開源免費 PDF 工具集 | Stirling-PDF v0.29.0


開源免費 PDF 工具集 | Stirling-PDF v0.29.0



這是一款使用 Docker 的基於本地託管網路的強大 PDF 操作工具。它能讓你在 PDF 檔案上執行各種操作,包括分割、合併、轉換、重組、新增影像、旋轉、壓縮等。這款本地託管的網路應用程式擁有一整套功能,可滿足您對 PDF 的所有要求。






Major Enhancements

Added https://www.stirlingpdf.com/ to the footer, We have paid support coming for all companies that want it, Please sign up in Contact Us form to find out more in future! Surveys to come...Add image support to multi-tool page by @Frooodle in #1769Add document splitting functionality to the multi-tools page by @FiratUsta in #1808Feature: Split PDFs by Chapters/Bookmarks by @Rudra-241 in #1786Added functionality to set font size and font type to add page numbers in both frontend and backend. by @creator1999 in #1783Introduced legal document support (Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy etc) within settings.yml.Enhanced metrics collection to include unique user counts.

Bug fixes

Change display name WEPB to WEBP by @Ludy87 in #1762[Bug Fix] Multiple Bug Fixes by @FiratUsta in #1836[Bug Fix] Fix Firefox Page Drag Bug by @FiratUsta in #1837

Minor Enhancements/Changes

Footer link to Stirlingpdf.com by @Frooodle in #1827Page Scale: add pageSize KEEP #1798 by @nachokb in #1800Stirling-PDF now sets metadata for all PDF files to mark stirling-pdf as editor/creator etc

Other (Lots of UI fixes and tweaks thankyou!!)

Validates the file name by @Ludy87 in #1793Fix insertFileButton referencing the old addPdfs method. by @FiratUsta in #1809Fixed reduce extra space between input field & button #1829 by @dk-talks in #1848Minor fixes stopping invalid sessions by @Frooodle in #1850fix(stamp): radius styles of color input by @designtesbrot in #1862Changedto get a consistent overlay-pdf form by @DrSommer20 in #1849Changed Spacing between between Buttons and Spacing of Settings Menu by @DrSommer20 in #1864fix:Remove add image and Align download input file with same width as pdf file input by @see-more in #1884Lots of changes by @Frooodle in #1889Update add-watermark.html by @Charan19001A0231 in #1893Metadata handling for all PDF endpoints by @Frooodle in #1894Fix: Left-align the submit button on each card for pdf operation by @Ahar28 in #1897Css changes by @Frooodle in #1899

Docker Updates

[Snyk] Security upgrade alpine from 3.20.2 to 3.20.3 by @Frooodle in #1839[Snyk] Security upgrade alpine from 3.20.2 to 3.20.3 by @Frooodle in #1840Bump alpine from 3.20.2 to 3.20.3 by @dependabot in #1865

Translation Changes

Update german translation by @maxi322 in #1759Updated es_ES translation by @NeilJared in #1776Update messages_de_DE.properties by @Ludy87 in #1784Language change contribution (Hindi) by @Vamsi1810 in #1799Update translation files by @github-actions in #1812test by @Frooodle in #1814Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1815Update messages_sv_SE.properties by @Frooodle in #1820Update messages_ro_RO.properties by @Frooodle in #1822Update messages_ar_AR.properties by @Frooodle in #1825Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1854Update messages_zh_CN.properties by @xifangczy in #1871Update messages_it_IT.properties by @albanobattistella in #1891

Other Changes

Bump springBootVersion from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 by @dependabot in #1763Bump org.springframework.boot from 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 by @dependabot in #1764Update 3rd Party Licenses by @github-actions in #1767removes duplicate dependencies by @Ludy87 in #1792Bump io.micrometer:micrometer-core from 1.13.3 to 1.13.4 by @dependabot in #1866Bump com.fathzer:javaluator from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 by @dependabot in #1867Update 3rd Party Licenses by @github-actions in #1873
