stock Types
Used in the determination of available stock of a material, the Stock Type is the sub-division of inventory at a storage location based on the use of that inventory. In SAP, there are many kinds of stock types:
[@more@]Valuated Stocks are the stocks which belongs to your company. There are three types of valuated stocks
- Unrestricted Stock is the physical stock that is always available at a plant/storage location
- Quality Inspection Stock is not counted for unrestricted use and may be made available for MRP. To give an example, you want to do inspection on arrival, you shift your stock to Quality inspection stock then you do the quality inspection
- Blocked stock is not counted as unrestricted stock and is not available for MRP.
Non Valuated stock is the stock which you will keep in your premised and this is not valuated in your company
- The GR-blocked stock denotes all the stock accepted ‘conditionally’ from the vendors. This stock is not considered available for ‘unrestricted use.’ You will use the Movement Type 103 for the GR-blocked stock and Movement Type 101 is used for a normal GR.
Special stock is the stock managed separately that does not belong to company or that are stored at particular location:
Individual Customer (Sales Order) Stock (E)
Individual customer (make-to-order) stock is managed in WM using a special stock number and the special stock indicator E. The special stock number is made up of the sales order number (10 digits) and the sales order item (6 digits).
Consignment Stock (K)
Stock of materials made available by the vendor and stored on the premises of the ordering party. This stock remains in the ownership of the vendor until it is removed from the warehouse and used for production purposes or taken over into the company's own valuated stock.
Consignment stock is managed in WM using a special stock number and the special stock indicator K. The special stock number for consignment stock is the same as the supplier (vendor) number.
Returnable Transport Packaging (RTP) Vendor (M)
Multi-trip packaging medium (such as pallets or containers) in which goods can be transported between vendors and customers. It is the property of the vendor and is therefore not included in the customer's valuated stock.
Project Stock (Q)
Material which is held in the warehouse for the completion of a project. For project stock, the system checks to see whether a corresponding master record exists.
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