Change in Company Code Currency in SAP
This will be a big task for you.
We did the same project before.
What's your strategy?
You`ll use the same client for the new currency, or you`ll have a brand new one.
What we`ve done before was creating a brand new environtment.
These were our strategies :
1. copied all the customization in a new client, no transactions and no master datas. so you`ll have the same settings
with your live system.
2. created a new company code with the new currency, and copy all the customization. this step was to minimize our
step in recustomization.
3. uploaded all the master datas...and started to do a new transaction. thats what we did. and fortunately our client
was satisfied w our job:D
The suggestion is don't do that in a live system or else you`ll have a big problem then.
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