ir-iso 流程說明
轉自 [@more@]Internal Requisitions
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/11/2009 - 21:53
Internal requisitions provide the mechanism for requesting and transferring material from inventory to other inventory or expense locations. When Purchasing, Order Management, Shipping Execution, and Inventory are installed, they combine to give you a flexible solution for your inter–organization and intra–organization requests.
With Internal requisition You can be able to:
Use internal requisitions to move inventory items from one inventory organization to another, even if that organization belongs to a different operating unit, legal entity, or set of books
Set up your supply chain and automatically source your requirements from inventory or suppliers : Purchasing and Inventory combine to provide the flexibility you need to define your item sourcing information. You can use the default
sourcing options to automatically determine the correct source type and source for your requests. You can specify either Inventory or Supplier as the default source type, as well as the source organization and subinventory for internal requests.
Define your inter–organization shipping network, and optionally require that you use internal orders for your inter–organization transfers : Inventory provides the features you need to define your inter–organization shipping network. For transfers between two organizations, you can specify whether to use intransit or direct shipments. You can also require internal orders for transfers between specific organizations.
Use intransit inventory when you want to track items as they move between organizations
Automatically generate inventory replenishment requisitions and fulfill them via internal or external suppliers : Inventory generates replenishment requisitions through min–max planning, reorder point planning, subinventory replenishment for
replenishment counts, and Kanban replenishment. Purchasing uses your item sourcing information to create inter–organization or subinventory transfer requests.
Automatically source MRP generated requisitions to internal or external suppliers : MRP generated requisitions are sourced using the same item sourcing information that you define for inventory replenishment and on–line requisitions. For ”buy” items, the Requisition Import process uses the item sourcing information to create either a purchase requisition or an
inter–organization internal requisition for planned orders. Creating Online Requisitions : You can create on–line internal requisitions for both expense and inventory destinations using the same windows you use to create purchase requisitions. You can combine inventory and supplier sourced requisition lines on the same requisition. Also, Purchasing uses your item sourcing information to default the correct source type and supplier for the item and destination. You can define requisition templates for commonly requested internally sourced items.
Baisc Order Flow
The Order flow of internal SO is shown in below diagram.
Minimum Set Ups
Material movement from M1(Destination-PO) to M2(Source-OM)
1. Item Setup
Navigate to Inventory -> Items -> Master Items
a. Apply the 'Purchased Item' template
b. Internal Ordered Internal Orders Enabled
c. Assignment in both orgs
2. Cost Set up (M2)
a. Navigate to Inventory -> Costs -> Item Costs
Cost Element : Material
Sub-Element : Material
Basis : Item
Rate or Amount : 23
Cost Type : Pending
b. Inventory -> Costs -> Standard Cost Update -> Update Costs
Run the standard cost update and verify that a new line is added at item cost with frozen cost.
3. Shipping Network Setup
Verify setup for inter organization Shipping Network between M2 and M1
- Navigate to Inventory -> Setup -> Organizations -> Shipping Networks
Transfer Type : Intransit
FOB : Receipt
Receipt Routing : Direct
Internal Order Required : checked
4. Define Inter-Location Transit Times (optional for testflow)
- Go to Inventory -> Setup -> Organizations -> Inter-Location Transit Times
- Go to View -> Find and enter
Origin Type : Location
Origin : M2- Boston
Destination Type : Location
Destination : M1- Seattle
- Enter the Ship Method and Intransit Time such as :
Ship Method : Airborne
Intransit Time : 5
Default Method : check
5. Need to define customer location associations for both source and destination operating units
a. Org M1 needs to defined as a customer
Create a location which can be used as the ship to location for customer M1 and enter this in ship to to site Interla location
b. Do the same location association for the other organization by defining a new address (This setup is required if its across OU/SOB)
b. No Sales Credit in sales person.
6. Verify the transaction type and order source (this is already done in Vision environment)
a. Order Type : New_Internal_ordertype in M2
The internal sales order in OM will be created with this order type
Order Source : Internal
The internal sales order will be imported into OM with this order source
New_Internal_ordertype should have Shipping source type as internal.
b. A new document category is attached with the above order type. Attach a document sequence to it.
c. Navigate to Purchasing -> Setup -> Organizations -> Purchasing Options (M2)
- Click on the Internal Requisitions tab
- Notice the Order Type and Order Source setup
Important Points
1. An Internal Order does not generate an Accounts Receivable invoice.
2. The price on the internal sales order line comes directly from the price on the requisition line. OrderImport does not use the price list to recalculate the line price.
Although internal requisitions use the item’s cost as the price, Order Management requires price lists to process all sales orders. Define a price list for use with the internal requisition order type. You do not need to add any lines to the price list.
However, the price that is used when posting the intercompany payables and receivables information is the item cost plus any markup defined in the shipping network.
3. The process that would do the accounting entries is also indicated – Cost processor, Inter-Company Invoicing, Receiving processor.
4. An Internal Order is view only, changes can only be made to Shipping information.
5. An Internal Order can only have one schedule date, and cannot be split into multiple partial quantities/shipments.
6. Getting error - APP-18370 Incomplete Ship Set - when trying to Pick Release order. Make sure that the item setup does not have the item set to ATO.
7. The user creating a requisition attached as an employee in Human Resources.
Demand for Internal Requisitions
Internal Requisition Approvals
Create internal requisition
Creation of Internal Sales Orders
Run Import Orders
Management of Internal Sales Orders
Internal Orders process through INV, PO and OM.
IR ISO across Operating unit
‹ Using Requisition Templates up Demand for Internal Requisitions ›
Comments Could not understand the step
by Anonymous - 07/10/2009 - 10:49
Could not understand the step 5..
Please explain
reply IR/ISO Vs Inter-Org
by Anonymous - 12/24/2008 - 09:50
It is a process used to request and transfer material from one inventory to another with the Same or Different Operating Unit. This is usually initiated in Oracle Purchasing which creates a Requisition and upon running the Create Internal Sales Order Concurrent program, the order is loaded into the Order Import Tables. The Order Import program is run in the Order Management of the Operating Unit in which the Orders needs to be Created. The Order is then booked and shipped and received in the destination organization. The invoicing activity depends on the company rules.
Inter Org Transfers are the material transfers within two Organizations that are under the same Operating Unit. There is no creation of the sales orders or anything but a regular material transfer from one org to another. The item needs to be defined in both the Organizations. This is usually done to maintain the inventory balances and there is no actual shipping process that is defined for this.
Advantages of IR/IS over Inetr-org
Approval - Approval process is possible in ISO but it is not possible in Inter-Org transfer.
Pick-slip - Internal sales order has sales document (i.e proforma invoice) where as inter org transfer is just transfer between inventory orgs.
RMAs for IR but no cancel in inetr-org.
If you are moving serialized items setup with serialization control 'At Sales Order Issue' then Internal Requisitions (Internal Orders) are best because the item serial numbers are updated on shipment and receipt. Inter Org transfers are good to move non serial controlled items or items setup with serialization 'At Receipt'.
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