be made of ,be made from , be made by , be made in 的區別
[@more@]be made of 和be made from 後面均接“原料”
be made of能看出原材料: The desk is made of wood.
be made from不能看出原材料:The paper is made from wood.
be made by +人表示“由某人或廠家製造”
be made in + 地點表示“在某地製造”
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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- Artificial、 synthetic和man made的區別
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- select into from 和 insert into select 的用法和區別
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- LinkedList和ArrayList的區別、Vector和ArrayList的區別
- http和https的區別/get和post的區別HTTP
- ||和??的區別
- /*和/**的區別
- ??與?:的區別
- 蜂蜜的區別
- 神From不再 From Software的內憂與外患
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- 值型別與引用型別的區別型別
- scala中:: , +:, :+, :::, +++的區別
- jquery $(this) 和this的區別jQuery
- JQuery this和$(this)的區別jQuery
- T和?的區別
- makefile =和:=的區別
- ++a和a++的區別
- @synthesize @dynamic 的區別
- CMM/CMMI 的區別
- ../和./和/的區別
- ./ 和sh 的區別
- JavaScript中的“=、==、===”區別JavaScript
- python 中 is, is not ,==, != 的區別Python
- == euqals hascode的區別