T-codes of sales report and information enquiry
Daily sales report (month to day sales)
Sales analysis invoiced - MC-E, MC+E
Sales analysis invoiced by sales manager (sales district, salesman) - MCSI (S901), MC+2, MC(I
Open orders report - YOPO
Monthly sales report
Sales report grouped by principle - Generic Billing Reports/Principle Report (SAP BW)
Sales report grouped by principle - Done by Stella through SAP Quickviewer
Order status
Sales orders - VA05, VA03
Back orders - V_RA
Blocked orders - V.14
Information enquiry
Checking available material stock - MM03, MMBE
Checking customer master data - XD03
Checking selling price - VK13
SAP Transaction Code for Sales Analysis
SAP T-code Use / Function Selection
MC+2 Invoiced sales analysis group by period (month) - excluded credit memo Sales organization / Sales district / Sold-to party / Material
MC+E Invoiced sales analysis group by period (month) Sales organization / Customer / Material
MC-E Invoiced sales analysis group by period (month) Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office
MC(I Income sales orders group by period (month) Sales organization / Sales district / Sold-to party
MCSI (S900) Sales with Customer Extra - daily sales Sales organization / MPG / Material
MCSI (S901) Sales with Customer Extra - excluded credit memo
Sales organization / MPG / Material / Sold-to party / Sales offic / Sales employee
YOPO Open Orders Report Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office / Customer / Principle customer
V.14 Blocked sales order Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office
VA05 Sales Order List Sold-to party / Material
VA03 Sales Order Display Order No.
V_RA Back Orders List Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office / Sales document / Material / Sold-to party
Daily sales report (month to day sales)
Sales analysis invoiced - MC-E, MC+E
Sales analysis invoiced by sales manager (sales district, salesman) - MCSI (S901), MC+2, MC(I
Open orders report - YOPO
Monthly sales report
Sales report grouped by principle - Generic Billing Reports/Principle Report (SAP BW)
Sales report grouped by principle - Done by Stella through SAP Quickviewer
Order status
Sales orders - VA05, VA03
Back orders - V_RA
Blocked orders - V.14
Information enquiry
Checking available material stock - MM03, MMBE
Checking customer master data - XD03
Checking selling price - VK13
SAP Transaction Code for Sales Analysis
SAP T-code Use / Function Selection
MC+2 Invoiced sales analysis group by period (month) - excluded credit memo Sales organization / Sales district / Sold-to party / Material
MC+E Invoiced sales analysis group by period (month) Sales organization / Customer / Material
MC-E Invoiced sales analysis group by period (month) Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office
MC(I Income sales orders group by period (month) Sales organization / Sales district / Sold-to party
MCSI (S900) Sales with Customer Extra - daily sales Sales organization / MPG / Material
MCSI (S901) Sales with Customer Extra - excluded credit memo
Sales organization / MPG / Material / Sold-to party / Sales offic / Sales employee
YOPO Open Orders Report Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office / Customer / Principle customer
V.14 Blocked sales order Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office
VA05 Sales Order List Sold-to party / Material
VA03 Sales Order Display Order No.
V_RA Back Orders List Sales organization / Sales group / Sales office / Sales document / Material / Sold-to party
SAP Transaction Code for Information Checking
SAP T-code Use / Function Selection
XD03 Display Customer master data Customer / Company code
VK13 Display price record Condition type / Sales organization / Customer / MPG etc.
MM03 Display material master data Material
MMBE Display Plant Stock Material / Plant / Storage location / Batch
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