比如x.__add__(y) 等價於 x+y
x.__contains__(y) 等價於 y in x, 在list,str, dict,set等容器中有這個函式
__base__, __bases__, __mro__, 關於類繼承和函式查詢路徑的。
class.__subclasses__(), 返回子類列表
x.__call__(...) == x(...)
x.__cmp__(y) == cmp(x,y)
x.__getattribute__('name') == == getattr(x, 'name'), 比__getattr__更早呼叫
x.__hash__() == hash(x)
x.__sizeof__(), x在記憶體中的位元組數, x為class得話, 就應該是x.__basicsize__
x.__delattr__('name') == del
__dictoffset__ attribute tells you the offset to where you find the pointer to the __dict__ object in any instance object that has one. It is in bytes.
__flags__, 返回一串數字,用來判斷該型別能否被序列化(if it's a heap type), __flags__ & 512
S.__format__, 有些類有用
x.__getitem__(y) == x[y], 相應還有__setitem__, 某些不可修改型別如set,str沒有__setitem__
x.__getslice__(i, j) == x[i:j], 有個疑問,x='123456789', x[::2],是咋實現得
__subclasscheck__(), check if a class is subclass
__instancecheck__(), check if an object is an instance
__itemsize__, These fields allow calculating the size in bytes of instances of the type. 0是可變長度, 非0則是固定長度
x.__mod__(y) == x%y, x.__rmod__(y) == y%x
x.__module__ , x所屬模組
x.__mul__(y) == x*y, x.__rmul__(y) == y*x
比如x.__add__(y) 等價於 x+y
x.__contains__(y) 等價於 y in x, 在list,str, dict,set等容器中有這個函式
__base__, __bases__, __mro__, 關於類繼承和函式查詢路徑的。
class.__subclasses__(), 返回子類列表
x.__call__(...) == x(...)
x.__cmp__(y) == cmp(x,y)
x.__getattribute__('name') == == getattr(x, 'name'), 比__getattr__更早呼叫
x.__hash__() == hash(x)
x.__sizeof__(), x在記憶體中的位元組數, x為class得話, 就應該是x.__basicsize__
x.__delattr__('name') == del
__dictoffset__ attribute tells you the offset to where you find the pointer to the __dict__ object in any instance object that has one. It is in bytes.
__flags__, 返回一串數字,用來判斷該型別能否被序列化(if it's a heap type), __flags__ & 512
S.__format__, 有些類有用
x.__getitem__(y) == x[y], 相應還有__setitem__, 某些不可修改型別如set,str沒有__setitem__
x.__getslice__(i, j) == x[i:j], 有個疑問,x='123456789', x[::2],是咋實現得
__subclasscheck__(), check if a class is subclass
__instancecheck__(), check if an object is an instance
__itemsize__, These fields allow calculating the size in bytes of instances of the type. 0是可變長度, 非0則是固定長度
x.__mod__(y) == x%y, x.__rmod__(y) == y%x
x.__module__ , x所屬模組
x.__mul__(y) == x*y, x.__rmul__(y) == y*x
__reduce__, __reduce_ex__ , for pickle
__slots__ 使用之後類變成靜態一樣,沒有了__dict__, 例項也不可新新增屬性
__getattr__ 在一般的查詢屬性查詢不到之後會呼叫此函式
__setattr__ 取代一般的賦值操作,如果有此函式會呼叫此函式, 如想呼叫正常賦值途徑用 object.__setattr__(self, name, value)
__delattr__ 同__setattr__, 在del obj.name有意義時會呼叫
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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