Oracle leading vs. ordered hints
The "ordered" hint is extremely useful for cutting-down query parse time and ensuring proper table join order for static tables and queries.
- Good article on using the ordered hint
- The "leading" hint is ignored if the tables specified cannot be joined first in the order specified
- If you specify two or more conflicting LEADING hints – all of them are ignored
- The ORDERED hint overrides all LEADING hints
/* ORDERED */ Hint – Oracle joins tables
in the order in which they appear in the FROM
- The optimizer normally chooses the order in which to join the tables, but it's time-consuming and wrong if you have bad CBO stats (especially histograms)
- You may want to specify the "ordered" hint if you know something about the number of rows selected from each table that the optimizer does not
The Oracle documentation notes the difference between the "ordered" and "leading" hints:
The LEADING hint causes Oracle to use
the specified table as the first table in
the join order.
If you specify two or more LEADING hints on
different tables, then all of them are
ignored. If you specify the ORDERED hint,
then it overrides all LEADING hints.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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