AC040--Postings to CO from Other Components
1.Postings From Other Applications
*This controlling document has a unique number and contains the following details:
.Controlling object that was posted to
.Cost element used
.Posted amount
*Posting costs and revenues to Controlling can result in real and statistical postings:
.You can settle true postings with other CO objects.
.Statistical postings are for information purposes only
*When a journal entry is created in FI that includes an expense line item, that expense can be posted to Controlling as a cost if the following conditions are met:
.A primary cost element that corresponds to the expense account used in the FI journal entry has been created in CO.
.A valid cost center is referenced in the FI line item.
*Once posted, the purchase order record creates a commitment line item for the cost center entered in the purchase order item.Subsequently, when actual costs are incurred (for example, when the ordered goods are delivered), the SAP R/3 system clears the commitment and posts the actual costs.
2.Statistical and Real Postings
*Posting to a Statistical Order
*Posting to a Statistical Order
*Posting to a Profitability Segment
1.Enter a G/L account posting.
Choose Accounting →Financial Accounting →General Ledger → Document Entry →Enter G/L Account Document.
In the Cost Center field for the debit entry, enter SERV-##.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
Double-click the Cost Centers: Actual Line Items report.
2.Choose Logistics →Materials Management →Inventory Management→Goods Movement →Goods Issue. Choose the second occurrence of Goods Issue
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
3.Choose Logistics →Materials Management →Purchasing →Purchase Order →Create →Vendor/Supplying Plant Known.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting→Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Additional Key Figures →Cost Centers:Actual/Plan/Commitments.
Double-click the Cost Centers: Commitment Line Items report.
4.Create a statistical order.
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Internal Orders →Master Data→Order Manager
Choose Control Data.Select Statistical Order
5.Choose Accounting →Financial Accounting →General Ledger → Document Entry →Enter G/L Account Document.
In the Order field, enter a order number in above 4.
In the Cost Center field, enter SERV-##
Choose Accounting →Controlling →Cost Center Accounting →Information System →Reports for Cost Center Accounting →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Cost Centers: Actual/Plan/Variance.
Choose Internal Orders →Information System →Reports for Internal Orders →Plan/Actual Comparisons →Orders: Actual/Plan/Variance.
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