定排序字串(sort string),並且可以透過使用這些排序字串來限制BOM行專案的顯示。
  • Only items can carry sort strings are checked and only those that match are displayed. Items that have no sort of string are always displayed. 對於有排序字串的行專案,只有當業務人員選中並且匹配的時候,系統才會顯示。 系統會始終顯示沒有設定排序字串的行專案。

Variant Tables 變式表

Tables are used to store combinations of values for different characteristics for example, you can only have a gray car interior if the car’s paintwork is blue.  Tables用於儲存不同特徵的值組合。例如,如果汽車的漆面為藍色,則只能使用灰色的汽車內飾。

Tables are an aid to entry for dependencies. You enter the table in a dependency. The system uses the table to infer and check the values. If the interdependencies between characteristics change that you change the table, not the dependencies.  Tables是輸入依賴的輔助手段。您可以在依賴中輸入該表。SAP系統使用該表來推斷和檢查值。如果特徵之間的相互依賴發生變化,則只用去修改Tables,而不用去修改依賴。


  • You can use tables in selection conditions, preconditions, actions, and constraints.  您可以在選擇條件、前提條件、操作和約束中使用Table。
  • In selection conditions, preconditions, and the conditional part of actions and procedures, tables are used to check the consistency of the values entered.  在選擇條件、前提條件以及操作和程式的條件部分,使用Table檢查輸入值的一致性。
  • In actions, procedures, conditions, and constraints, you can use tables to infer values.  在操作、程式、條件和約束中,您可以使用Table來推斷值。
  • In constraints, you can use tables to restrict the allowed values for a characteristic.  在約束中,您可以使用Table來限制某特徵的允許值。

Material Variant and Planning Material

Material Variant 物料變式

  • Material Variant is a material that can arise from individual Configuration of a configurable product and can be kept in stock 物料變式是一個物料,它產生於可配置產品的某個具體配置結果,它可以擁有庫存。
  • For variants that are required to create material variants frequently, which can be produced without a sales order and kept in stock. When a sales order is received, it is possible to check whether the variant required is in stock, so that it can be delivered immediately.  對於需要頻繁建立物料變式的變式,可以在沒有銷售訂單的情況下生產並保留其庫存。當收到銷售訂單時,可以檢查所需的變式是否有庫存,以便可以立即交付。
  • For material variants, a separate material master record is created with a material type and that is kept in stock. 對於物料變式,使用某個物料型別為之建立獨立的物料主資料,並可以對其做庫存管理。
  • Separate the BOM and routing for a material variant, or you can link the material variant to the BOM and routing of the configurable material. The correct BOM items and operations are defined from the characteristic values assigned to the variant. 我們可以將某個物料變式從BOM和Routing中分離出來, 或者我們可以將物料變式與可配置物料的BOM以及工藝路線關聯起來。正確的BOM行專案和工序是根據分配給變數的特徵值來定義的。

Planning Material 計劃物料

  • Planning Material is a material that contains all the non-variant parts.  計劃物料是包含所有非變式零件的物料。
  • Using the planning material all non-variants are procured/produced before sales order.  使用計劃物料,所有的非變式零件在銷售訂單建立之前前採購/生產。
  • It is also possible to plan the Planning Materials without reference to any sales requirement.  也可以在不參考任何銷售需求的情況下為計劃物料做計劃。
  • Planning material is planned separately by using strategy 65 and produced before sales order creation.  計劃物料使用策略65單獨做計劃,並在建立銷售訂單之前生成。

Modeling Environment for Variant Configuration 變式配置的建模環境

The use modeling environment for Variant Configuration is to view product configuration models in their entirety, edit the objects in the model, and test the model itself. You can specify which configurator is to be used for interactive product configurations involving the material that you have loaded in the modeling environment.  變數配置的建模環境用於檢視產品配置模型的整體,編輯模型中的物件,並測試模型本身。您可以指定哪個配置器將會被用於已載入到建模環境中的物料的互動式產品配置。

You can use this tool as a simple alternative to the traditional functions for maintaining models.  您可以使用此工具作為維護模型的傳統功能的簡單替代方法。

Features 特點

The modeling environment shows the key objects in the form of a model tree. It also provides detailed views for each object and shows the object’s attributes. You can create new objects and you can edit existing ones in both the tree structure and detailed views. The environment is mainly used to create and edit object dependencies.  建模環境以模型樹的形式顯示關鍵物件。它還提供每個物件的詳細檢視,並顯示物件的屬性。可以在樹結構檢視和詳細檢視中建立新物件,也可以修改現有物件。該環境主要用於建立和編輯物件依賴關係。

You can load existing objects that do not belong to the model you are currently editing into your work list in the modeling environment, which groups all the objects that belong to your model in a clear overview. A favorites list allows you to manage frequently used objects separately.  可以將不屬於當前正在編輯的模型的現存物件載入到建模環境中的工作列表中,該工作列表將屬於模型的所有物件分組放在一個清晰的概覽中。收藏夾列表允許使用者單獨管理常用物件。

You can able to test the model directly from the modeling environment. You can also use both the standard Variant Configuration function and the Internet Pricing and Configurator (IPC) to simulate configurations. 使用者 可以直接從建模環境中測試模型,還可以使用標準變式配置功能和Internet Pricing and Configurator(IPC)來模擬配置。


To launch the modeling environment, you can choose Modeling Environment for Variant Configuration from the Variant Configuration menu.  要啟動建模環境,可以從Variant Configuration選單中為Variant Configuration選擇Modeling Environment。

  • Configurable material
  • The class type that is allowed for Variant Configuration
  • Date or change number
  • Plant or BOM application


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