SQL-02122 Invalid OPEN or PREPARE for this database connection
An attempt was made to execute an OPEN or a PREPARE statement using a cursor that is currently open for another database connection and, therefore, cannot be used for this connection.
Close the cursor to make it available for this connection or use a different cursor for this connection.
EXEC SQL at :db_name prepare COUNTHR_SEL from :H_sql;
第一次查詢如果出現table or view not exists這種錯
第二次查詢就會報 SQL-02122的錯
An attempt was made to execute an OPEN or a PREPARE statement using a cursor that is currently open for another database connection and, therefore, cannot be used for this connection.
Close the cursor to make it available for this connection or use a different cursor for this connection.
EXEC SQL at :db_name prepare COUNTHR_SEL from :H_sql;
第一次查詢如果出現table or view not exists這種錯
第二次查詢就會報 SQL-02122的錯
來自 “ ITPUB部落格 ” ,連結:,如需轉載,請註明出處,否則將追究法律責任。
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