OGG for kafka op_ts 和current_ts相差較大


"op_type":"U","op_ts":"2019-04-30 07:04:36.844662","current_ts":"2019-04-30T15:07:36.778001","pos":"00000016630241124960","before"

發現op_ts 和current_ts相差了8個小時。


OP_TS and CURRENT_TS are not same.

OP_TS : The operation timestamp is the timestamp of the operation from the source trail file. 

Since this timestamp is from the source trail it is "fixed". 

Replaying the trail file will result in the same timestamp for the same operation.

CURRENT_TS : The current timestamp is a timestamp of the current time when formatter processes the current operation

 record. This timestamp follows the ISO-8601 format and includes microsecond precision. 

Replaying the trail file "will not" result in the same timestamp for the same operation.

這是由屬性檔案裡的goldengate.userexit.timestamp=utc 引數引起。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/29863023/viewspace-2643037/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
