Utility class to convert Hex strings to ByteArray or String types.
import flash.utils.ByteArray; public class Hex { /** * Support straight hex, or colon-laced hex. * (that means 23:03:0e:f0, but *NOT* 23:3:e:f0) * Whitespace characters are ignored. */ public static function toArray(hex:String):ByteArray { hex = hex.replace(/\s|:/gm,''); var a:ByteArray = new ByteArray; if (hex.length&1==1) hex="0"+hex; for (var i:uint=0;i<hex.length;i+=2) { a[i/2] = parseInt(hex.substr(i,2),16); } return a; } public static function fromArray(array:ByteArray, colons:Boolean=false):String { var s:String = ""; for (var i:uint=0;i<array.length;i++) { s+=("0"+array[i].toString(16)).substr(-2,2); if (colons) { if (i<array.length-1) s+=":"; } } return s; } /** * * @param hex * @return a UTF-8 string decoded from hex * */ public static function toString(hex:String):String { var a:ByteArray = toArray(hex); return a.readUTFBytes(a.length); } /** * * @param str * @return a hex string encoded from the UTF-8 string str * */ public static function fromString(str:String, colons:Boolean=false):String { var a:ByteArray = new ByteArray; a.writeUTFBytes(str); return fromArray(a, colons); } }
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