With big and bright eyes, curved eyebrows, gray brown eyes, healthy skin tone, and a tied ponytail, she started running with her and bounced like a squirrel. This sunny and energetic girl is my best friend, the one who has had an extremely great impact on me.
We have been together for four years, and we have been playing together since our first year of high school. When it comes to how deep our friendship is, not to mention the way we held hands to the bathroom, the double snacks our mother brought us, or every important holiday we spent together. Just by looking at each other, we can guess what each other is thinking, which shows how deep our friendship is.
In the years we've been together, her influence on me has been tremendous. Teach me to be positive, love myself, be confident, and give me encouragement after listening to my complaints... She is a very positive little girl, and it seems like nothing is bothering her anymore. I didn't get good results in the the first mock examina.
Writing on important details
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