



多表join時,建議建立代理integer 鍵,以及為這些鍵建立索引;


如果要對資料進行排序及分組(GROUP BY or ORDER BY)首選聚焦索引(Clustered indexes);



可以用sp_Msforeachtable對索引進行重建,語法:sp_MSforeachtable @command1="print '?' DBCC DBREINDEX ('?')"


covering index
· if you know that your application will be performing the same query over and over on the same table, consider creating a covering index on the table. A covering index, which is a form of a composite index, includes all of the columns referenced in SELECT, JOIN, and WHERE clauses of a query. Because of this, the index contains the data you are looking for and SQL Server doesn't have to look up the actual data in the table, reducing logical and/or physical I/O, and boosting performance.
On the other hand, if the covering index gets too big (has too many columns), this can increase I/O and degrade performance. Generally, when creating covering indexes, follow these guidelines:
· If the query or queries you run using the covering index are seldom run, then the overhead of the covering index may outweigh the benefits it provides.
· The covering index should not add significantly to the size of the key. If it does, then it its use may not outweigh the benefits it provides.
· The covering index must include all columns found in the SELECT list, the JOIN clause, and the WHERE clause.
One clue to whether or not a query can be helped by a covering index is if the execution plan of the query uses a Bookmark Lookup. If it does, then adding a covering index is almost always beneficial.


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