Moving the tempdb database(SQL server)
Moving the tempdb database
tempdb files by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.1. | Determine the logical file names for the tempdb database by using sp_helpfile as follows:
use tempdbThe logical name for each file is contained in the name column. This example uses the default file names of tempdev and templog. |
2. | Use the ALTER DATABASE statement, specifying the logical
file name as follows:
use masterYou should receive the following messages that confirm the change:
Message 1
Message 2 |
3. | Using sp_helpfile in tempdb will not confirm these changes until you restart SQL Server. |
4. | Stop and then restart SQL Server. |
Moving the tempdb database
tempdb files by using the ALTER DATABASE statement.1. | Determine the logical file names for the tempdb database by using sp_helpfile as follows:
use tempdbThe logical name for each file is contained in the name column. This example uses the default file names of tempdev and templog. |
2. | Use the ALTER DATABASE statement, specifying the logical
file name as follows:
use masterYou should receive the following messages that confirm the change:
Message 1
Message 2 |
3. | Using sp_helpfile in tempdb will not confirm these changes until you restart SQL Server. |
4. | Stop and then restart SQL Server. |
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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