Multiple Buffer Pools (83)


You can configure the database buffer cache with separate buffer pools that either keep

data in the buffer cache or make the buffers available for new data immediately after

using the data blocks. Particular schema objects (tables, clusters, indexes, and

partitions) can then be assigned to the appropriate buffer pool to control the way their

data blocks age out of the cache.

The KEEP buffer pool retains the schema objects data blocks in memory.

The RECYCLE buffer pool eliminates data blocks from memory as soon as they are

no longer needed.

The DEFAULT buffer pool contains data blocks from schema objects that are not

assigned to any buffer pool, as well as schema objects that are explicitly assigned

to the DEFAULT pool.

The initialization parameters that configure the KEEP and RECYCLE buffer pools are


Note: Multiple buffer pools are only available for the standard block

size. Non-standard block size caches have a single DEFAULT pool.




需要注意的是 多個池結構只對標準塊可用 非標準塊使用的是default


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