No OAM Application Manager Link in R12 after a fresh installation
Applies to:
Oracle Applications Manager - Version: 12.0This problem can occur on any platform.
When log in as SYSADMIN user after a fresh installation of Oracle Applications R12, there is no link for OAM.
The current documentation (AD utilities, page 1-23) assumes that OAM is immediately accessible after logging into the applications and that the dashboard immediately pops up after the login, which is not correct..
There is no more direct login page to OAM in R12 as per unpublished Bug 5601528.
There will be no direct access to oamLogin servlet. Everything will go thru Standard Self Service Login-->System Administration-->OAM Links.
The "System Administration" responsibility is not available by default. The "System Administration" responsibility is needed to allow access to OAM.
To enable OAM, please execute the following steps:1. Login as sysadmin/
2. Choose System Administrator
3. Go to User Define and query up %sysadmin%
4. Add the responsibility System Administration
5. Save and exit applications.
6. Bounce services - and (located in
7. Login as sysadmin and choose "System Administration"
You should now be able to see the following OAM links:
Oracle Applications Manager
License Manager
Service Fulfillment Manager
Patching and Utilities
Purging/Critical Activities
System Alerts
Applications Usage
Business Flows
Database Status
System Configuration Overview
Forms Monitoring
Concurrent Managers
Concurrent Requests
OAM Setup
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