設定Windows Logon 的開機法律條款通知:

  1. 進入AD Users and computers
  2. GPO針對域中所有計算機,所以,一定要在域(like xxx.com etc)的下面,建立一個OU: WorkStation;
  3. Computers內除了服務的機器外,所有工作站拉入這個WorkStation.
  4. 右鍵,properties->Group Policy-> New->輸入 “[company name] LegalNotice”
  5. Computer Cofiguration---Windows Settings---Security Settings---Local Policies---Security Options---Interactive logon:Message text for users attempting to log on Interactive logon:Message title for users attempting to log on
  6. Title裡面輸入如下內容 “[company name]Legal Notice”
  7. Text裡面輸入如下內容:““This PC and server system is for the use by the staff of [company name] and authorised third parties only. Any other use is strictly prohibited. Use of this server system will be in accordance with [company name] policies and procedures. By signing on to the PC and server system you acknowledge that you have received and will comply with these policies and procedures.”


  1. 重複上面123
  2. Workstation-> 右鍵 ->Create and link a GPO Here->xxx LeaglNotice->右鍵->Edit->同上面567


· GPOLegalNotice是針對機器,所以,最好先建立一個含機器名的OU.

· 在新生成WorkstationOU,並已經將機器成員拉入這個OU後,請千萬小心不要刪除該Workstation,否則下面的機器將會一併刪除。

· GPMC裡面的Workstation顯示的也是OU,並不是策略。

· 策略是在Group Policy Objects下面表現出來的。

· 對於OU附已經存在的組策略,是在OU右鍵選擇“Link an Existing GPO…”


1、 恢復AD的備份。

2、 一臺臺機器去重新註冊。

來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:http://blog.itpub.net/10292431/viewspace-921324/,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
