SCM605--Controlling Sales Documents with the Item Category
1.Functions and Customizing of Item Categories
*The delivery relevance indicator is only for items without schedule lines. You can indicate that a text item is relevant for delivery, for example, so that the system copies this item from the sales order into the delivery document.
*The assignment of item category to sales document type is influenced by:
.The item category group from the material master record
The item category group allows you to group different materials that behave in a similar way during sales and distribution processes.
.The item usage indicator
Item usage is nothing more than ABAP programs, which in certain cases are set internally in the program. The system usage type TEXT if the user enters an item in a sales document by entering data in the Description field without specifying a material number. Usage type FREE is used for controlling the free goods item.
.The Item category of a higher-level item (in the case of a sub-item)
2.Bills of Material (BOMs) in the Sales Document
*A specific item category group assigned to the material master record of the main item defines which item categories are assigned to the main item.
Item category determination in the sales order.
.1st key field: SaTu Sales document type
.2nd key field: ItCGr Item category group
.3rd key field: Usage Item usage
.4th key field: HlevItCa Item category of higher-level item
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