Best Practice in Writing
Keep it Clear
Use headings and subheadings to make the topic apparent
Outline the content in a short introductory paragraph
Use timely and accurate content
Keep it Concise
Use bullets rather than paragraphs
Use boldface to highlight your main points
Break large amounts of information into smaller pages that link to one another
Make it Compelling
Write clear, simple, and straightforward text
Use the active voice
Keep paragraphs short
Make it Correct
Check grammar and spelling
Write in the language of your audience
Keep hyperlinks up-to-date
Do not write to show your profound grasp of complex concepts and terminology.
Use simple words and sentences.
Examples: use "did" not "accomplished"; use "improve" not "ameliorate"; use "require" not "necessitate".
Use specific, concrete words.
Example: "Meet in 10UB at noon" not "Meet in the room near the elevator on the third floor of building 10 at lunchtime."
Avoid clichés, idioms, and slang.
Example: "In technical writing, avoid humor like the plague." (cliché)
Limit jargon
Examples: use "print" not "generate output"; use "find the word"not "locate the search string".
Define all acronyms and spell out abbreviations in first use.
Example: "TLA (Three-Letter Acronym)."
Do not use apostrophes(') in the plurals of word forms or acronyms.
Example: PCs, GMs.
Do not use Latin abbreviations.
Example: use "and so forth" not "etc.," use "that is" not "i.e."
Avoid any suggestion of humor that is based on age, culture, nationality, politics, race, religion, or sex.
Humor does not translate well, and some readers may find it confusing or offensive.
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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