Oracle Binary Cloning
Source Server:
steps 1:
ORACLE_HOME: /JASUATDB01//oracle/product/
Tar the oracle home
$cd /JASUATDB01//oracle/product
$tar -cvf
Destination server:
Steps 2:
Copy the oracle binary tar file from source server to Destination server.
$mkdir -p /JASUATDB01//oracle/product
$cd /JASUATDB01//oracle/product
$sftp oracle@source
$cd /JASUATDB01//oracle/product
$tar -cvf
Steps 3:
Create the oratab file in appropriate path.
Enter the detail first in oratab: Eg..
Cat Oratab
cd /var/opt/oracle/oratab
Steps 4:
Invoke the oraenv ( Optional method)
I need to create the testdb instance in dest server.
export ORACLE_HOME=/JASUATDB01//oracle/product/
Source the SID ----- Here it is testdb
. oraenv
Steps 5:
Create the oraInst.loc in appropriate path.
Edit the oraInst.loc
Steps 6:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin
edit *.sh(modify ORACLE_HOME if needed, i.e.: replace ECDSUAT to ECDSPRD)
# ORACLE_HOME_NAME should be diff in source/target in the same machine
./runInstaller -clone -silent -invPtrLoc /home/oracle/oraInst.loc -ignoreSysPrereqs ORACLE_HOME="/ECDSPRDDB01/oracle/product/10.2.0" ORACLE_HOME_NAME="OHOME10"
Steps 7:
Execute the relink all
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
$ls -lart relink*
$relink all
Note: is a script that allows users that do not belong to the "dba" group to access and execute files in the ORACLE_HOME directory; run the file in $ORACLE_HOME/install
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